Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!

Policies & Accreditation


Hebrew College is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).

Accreditation of an institution of higher education by NECHE indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of institutional quality periodically applied though a peer review process. An accredited college or university is one which has available the necessary resources to achieve its stated purposes through appropriate educational programs, is substantially doing so, and gives reasonable evidence that it will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Institutional integrity is also addressed through accreditation.

Accreditation by the Commission is not partial but applies to the institution as a whole. As such, it is not a guarantee of every course or program offered, or the competence of individual graduates. Rather, it provides reasonable assurance about the quality of opportunities available to students who attend the institution.

Inquiries regarding the accreditation status by the Commission should be directed to the administrative staff of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission of Higher Education 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Suite 100, Burlington, MA 01803-4514 (781) 425 7785 E-Mail: info@neche.org.



The policies and procedures note below, as well as additional reference information such as campus contacts and the academic calendar, can be found in the 2023-2024 Hebrew College Student Handbook.

Academic grievances relate to a complaint about a course, program of study or academic grade. You are expected to address any disagreement or grievance directly with the instructor involved. If after this, there is no satisfactory resolution, you should contact the Dean of the School.

All communications regarding the complaint must be presented in writing, and all meetings and communications should be documented.
Steps to the Grievance Procedure are as follows:

(1) An academic grievance should initially be directed to the instructor. A complaint must be made within six months of the problem. All students are urged to discuss their school-related concerns, problems or questions openly and frankly with their instructors. Effective two-way communication between instructors and students can serve the best interests of both. Many problems can be resolved in this way. All instructors are expected to listen carefully to students, consider the problem and try to resolve it through direct conversation.

(2) If the student is not satisfied with this solution, they may write to their dean, explaining the problem in detail with copies of all correspondence relating to the matter. The dean will review the letter with the provost and arrange a meeting with the student to evaluate the situation. Within 10 working days, the dean should reply in writing to the student stating the resolution of the matter.

(3) If the student is still not satisfied with this solution, they may write a letter to the dean and provost stating the problem with the resolution and the justifications for the dissatisfaction with the resolution.

(4) The provost will consult with the president who may decide to re-open the review of the resolution or confirm the original decision. The decision of the president is final, and the student should receive a letter explaining that decision within 10 working days.

Draft 11/06/18. Approved by Deans 2019. 

Students at Hebrew College are treated with respect and receive individual attention and support from faculty and staff. In turn, students must live up to their share of the academic partnership: fulfilling academic standards, completing coursework and honoring the Codes of Academic Integrity and Personal Conduct. Hebrew College has the right to maintain its academic standards and enforce its Codes of Academic Integrity and Personal Conduct.

Attendance and Completing Coursework

Students should attend all classes as required by the instructor. Students are required to attend classes for 80 percent of all class sessions in order to be eligible for a passing grade. Students who do not fulfill 80 percent of class attendance, regardless of the reason for absences, will receive a failing grade. In certain circumstances (i.e. non-attendance in multiple classes), this may result in academic probation. Hebrew College faculty have discretion to determine if participating virtually in an in-person class counts as attendance. Faculty members will indicate on their syllabi their policy on virtual class attendance.  

Students in an online, asynchronous class should participate in 80 percent of the weekly assignments in a timely fashion to be eligible for a passing grade. Participation in class discussion boards is a component of assessment in an online class, with specific expectations outlined in the class syllabus.  

Exemptions from this policy for any special circumstances is at the discretion of the Dean.  

Students with medical issues that impact their ability to attend class should be in touch with the Director of Academic Support Services to request an accommodation to the attendance policy. If a student is eligible for an accommodation, the course instructor and Dean will determine reasonable attendance accommodations.  

Code of Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the responsibility of every student who registers at the College. Dishonesty diminishes the quality of scholarship and deceives all those who depend on the integrity of the College’s academic programs.

Student Responsibilities

Students should be particularly careful not to compromise their academic integrity regarding examination behavior, research fabrication and plagiarism.

Behavior during an Examination

The use of any external assistance during an exam will be considered academically dishonest, unless expressly authorized by the instructor. Inappropriate examination behavior includes, but is not limited to, communicating with another student in any way during an exam, copying material from another student’s exam, allowing another student to copy from your exam paper and using unauthorized notes or other unauthorized materials.

Research Fabrication

Any intentional falsification or invention of data or citation in an academic exercise will be considered a violation of academic integrity. Fabrication includes, but is not limited to, inventing or altering research for a research project or field project, and resubmitting returned and corrected academic work without the full knowledge and approval of the instructor.

Academic Support Services 
Policies and Procedures 

Hebrew College is committed to being an inclusive learning institution and community, supporting all students to the extent possible to engage fully with the courses of study. Hebrew College seeks to enhance the quality of learning by offering services and support to students with disabilities who need additional help in their academic coursework. 

Disability Support Services 
Hebrew College encourages students to work closely with faculty if they face learning challenges. Disclosing and requesting accommodations based on a disability is a personal decision. While Hebrew College does not require a student to disclose the existence of a disability, students who wish to request accommodations must do so.  

Process and Determination of Accommodation(s) 
For students who have recent, comprehensive evaluation  

    1. The student initiates the process by requesting an intake meeting with the Director of Academic Support Services, completing the Student Intake Form, and submitting documentation of recent, comprehensive evaluation (see Guidelines for Documentation below).   
    2. The Director of Academic Support will review submitted documentations (within two weeks). 
    3. The Director of Academic Support, in consultation with the Dean of Students and the student, will determine appropriate accommodations. Accommodations are based on the specific nature of a student’s disability, as well as the educational or testing environment in which the student will be functioning on a case-by-case basis. 
    4. The Director of Academic Support will prepare a confidential Professor Notification Letter (PNL) for the student to share with relevant faculty. Students are best served when they self-advocate and use the PNL to facilitate an ongoing communication with their faculty. 

For students without recent, comprehensive evaluation  

    1. Students who are struggling in a course can request help from the Director of Academic Support. In some cases, faculty members, in consultation with the Dean of Students, may recommend a student who is struggling in a course to seek help from the Director of Academic Support. In either case, the student initiates the process by requesting a meeting with the Director of Academic Support by completing the Student Consultation Form. 
    2. The Director of Academic Support will meet with the student in a timely manner to learn about the challenges the student is having and discuss appropriate support 
    3. Students must have a recent, comprehensive evaluation to be eligible for accommodations. The Director of Academic Support may recommend the student be evaluated, which is at the student’s expense. Students are advised to check with their health insurance carrier to determine if the evaluation is covered under their policies. The Director of Academic Support will recommend qualified professionals the student may see for an evaluation, though the student is free to see any qualified professional of their choosing. If the student decides to be evaluated, then the above process will be followed.  
    4. If the student decides not to be evaluated, the Director of Academic Support will discuss alternative options of support, such as tutoring or academic coaching.

Guidelines for Documentation of a Specific Learning Disability 

Students who are seeking support services from Hebrew College based on a diagnosed specific learning disability are required to submit documentation to verify eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  The following guidelines are provided to ensure that documentation is appropriate to verify eligibility and support requests for reasonable accommodations. 

    1. Testing must be current
      Specifically this means that the testing must be conducted within the last four years.  Because the provision of all reasonable accommodations and services is based upon assessment of the current impact of the student’s disabilities on his/her academic performance, it is in the student’s best interest to provide recent and appropriate documentation. 
    2. Testing must be comprehensive
      Testing must reflect the student’s present levels of aptitude, achievement, and information processing. Tests used must be technically sound (i.e. statistically reliable and valid) and standardized for use with an adult population. Actual test scores must be provided. Standard scores and/or percentiles are acceptable. It is not acceptable to administer only one test for the purpose of diagnosis. 
    3. Qualifications of Evaluator
      Trained and certified learning disability specialists and/or licensed psychologists may conduct the assessment. Diagnostic reports must include the names, title, and professional credentials of the evaluators, as well as the date(s) of the testing. 
    4. Specific LD must be diagnosed
      There must be clear and specific evidence of a learning disability. “Individual learning styles” and “learning differences” in and of themselves do not constitute a learning disability. 
    5. Educational Recommendations
      Educational recommendations regarding the impact of the disability and accommodations recommended at the post-secondary level, if applicable, must be included. 

Guidelines for Documentation of ADHD 

Documentation from the psychiatrist, psychologist or clinician who made the diagnosis must be no older than four years and provide information regarding the onset, longevity, and severity of the symptoms, as well as the specifics of describing how it has interfered with educational achievement.  

To receive accommodations on the basis of ADHD, an assessment that measures the student’s current functional impact of ADHD on learning and/or testing is required. The assessment might include measures in the areas of attention, learning, intellect, achievement, processing speed, fluency, executive functioning, language and memory. Some formal measures are required. 

A complete psycho-educational or neuropsychological assessment is often recommended for determining the degree to which the ADHD currently impacts functioning relative to taking standardized tests.  

Guidelines for Documentation of Medical or Physical Condition, Chronic Illness, or Mental Health Disorder  

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination and may be entitled to reasonable accommodations and rights of equal access to programs and services. A diagnosis of a disorder/condition alone does not automatically qualify an individual for accommodations under the ADAAA. To establish that an individual is covered under the law, the documentation must explain how the disability substantially limits one or more major life activities, and supports the request for services, accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids.  

Students who wish to request academic accommodations based on a medical or physical condition, chronic illness, or mental health disorders must submit documentation from a licensed professional who is qualified to evaluate and diagnose such conditions. Information about licensure/certification, as well as the area of specialization, employment, and state or province in which the individual practices should be clearly stated in the documentation. 

The documentation should be in English and must be typed on the provider’s letterhead.  It should also be signed and dated and include the following information: 

    • A diagnosis (for mental health disorders, the diagnosis must conform to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, including relevant code) 
    • The student’s history with this diagnosis  
    • Description of the student’s functional limitations relevant to an academic setting  
    • Current treatment plan, including medications  
    • Recommendation for accommodation(s)  
    • Justification for why recommended accommodation is medically necessary. There must be a very clear connection between the functional limitation(s) described and the recommended accommodation.  

Documentation should be recent (within one year) and should address the student’s need for accommodation(s) based on the student’s current level of functioning within an educational setting. Documentation for a chronic illness may be older if the functional limitations do not change.  

*A diagnosis documented by a family member will not be accepted due to professional and ethical considerations even when the family member is otherwise qualified by virtue of licensure/certification. The issue of dual relationships as defined by various codes of professional ethics should be considered in determining whether a professional is in an appropriate position to provide the necessary documentation. 



Admissions Policies

Hebrew College welcomes students of all backgrounds and beliefs to join in the academic study of Judaism, and to become knowledgeable, creative participants, educators and leaders in the Jewish community and the larger world.

Hebrew College offers graduate degrees in Jewish Education and Jewish Studies, as well as rabbinic and cantorial ordination within a pluralistic setting. For detailed information about applying to specific degree programs, please contact Rabbi Gita Karasov, Director of Admissions and Student Life, at admissions@hebrewcollege.edu or 617-559-8600.

Policies on Transfer Credit and Prior Experience

Hebrew College does not issue credit for prior experience or non-collegiate work.

Students, especially in the Rabbinic program, who come to the school with advance knowledge may be given “advance standing” in that they are accepted as a second- or third- year student instead of a Mekorot or first-year student. They are not given any additional credits for this. They are permitted to graduate in fewer than the normal 5-6 years the rabbinic program normally takes. How this decision is made may include testing; it is up to the admissions officer and the dean.

Advanced graduate credit is only given for students in the Master of Jewish Education-Pardes Educators Program (MJE-PEP), for text work done at Pardes. This credit is issued only after an official transcript from Pardes is submitted. The course credit amounts and which courses would be used for this advanced text-work credit were decided upon when the MJE-PEP program was created, in the agreement signed between Pardes Institute and Hebrew College. These credits are awarded only in the student’s final semester at Hebrew College and they will not count towards any other degree at Hebrew College.

Transfer Credits:

Students may transfer up to 12 credits at the graduate level from accredited universities. The decision to accept or not accept any graduate credit is made on an individual basis. If the student has graduate work from another institution at time of application, transfer credit may be awarded at time of admissions (official transcript must be part of the admissions package, and the Registrar’s Office must vet the course after the Admissions Office and/or Dean provides the transcript and information about which course(s) they want to accept for transfer credit.

Acceptance Deposit

Once you have been accepted to one of Hebrew College’s academic programs, a nonrefundable enrollment deposit is required. This deposit will be applied toward your first semester’s tuition and fee charges. If you choose not to enroll in the program for which you were accepted, the deposit will not be refunded.

Email Addresses for Students

Once you have been accepted to one of Hebrew College’s academic programs, you will be required to complete an IT Agreement and will be assigned a Hebrew College email address. All official emails from the college will be sent to this address. The student may forward the hebrewcollege.edu email to another address if he/she so chooses, but all communication between students and any Hebrew College personnel must use the Hebrew College email address. It is the student’s responsibility to use the hebrewcollege.edu address in a responsible and legal manner. Please see the section on student responsibilities for more information.

Students should attend all classes as required by the instructor. Students are required to attend classes for 80 percent of all class sessions in order to be eligible for a passing grade. Students who do not fulfill 80 percent of class attendance, regardless of the reason for absences, will receive a failing grade. In certain circumstances (i.e. non-attendance in multiple classes), this may result in academic probation. Hebrew College faculty have discretion to determine if participating virtually in an in-person class counts as attendance. Faculty members will indicate on their syllabi their policy on virtual class attendance. 

Students in an online, asynchronous class should participate in 80 percent of the weekly assignments in a timely fashion to be eligible for a passing grade. Participation in class discussion boards is a component of assessment in an online class, with specific expectations outlined in the class syllabus.

Exemptions from this policy for any special circumstances is at the discretion of the Dean.

Students with medical issues that impact their ability to attend class should be in touch with the Director of Academic Support Services to request an accommodation to the attendance policy. If a student is eligible for an accommodation, the course instructor and Dean will determine reasonable attendance accommodations.

Attendance Policy Addendum (Academic Year 23-24)

If you are experiencing any Covid symptoms or have been exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid, please stay home as a precaution; however, we encourage you to participate virtually in your classes. To make this possible, each class has its own Zoom link so that we can stream class as needed. We ask that students coordinate with each other to facilitate streaming class. The Program Administrator for the Ordination Programs will provide Zoom login credentials for streaming. To ensure you are not marked absent, you must alert faculty prior to class that you will be joining the class virtually due to Covid related health concerns. Students should be aware classes are designed for in-person experience and not hybrid learning.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the goals of Hebrew College as an educational institution. You should treat all members of the College community with courtesy, and your behavior should reflect the basic principles of respect for persons and property. In order to maintain a learning environment that is safe and inviting for every member of the College community, instructors may, with the approval of the Chief Academic Officer, exclude from class any student who exhibits unbecoming conduct.

Use of Cell Phones

To maintain a respectful and courteous learning environment, students are expected to refrain from the use of cell phones in classes, lectures, the Bet Midrash or during a religious service. You should turn off your cell phone before entering class. If anticipating an urgent call, set your cell phone to silent or vibrate mode and either leave the room before the expected time of the call or exit quickly and unobtrusively when the cell phone vibrates. You should wait until you have left the room to begin the conversation.

Hebrew College Drug-Free Policy

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989

This statement is provided to students, faculty, and staff as part of Hebrew College’s compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.

Hebrew College provides a drug-free, healthful and safe campus. To meet this goal, the College expects you to attend classes in a mental and physical condition that enables you to perform in a competent manner. The College’s general policies provide that the campus and school activities are not a sanctuary from federal, state, and local laws. The policies prohibit the unlawful use, possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture of controlled substances or alcohol on school property or as part of school activities.

While on Hebrew College premises or while conducting College-related activities off Hebrew College premises, you may not use, possess, distribute or sell alcohol or drugs, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. The College permits the legal use of prescribed drugs only if they do not impair your ability to perform effectively and safely without endangering others. The College also permits the use of alcohol provided by the College for sanctioned College events.

If you violate this policy, it may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate disciplinary procedures and/or criminal prosecution under state and federal laws. Additionally, you may be required to participate in a substance abuse rehabilitation or treatment program. If you violate the policy, there could also be legal consequences.

Hebrew College recognizes that alcoholism, drug addiction, and substance abuse may represent illnesses or conditions that require professional counseling, assistance, or treatment. Faculty, students, and staff with problems related to or stemming from alcohol and substance abuse or dependency are encouraged to utilize the services provided through the school or other sources of assistance. However, neither addiction nor abuse excuses any member of the Hebrew College community for violating the rights of others, or for neglecting or performing inadequately academic or job-related responsibilities.

Rules of Conduct

The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol by any student or employee on school property or as part of or in connection with any school activity is prohibited.

Hazing Policy

A participant in the crime of hazing, as defined by the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education and Massachusetts state law, will be immediately dismissed from Hebrew College with the understanding that this student will never be considered for readmission. No refund of tuition will be given, nor will the student be permitted to complete the courses for which the student had already enrolled. Additional punishment in the form of fines or imprisonment may also be brought against the student as defined by Massachusetts law.

Policy on Bias-Related Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

Bias-related harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination are violations of federal and state laws. Hebrew College policy states that such behavior is also a violation of academic and personnel practices. It is against the policies of Hebrew College for any member of the College community (faculty, staff, administrator or student) to harass a student or person employed by the College, male or female, or to discriminate against that person. Under Hebrew College policy, harassment may be generally defined as an act or communication causing emotional stress that is specifically addressed to individuals or groups with intent to harass, intimidate or humiliate the individual or group because of race,religion, creed, gender, age, ethnicity, national origin, physical disability or sexual orientation.

Sexual harassment refers to gender-based behavior that is personally offensive and/or interferes with the work or study effectiveness or living situation of an individual. Sexual harassment may include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct that creates an intimidating or hostile working, learning or living environment.

Discrimination is defined as communication of or acts of intolerance that have the effect of intimidating, demeaning, humiliating or creating a hostile environment for an individual or group because of race, religion, creed, gender, age,ethnicity, national origin, physical disability or sexual orientation. Any student who believes that he or she has been subjected to any type of bias-related harassment and/or discrimination by any member of the College community should report such occurrence immediately to the Chief Academic Officer. All such reports shall be confidential and shall not be communicated to any other person except with consent of the reporting student. Individuals found responsible for bias-related acts of harassment and/or discrimination will be subject to sanctions up to and including suspension and/or dismissal from school. In such instances where the conduct also can be characterized as a “hate crime,” individuals maybe subject to arrest and prosecution in the courts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Institutional Integrity (Whistleblower) Policy

Hebrew College has a responsibility to manage its resources wisely, in a manner consistent with the law, and in accordance with the Hebrew College’s stated purposes. Hebrew College has put in place operating procedures and internal controls that are intended to enable Hebrew College to conduct its operations in accordance with these obligations and to detect, deter, or prevent improper activities. However, intentional and unintentional violations of laws, regulations, policies, and procedures may occur and may constitute improper or unlawful activities.

Hebrew College has a responsibility to investigate any reports of improper or illegal conduct, and to take action where necessary to remedy a problem and prevent reoccurrence. In certain circumstances Hebrew College will report allegations of improper activities to the appropriate parties, and will also report the resolution of any investigation. Investigations will be conducted with discretion and the information obtained made available only on a “need to know” basis.

Matters that should be reported under this policy include suspected fraud, theft, embezzlement, accounting or auditing irregularities, bribery, kickbacks, misuse of Hebrew College assets, or suspected regulatory, compliance, or ethics-related issues, concerns, or violations. Reporting violations of Hebrew College’s applicable human resources policies, problems with coworkers or managers, or issues related to alleged employment discrimination or sexual or other form of unlawful harassment should be dealt with in accordance with Hebrew College’s Human Resources Policies or its Policy on Discrimination and Sexual Harassment.

It is the responsibility of every employee to report any suspected incidents of improper or illegal activity and violations of significant Hebrew College policies and procedures. An employee should also report any situation where the employee believes he or she has been directed to engage in conduct or activity that would result in a violation of law. These reports should be factual and contain as much specific information as possible.

An employee should report these concerns promptly to Steffi Bobbin in Human Resources or another appropriate senior administrator. If an employee is concerned about making a report, the employee may make the report anonymously, but this often hampers the ability to conduct a full investigation.

An employee filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation of the standards noted above must act in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed may indicate a violation of such standards Hebrew College recognizes its responsibility to protect from retaliation employees who, in good faith, report allegations of improper or illegal conduct at Hebrew College or by Hebrew College personnel. In the event an employee believes retaliation is occurring, or s/he is being pressured not to report improper or illegal activity, the employee should promptly advise Steffi Bobbin. Anyone who engages in retaliation or acts to frustrate the intent of this policy will be subject to discipline. An employee who is found to have acted in an improper or illegal manner, or, conversely, does not act in good faith under this policy, will also be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

If any member of the Hebrew College staff has any questions or seeks additional information about this policy, please contact Steffi Bobbin in Human Resources.

Hebrew College Copyright Infringement Policy

All graphics, photographs, and text appearing on the Hebrew College website are protected by copyright. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. Use of the name, logos, and other marks of Hebrew College is subject to the written consent of Hebrew College.

The downloading and/or sharing of copyrighted materials such as movies, music, software or books and articles without the express permission of the copyright holder or their agent is illegal, and will not be tolerated. Community members—students, faculty and/or staff—who chose to violate Federal Copyright Law, whether through unauthorized usage, copying or distribution of written material, or the uploading, downloading or filesharing of copyrighted electronic or digital materials, including music, videos, software, photographs or other copyrighted materials, do so at their own direct personal risk. Each individual will be held solely responsible for any and all consequences of these actions.

Any community member using the Hebrew College network will be held accountable for all activity that transpires through their computing account. Copyright Infringement may lead to the college revoking that person’s access to the network as well as further disciplinary sanctions as may be appropriate. Civil and criminal penalties, which may include fines and criminal imprisonment, may also be brought against those individuals violating the copyright laws.

Hebrew College Disciplinary Policy

Disciplinary Sanctions

Hebrew College will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees who violate the College’s rules of conduct. In addition, students or employees who violate public law may be subject to criminal prosecution. Conviction may result in fines, imprisonment, and revocation or loss of eligibility to receive federal funding (such as grants and financial assistance) and other privileges. College-imposed discipline may include sanctions up to and including expulsion of a student or termination of employment, in addition to referral for criminal prosecution. Disciplinary sanctions may include participation in a treatment, counseling, or other approved rehabilitation program.

State and Federal Laws and Sanctions concerning Drugs and Alcohol

In addition to disciplinary sanctions imposed by the school, all students, faculty, and staff should be aware that federal, state, and some local laws treat illegal use, possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture of drugs or alcohol as serious crimes. Conviction can lead to imprisonment, fines, and assigned community service. Felony and certain other convictions can prevent you from entering many fields of employment or professions and may have to be listed on applications for employment or admission to graduate or professional schools.

Many cities and towns in Massachusetts, including Boston and Newton, have local ordinances and regulations which prohibit public consumption of alcoholic beverages on private property without the owner’s consent. Similar laws and regulations apply in most other states and in many localities.

Massachusetts laws punish sale or delivery of alcoholic beverage to persons under twenty-one with a fine of up to $2,000 and six months imprisonment, or both. Misrepresenting one’s age or falsifying an identification to obtain alcoholic beverages is punishable by a fine of $300. First conviction of driving under the influence of alcohol has a penalty of a $500– $5,000 fine, a one-year revocation of driver’s license, up to two and a half years in prison, and mandatory alcohol rehabilitation.

The Commonwealth also has criminal penalties for use of controlled substances, or drugs, with penalties varying with the type of drug. In general, punishment for using narcotic and addictive drugs and drugs with a high potential for abuse will have heavier penalties.

Possession of controlled drugs is illegal without valid authorization. While penalties for possession are generally not as great as for the manufacture and distribution of drugs, possessing of a relatively large quantity of drugs may be considered distribution. Under both state and federal laws, penalties for possession, manufacture, and distribution are much greater for second and subsequent convictions. Many laws dictate mandatory prison terms and the full minimum term must be served.

Massachusetts law states it is illegal to be in a place where heroin is kept and to be “in the company” of a person known to possess heroin. Anyone in the presence of heroin at a private party or in a home risks a serious drug conviction. Sale and possession of “drug paraphernalia” is illegal. Under federal laws and some state laws, participation in drug-related criminal activity can result in seizure or forfeiture of personal property and other assets utilized in conjunction with or stemming from the proceeds of the illegal activity. In addition, conviction of a drug-related offense may entail civil fines and denial or revocation of certain licenses and benefits.

Anyone convicted of drug possession under state or federal laws is ineligible for federal student grants and loans or for participation in federally sponsored research grants or contracts for up to one year after the first conviction, and up to five years after the second; the penalty for distributing drugs is loss of benefits for five years after the first conviction, for ten years after the second, permanently after the third.

Under federal law, distribution of drugs to a person under the age of twenty-one is punishable by twice the normal penalty, i.e., a mandatory one-year prison term; a third conviction is punishable by mandatory life imprisonment. These penalties apply to distribution of drugs in or within 1,000 feet of a college or school. Federal law sets greatly heightened prison sentences for manufacture and distribution of drugs if death or serious injury results from use of the substance.

In accordance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act, as a condition of employment, any employee who is engaged in the performance of work under a federal grant or contract must notify the College if he or she is convicted of violating any criminal drug statute for activities done in the workplace not later than ten days after conviction; students who receive Pell and certain other federal grants are subject to similar conditions and must report any conviction of a drug-related offense to the U.S. Department of Education within ten days of the conviction if the offense occurred during the period covered by the grant.

If you have questions about this policy or issues related to drug or alcohol use, you may raise your concerns with the Chief Academic Officer without fear of reprisal. Students who are concerned about substance abuse are encouraged toconsult with the Chief Academic Officer for confidential advice on resources.

Disciplinary Courses of Action

Students who have acted dishonestly or breached the Code of Academic Integrity or other College student conduct policies may be subject to academic penalties, administrative review and/or dismissal from their academic programs, pending the decisions of the instructor and the director of the specific program. Students may appeal these decisions as outlined in the Grievance Procedure (see below). It is College policy that suspensions, probations and dismissals be listed on academic transcripts. Any student dismissed from the College for violations of academic integrity, policy or rule of conduct may apply for readmission. In evaluating this reapplication, the Office of Admissions will consult with the committee that originally made the decision to dismiss.

Suspension or Dismissal

Hebrew College, through its various faculties or appropriate committees, reserves its discretionary right to suspend or dismiss any student from the College for failure to maintain a satisfactory academic record or for demonstrating behaviors that are deemed excessively disruptive to the academic process and/or social climate of the campus.

Grievance Procedure

Hebrew College strives to ensure fair and equal treatment for all its students. For this reason, we insist that full attention be given to any grievance you may have. The Grievance Procedure is for students who believe that they have been unlawfully discriminated against, or unfairly treated or harassed in any way. Academic grievances related to a complaint about a course, program of study or academic grade. You are expected to address any disagreement or conflict directly with the individual involved, in person, with a written document outlining the complaint and communication. After this, if there is no satisfactory resolution, you may contact the Chief Academic Officer. All communications regarding the complaint must be presented in writing, and all meetings and communications will be documented in your file. Everyattempt at a satisfactory resolution will be made.

Steps to the Grievance Procedure are as follows: (1) A complaint against a student or College employee should initially be directed to the individual. A complaint must be made within six months of the problem. (2) All students are urged to discuss their school-related concerns, problems or questions openly and frankly with their instructors. Effective two-way communication between instructors and students has always served the best interests of both. Many problems can be resolved in this way. All instructors are expected to listen carefully to students, consider the problem and try to resolve it through direct conversation. (3) If the student is not satisfied with this solution, he or she may write to the Chief Academic Officer, explaining the problem in detail. The Chief Academic Officer will review the letter with the dean ofthe appropriate program, and arrange a meeting with the student to evaluate the situation. Within 10 working days, the Chief Academic Officer should reply in writing to the student stating the resolution of the matter. (4) If the student is still not satisfied with this solution, he or she may write a letter to the Chief Academic Officer stating the problem in detail and the steps that were taken to alleviate it. The decision of the Chief Academic Officer is final, and the student should receive a letter explaining that decision within 15 working days.

Accessing Educational Records

Requests for Transcripts

Hebrew College has partnered with Parchment to allow current and former students to obtain official electronic transcripts to be sent to themselves or a third party in a secure manner. All students who have taken academic courses for credit, whether in a degree program, as a non-degree student, or in a gap-year program, may use Parchment to request official transcripts. Students from Prozdor High School Learning programs may also use Parchment to request Prozdor transcripts.

While you are a matriculated Hebrew College degree student, you may review your grades within the Campus Cafe Portal, and you may view or print an unofficial transcript. If you do not have a Campus Café account or are a non-degree student or a degree student who has graduated, please send an email request for an unofficial transcript to registrar@hebrewcollege.edu.

To request an official transcript:
Log into Parchment.com
Create an account (if you have an account from previous schooling, it may still be active)
Order the transcript(s) that you want
Pay by credit card on the Parchment website – the fee each official transcript is $10.

Please note that transcript requests cannot be processed for those with Student Financial Services or other transcript holds. You will be notified via email if a hold exists.

Name Change Process

Current and former students have the opportunity to change their names on Hebrew College forms and records, but there are two different procedures for name changes, depending upon whether the name change will be used internally on Hebrew College listserves, class rosters and forms, or whether the name change will impact official academic records, transcripts, tax documents and financial aid and loan forms.

Use of one’s legal name is required for certain offices that perform administrative processes which legally necessitate the use of a legal name, such as financial aid and student billing offices, the registrar’s office, and human resources.

Current Students


Currently enrolled students may change their legal names on institutional records. Before making any changes in the student information system database, Hebrew College’s Registrar must first receive legal documentation of the student’s new name. This documentation might include a driver’s license, marriage license, court order and/or current passport. A student’s first and last name in the database must always match the name associated with their social
security number. International students must use the name which is on their visa.

An official name change will be reflected in a student’s academic record, transcript, financial aid documents, tax documents and payroll.


Current students may choose to use a preferred first or middle name only and will be asked to contact the registrar’s office in writing to request that this name be used. When a preferred name is included in a student’s application for admission, that will be considered a request to use that preferred name. A preferred name will be reflected in the student’s Hebrew College
email address, class rosters, and advising documents. A student’s username in Campus Café will continue to use the student’s legal name. Preferred names may only use letters from the English alphabet.

Former students


No name changes are possible unless there has been a court-ordered change of name. If a certified copy of a court order has been presented, a diploma in the new name will be issued when requested. The current fee for a replacement diploma will be charged. The new diploma will include wording that it has been re-issued along with the date the degree was originally conferred. Note that the new diploma will include the signatures of the current administration and likely not the administrators at the time of graduation.


Hebrew College will change alumni/former student names in our database after receiving legal documentation of the student’s new name. This documentation might include a driver’s license, marriage license, court order and/or current passport. Note that the former name of the student will be kept in our database for cross-referencing purposes.

Former students are welcome to notify the College, at any point, regarding nicknames (e.g., “Bob” when the legal name is “Robert”) with which they would like to be addressed.

Records existing in alternate formats are difficult to change. Some states prohibit changing existing records without lawful authority. Hebrew College will attempt to maintain cross reference documentation regarding such records.

Requests for Student Educational Records

“Student Educational Records” are all the documents relating to a student that are maintained by an educational institution. To inspect your Educational Records at Hebrew College, you must submit a written request to the Office of the Registrar, identifying the records to be inspected. Written requests will receive a response within a reasonable time, but not more than 45 days after submission. The Registrar will arrange for access and will notify you (or your parent if you are a dependent student) and arrange for a time and place where the records may be inspected. The College may charge a fee for a copy of the requested Educational Records. Further questions about the College’s policies and practices regarding access to specific Educational Records should be addressed to the Office of the Registrar.

Hebrew College does not release Student Educational Records to third parties, except by the respective student’s written request or as authorized by law. Federal legislation, specifically the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), ensures the confidentiality of these records.

For complete information regarding FERPA legislation, read the most current FERPA Guide published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. In general, you have the right to:

  • Inspect your Educational Records;
  • Require that the College obtain your prior written consent before releasing personally identifiable information;
  • Request that corrections be made to Educational Records, if you believe the records are inaccurate or misleading.

Student Privacy Preferences

Both Hebrew College policy and FERPA provide you with certain protections concerning the confidentiality of your Educational Records. No information about you, except that which is defined below as “Directory Information,” is released outside the College without your prior written consent unless otherwise authorized or required by law. The College, however, maintains the legal right to withhold the release of Directory Information to third parties who may not have an educational interest in the information.

The College defines the following student information as Directory Information: name, date of birth, dates of enrollment, full- or part-time status, degree or certificate program, area of specialization, Hebrew College ID image for degree and certificate candidates, academic honors, prior degrees and schools attended, and expected or actual date of graduation. You have the right to withhold the disclosure of this information. You can restrict release or publication of any information in your Educational Records held by the Registrar’s Office, your program of enrollment or by other offices of the College. These restrictions may be added or reversed.

To restrict the release or publication of any information, you must submit a written request to the Registrar’s Office. No student information is released about students who have requested the College to withhold the disclosure of Directory Information, unless otherwise authorized or required by law. After graduation, privacy preferences remain in effect. If, for example, you have restricted the release of your degrees, honors and awards, the Office of the Registrar will not confirm degrees earned to prospective employers or any other party without your written permission.

Under FERPA, Hebrew College is allowed to disclose, without your prior written consent, student information that is not considered Directory Information to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by Hebrew College in an administrative, teaching, research, law enforcement or health services position or an agent of the College, such as a person with whom or a company with which the College has contracted. Hebrew College determines whether an official has a legitimate educational interest by considering if disclosure of the information is appropriate for the effective functioning of the person’s office, his or her position or the College.

Restricted Information

Under FERPA, students do not have a right to inspect information held by the College that is not an Educational Record.These include:

  • Medical records;
  • Law enforcement records;
  • Employment-related records;
  • Records containing information about the individual after he or she is no longer a student.

However, you may have rights to inspect such records under other laws. In addition, you do not have the right to access certain Educational Records, such as:

  • Confidential letters of recommendation, if you have waived your right of access in writing.
  • Financial records of your parent.
  • Records of instructional, supervisory and administrative personnel and educational personnel.
  • Admissions records for a student who does not officially attend the program of admission. If you completed a course at Hebrew College, but never officially attended as a degree candidate in the program of admission, then you have FERPA rights with respect to that course, but do not have rights with respect to the admissions credentials for that program.
  • Student records that contain information on other student You or a n eligible parent may inspect, review or be informed of only the specific information about you.

Limitation on Re-disclosure

Under FERPA, information disclosed by the College may be subject to restrictions against re-disclosure.

Student Request for Record Disclosure to a Third Party

A current or former student who wishes to permit another person to receive copies of the student’s Educational Records must provide a signed and dated written consent, including the following information:

  • Specify the records that may be disclose.
  • State the purpose of the disclosure.
  • Identify the person or class of parties to whom the disclosure can be mad If requested, the College will provide you with a copy of the disclosed records.

Record Disclosure without Student Consent

In general, the College may not disclose information from your Educational Records without your prior consent. However, in compliance with the law, Hebrew College will disclose personally identifiable information without consent under these conditions:

  • To Hebrew College officials, staff and others engaged in activities on behalf of the College;
  • Information designated as “Directory Information” in a record of campus disciplinary proceedings that involve a charge of sexual assault, violence or non-forcible sex offense;
  • Information to parents of students under 21 about violations of the College’s drug and alcohol policy by the student;
  • In compliance with a legal subpoena;
  • To authorized representatives of certain government offices, such as U.S. Comptroller General’s Office, U.S. Attorney General, U.S. Department of Education, and state and local educational authorities;
  • In compliance with the Solomon Amendment for purposes of military recruiting by the Department of Defense;
  • To officials of other institutions or organizations to which the student seeks to transfer or in which the student is already enrolled, involving the student’s application, placement, enrollment, transfer, internships, practica, affiliations, programs or financial aid;
  • In emergency situations, information to the appropriate parties, if the College deems it necessary to protect the health, safety or well-being of the student or other individuals;
  • In response to complaints and legal actions involving the student and the College;
  • To authorized representatives of the state and local government;
  • To organizations that accredit colleges and universities for the purpose of assisting their accrediting functions;
  • To organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the College to improve education or student aid program

FERPA Complaint Procedure

Students have the right to file a complaint about alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA to the Family Policy Compliance Office at the U.S. Department of Education. A complaint must be submitted within 180 days of the date of the alleged violation or of the date that the student knew or reasonably should have known of the alleged violation. The complaint must contain specific factual allegations giving reasonable cause to believe that a violation of the Act has occurred, and should be forwarded to Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4605.

Amending Educational Records

Students have the right to have their Educational Records maintained accurately. If the normal channels for amending Educational Records within the College do not result in the desired corrections, you should submit a written request to the Office of the Chief Academic Officer (CAO). The CAO will inform you of the College’s decision concerning the requested amendment within 45 days from the date of receipt of the written request. If the College decides not to amend the Educational Record as requested, it will inform you of the decision, advise you of your right to a hearing to challenge the content of the Educational Record on the grounds that the information is inaccurate or misleading, or violates your rights under FERPA, and will explain the procedures to request such a hearing.

If, after the hearing, the College decides that the information contained in the Educational Record is neither inaccurate nor misleading, it will inform you of the right to place a statement in the Educational Record commenting on the contested information or stating why you disagree with the College’s decision. The process of amending Educational Records or requesting hearings is pertinent only for information that has been recorded inaccurately or incorrectly, or that violates your rights under FERPA. This is not the process through which you may appeal grades, disciplinary decisions or other decisions. Normal review and appeal channels should be used where the dispute is with the decision itself, and not with the accuracy with which the decision or information has been recorded.

Release of Educational Information for a Deceased Student

According to FERPA, the privacy interests of an individual expire with that individual’s death. Accordingly, the FPCO (Family Privacy Compliance Office) has determined that the disposition of records held by an institution pertaining to a deceased eligible student is not a FERPA issue but a matter of institutional policy and/or state law.

Hebrew College follows the following procedure regarding the record of a deceased student:

  • Identify the student as deceased in the College’s administrative software
  • Remove all address information and replace it with an address line 1 of DECEASED
  • Convert all paper documents to the appropriate archiving media

Within the first year following the death of a student, the College will release the educational records of the individual student under the following condition(s):

  • The student has submitted a signed Authorization to Release Educational Records form which designed the person(s) eligible to request and/or receive educational records. Authorized person must submit a signed request for records which can be mailed, faxed, or hand-delivered to the Registrar’s Office.
  • The student has officially designated the person(s) as an emergency contact. Authorized person must submit a signed request for records which can be mailed, faxed, or hand-delivered to the Registrar’s Office.
  • The person(s) is the Executor/Executrix of the student’s estate
  • In response to a legal subpoena

The College will respond to requests for records in a timely manner, but records, with the exception of an unofficial transcript, will not be produced the same day. Requested documents will be mailed to the requestor.

After one year has elapsed following the death of an individual student, the College may release the educational records of an individual student at its discretion.

Tuition and Fee Policies

Hebrew College tuition and fees are due at the beginning of each semester.

Depending on the program of study, tuition may be charged on a block basis (for students in the rabbinical and cantorial programs, and in the Master of Jewish Education-Pardes Teacher Fellowship), on a per-credit basis, or per courses for non-credit basis. Summer course tuition and registration fees are typically not included in the block tuition rates.

Tuition charges will be applied to the student’s account immediately upon class registration each semester. Any financial aid credits to the account will typically be applied by the financial aid coordinator during the month prior to the start of the semester.

Before the semester begins—the sooner the better—students are required to either:
• pay their tuition balance,
• set up a payment plan, or
• arrange for a sufficient student loan(s).

Students will not be considered enrolled in that semester’s classes, and may not be allowed to attend class, until one of these is completed. (Note that student loans are disbursed to student accounts one or more weeks after the semester has begun.)

For a student to have officially registered for a semester or classes, they must first obtain financial clearance from the Office of Student Services after having done the following:

  • Settle and pay any balance remaining from a previous semester or session
  • Prior to the start of classes each semester, the student must pay or show valid evidence that payment is forthcoming for the full amount of the current semester’s net charges. Valid evidence should include documentation of student loans, scholarships in process, financial aid, outside institution-approved payment plan, etc.
  • In special cases, temporary deferred payment arrangements may be made, provided that the balance is paid in full before the end of that current semester.

Every graduating student must settle and pay all financial obligations to the College no later than five (5) business days prior to graduation in order to receive a diploma at graduation exercises. Students must settle and pay all financial obligations to the College in order to receive an official transcript. 

Tuition and Fee Payment Options

Tuition must be paid in full before classes begin in each semester unless the student has arranged to participate in alternative payment plans offered by Hebrew College.  

Payment plans offered for block-tuition students include a two-payment plan (one payment in the fall, second payment in the spring) and a nine-month plan (payments made monthly from August through April). For students who are paying on a per-credit or noncredit basis, there is a four-month plan. These plans are administered by an outside agency.  

Credit Card Policy 

Students may elect to use a credit card (MasterCard or Visa) to pay their tuition to the extent that other sources have not already been identified such as student loans, scholarships/fellowships, or grants. Payment by credit card will incur convenience fees. 

Tuition Refunds 

Students with credit balances are immediately notified, one time, that they have an outstanding balance, including instruction on how they can request a refund.

  • At the end of every fiscal year (typically May or June), all students are notified if they have an outstanding balance, including instruction on how they can either request a refund or ask that the balance be carried over to a future term.
  • These students are advised that if they do not request a refund or ask that the balance be carried forward, then Hebrew College will assume that their intent is to donate the balance to the College on an unrestricted basis.

Note that registration fees, payment plan fees, and late fees are nonrefundable.

No refunds of loan proceeds will be made, of any kind, if the student has an outstanding balance to the College.

(Section updated 8/16/23)

Fall and Spring Semesters, Courses Lasting the Full Semester

Refunds for withdrawals are offered up to and including the second week after the Add/Drop deadline. Students withdrawing from class after then are no longer eligible to receive a refund. 

  • During the Add/Drop period: 100 percent tuition refund  
  • First week after the Add/Drop period ends: 50 percent tuition refund
  • Second week after the Add/Drop period ends: 25 percent tuition refund.  
  • No tuition refund after two weeks past end of the Add/Drop period. 

A student who withdraws from the College and fails to do so in the prescribed manner will not be entitled to any refund.

For Courses Lasting Less Than the Full Semester, e.g., Education Modules

  • During the Add/Drop period: 100 percent tuition refund 
  • No refund after the Add/Drop period 

Students who receive federal loans are subject to federally mandated repayment/refund regulations.

Withdrawal from School

Students who drop all classes and withdraw from their respective program of study must do so in writing to the College’s Registrar.

Students who receive federal loans are subject to federally mandated repayment/refund regulations.

Student Financial Obligations

Should a student in any Hebrew College program fail to meet his or her financial obligations with respect to payment of all tuition, fees, charges or repayment of loans when due, or fail to make satisfactory payment arrangements with the Office of Student Services, the College may the College may:
• bar a student’s registration,
• refuse admittance to classrooms or online course sites,
• restrict library privileges, or
• withhold certificates, diplomas, and transcripts until such obligations are met.

Continued failure to meet student obligations may result in the suspension of the student from the College.

Students in default of tuition and fee payments will be asked to leave current classes and will not be allowed to register for any subsequent classes until their default situation is cleared.

All graduating students must settle and pay all financial obligations to the College before graduation.

The College will make every effort to work with students to clear the outstanding balance; however, the College reserves the right to send the account to a collection agency. The student will be responsible for all collection costs or legal fees incurred by the College during the collection process. Transcripts, grades, and other academic records will not be released until all financial obligations to the College have been met.

Financial Aid

Hebrew College strives to ensure that no qualified matriculated student is prevented from enrolling for financial reasons. Several means of financial aid are available, including Hebrew College merit-based awards, need-based grants, and federal loans. The College also helps students to identify outside funding sources, such as community scholarships and private loan programs, to further support their education.

  • To be considered for any form of financial aid at Hebrew College, the student must complete and submit the Hebrew College 2024-25 Application for Financial Aid, and, for U.S. citizens, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1 prior to the start of the academic year.
  • Additionally, the student must be accepted into a degree program and take at least 6 credits on a for-credit basis during both the fall and spring semesters.
  • All students must maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Using the information provided in these documents, the Financial Aid Office applies two different formulas to determine the student’s eligibility and need for aid:

  1. A “federal methodology” to assess eligibility for federal programs, and
  2. an “institutional methodology” to evaluate eligibility for Hebrew College Institutional institutional funds.

After reviewing the results of the formula calculations, we put together an aid package to help meet the student’s financial need; the package may include fellowships, scholarships, grants, discounts, and/or loans.

Types of Financial Aid


Eligibility: Eligibility for need-based financial aid is determined through an evaluation of a student’s/family’s ability to contribute to educational expenses, also known as the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) or Student Aid Index (SAI). Hebrew College’s philosophy for awarding financial aid is based on the premise that the student and family, when applicable, have the primary responsibility for paying for their educational programs to the extent that they are able. The contribution expected from a student is based on both the student and their family’s income and assets.

  • Hebrew College may award funds from federal and institutional programs to supplement your ability to pay.
  • At Hebrew College, both academic strength and financial need are used to determine the composition of a financial aid package.
  • Since financial aid awards are based on the student’s most recent financial information, the award may change from year to year, depending on the family’s financial circumstances.
  • Financial aid can also be affected by other factors, such as a change in enrollment status, the number of children in a family attending college, the number of dependents, and/or cost of housing.

If a merit-based fellowship or scholarship is granted through the admissions process, and the student also has financial need, the merit award will reduce the student’s calculated need and will, therefore, reduce the size of the need-based grant for which the student is eligible.

Financial Need: The financial aid coordinator calculates the financial need for each student by taking their tuition costs for the semester (excluding registration fees), subtracting the merit and outside awards they’ve been offered, and then subtracting their Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)/Student Aid Index (SAI), as determined in the FAFSA. The resulting amount of need may be met through a combination of Hebrew College need-based grants (calculated as a percentage of demonstrated need), student/spouse income, student/spouse assets, and/or federal/private student loans.  

Some of Hebrew College’s financial aid programs are funded through the generous contributions of friends, supporters, and alumni! 

How Much Will It Cost? The estimated cost of attendance for students includes both direct and indirect costs. These costs are reasonable estimates for what a student might expect to spend for one year at Hebrew College.

  • The amount included in the standard resident budget for housing is based on the results of a recent student survey. If a student chooses more expensive accommodations, the additional cost incurred will not be covered by need-based financial aid or be included in the student cost budget. Conversely, if the student chooses less expensive accommodations, we will not reduce the financial aid award.
  • Any changes in enrollment status (e.g., if the student registers less than full-time) will have an impact on costs and therefore the aid eligibility.

Grants and Scholarships

Need-Based Grants: Needs-based grants are determined by the Financial Aid Office in accordance with the policies and criteria established by the College’s administration.

  • These need-based grants are first awarded after acceptance to the degree program. There may be a time lag between receipt of their acceptance letters and receipt of their award letters.
  • The awards are presented annually and are not automatically renewed for subsequent years.
  • Returning students are awarded need-based grants after they have completed all requirements noted above. On March 1st, all applications received will be included into a pool of eligible students wishing to receive Hebrew College institutional financial aid for the next academic year. Institutional financial aid will be granted to the extent funds have been allocated. Returning students who submit their application after the due date may jeopardize their eligibility for Hebrew College institutional financial aid or only be considered for a reduced amount. The pool of eligible candidates filing the application on time will be considered first and any remaining funding will be given to the late filers.

Hebrew College merit-based fellowships and scholarships, along with grants from outside sources, are counted toward this total first. If these awards do not meet the student’s financial obligation to the College, a Hebrew College need-based grant may be awarded and/or student loans may be requested to meet the remaining eligibility to the extent funds are available and the student is eligible.

Ineligibility for Hebrew College need-based grant funds in one academic year does not preclude the student from receiving institutional grant funding in other years if financial need increases.

If a student is awarded a need-based grant as part of their aid package, they may be notified at any time during the academic year that their grant was sponsored by one of the many Hebrew College-endowed funds or from an outside sponsor/donor. The total grant amount will not change.

  • Endowed grants are part of the pool of Hebrew College need-based funds.
  • Scholarships or grants sponsored by outside organizations are given to support aid already offered to a student. These funds are made possible through the generosity of individuals, corporations, and agencies who believe in providing opportunities for needy students at Hebrew College. Our ability to assist all students increases substantially due to this generous support. Students may be asked to write a letter of appreciation to the contact person for the endowed or sponsored fund, which may be a condition of the grant being disbursed to the student account. Failure to provide the letter may jeopardize the award. Financial need and academic performance are the most common criteria in awarding these scholarships. All students who apply for financial aid will be considered for these scholarships.

At no time will any member of Hebrew College’s faculty, staff, or deans have the authority to grant a student a financial-need based grant. The financial aid coordinator will make the calculations and awards in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined here.

Merit-Based Fellowships and Scholarships

Drawing on the top students in Jewish studies and Jewish education, the competitive Hebrew College Fellows Program encompasses several merit-based fellowships for full-time study. These fellowships are granted on a competitive basis to exceptional students enrolled in Hebrew College’s graduate degree programs. Most fellowships are awarded on an annual basis and may be renewable. Preference for fellowships will be given to those new degree applicants whose complete applications are received by the award deadline. Fellowship awards will be granted based on application content. An interview may be required.

All applications for a merit-based fellowship or scholarship will be reviewed by the committee appointed by the president of Hebrew College. Awards will be made in accordance with the criteria established by the committee and the amounts allotted for that year’s budget. Funding for these fellowships or scholarships may come from the College’s endowment funds, a sponsor/donor, or other fundraising activities.

At no time will any member of Hebrew College’s faculty, staff, or deans have the authority to grant a student a merit-based scholarship/fellowship without the prior approval of the committee.

Senior Citizen Discount 

A senior citizen discount of 20% is offered to anyone 65 years of age or older who wishes to take courses for no credit at the College. The student seeking the discount must present valid proof of age in order to be eligible. The senior citizen discount will be applied only to those courses that have not already been discounted from tuition costs; therefore, community education offerings will not qualify for this discount. The full registration fee is required.

Other Private Sources for Scholarships and Loans (Outside Scholarships & Benefits)

The federal government requires that a student informs us directly of any grants, scholarships, or other education benefits they will receive for the academic year from sources outside of Hebrew College such as religious and/or civic organizations, vocational rehabilitation programs, tuition reimbursement benefits, prepaid tuition programs, alternative loans, etc. It is our policy to replace need-based institutional aid, direct student loans, and GradPLUS Loans (in this order), with the outside resource.

  • The student must notify the Financial Aid Office by July 1 if they will receive scholarships, or other assistance from outside Hebrew College, including any “cash-outs” from prepaid tuition programs. Notification of an outside award should be sent directly to the Financial Aid Office.
  • If the student notifies us of an outside scholarship or benefit after the July 1 deadline, we may have fewer options for adjusting their aid, and the student may be more likely to lose institutional grant funds.

The aid offered to a student by Hebrew College is subject to federal laws, and Hebrew College is held accountable for the use of funds in accordance with these regulations. The federal government stipulates that all available resources, including veterans’ education benefits, employer tuition assistance, outside scholarships, and alternative loans, shall not exceed the total cost of attendance.

  • If a student’s total resources exceed their cost of education, the financial aid package must be adjusted to correct what is called an “over award” situation.
  • If the student has need-based aid, that aid combined with resources cannot exceed the financial need and will therefore be reduced.
  • If an adjustment to a student’s aid package is required, we will send the student a revised award letter. The financial aid award letter lists the total amount of outside resources that were reported to us through the financial aid application process.
  • If this amount is incorrect, the student must notify us immediately of the correct total including the sources and amounts of each outside resource.

A number of scholarships, grants, and loans from within the Jewish community are available to students attending Hebrew College. Applications for these programs are outside the jurisdiction of Hebrew College and should be made directly to the individual program.

Government Grants and Loans for U.S. Citizens

The federal loan programs described here allow students to borrow funds at low interest rates to help pay education costs. Each requires that the student sign a promissory note. Repayment of these loans can be deferred until graduation or until the student drops below half-time enrollment. Depending on the amount borrowed, the student may have up to 10 years to repay loan funds.

If the student has not fulfilled requirements for their student loans by the end of September, we will assume that the student does not intend to borrow the loan(s) and we will place the loan in a forfeited status.

Graduate Federal Direct Loan

A student’s total direct loans may not exceed $138,500 of combined subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The amounts include all undergraduate and graduate loans.

GradPLUS Loan

The GradPLUS Loan is a low-interest, federally backed student loan available to students enrolled at least half-time in a program leading to a master’s degree. This loan can be used to pay for the total cost of education, less any aid and other loans the student has received.

Eligibility for this loan, however, is dependent on the borrower’s credit rating and credit history, as opposed to the Direct Loan Program’s purely financial-need eligibility. Additionally, the student must have borrowed the yearly maximum allowed in the Direct Loan Program before applying for a GradPLUS Loan. Completion of a FAFSA is required for this loan as well. The interest rate and fees are set by the federal government in May each year. The rate is fixed and may be tax deductible.

Repayment of this loan may be deferred while the student is attending school. The annual borrowing amount is limited to the student’s cost of attendance (as set by the school) minus financial awards granted to the student by the school and outside organizations.

Return of Title IV Funds 

Direct Loans—also called Title IV Funds—are awarded to students under the assumption that the student will attend school for the full period for which the funds were awarded.

  • If a student withdraws, they may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that the student was scheduled to receive, and may need to return of all or some portion of the Title IV funds received by the school and the student.
  • A student participating in a Title IV-funded program is obligated to give written official notice of withdrawal from school. Withdrawal from school may necessitate return of all or some portion of the Title IV funds received by the school and the student. Failure to formally notify the school of withdrawal does not negate the legally required “Return of Title IV funds.” The school may consider non-attendance of all classes with no notification from the student of illness or other necessary absence as a withdrawal from the school and set the Return of Title IV process into motion.

Maintaining Financial Aid

  • A student must maintain a satisfactory grade-point average and satisfactory academic progress within their course of study to maintain financial aid. This includes federal aid through direct loan programs.
  • No student who owes a refund on a federal or state grant or who is in default of a federal educational loan will qualify for aid.
  • Hebrew College reserves the right to withhold financial support from students who have not met their financial obligations to the College.
  • Any financial award is subject to revision if the student alters the number of credits they are carrying or if the student’s financial situation changes.
  • The College will also adjust a financial aid award should there be discrepancies between information stated on the financial aid application and the supporting documentation.
  • Students receiving money from any of the federal or state programs are subject to federally or state-mandated refund regulations.
  • Recipients of outside scholarships or grants after the initial financial aid package has been offered may receive a reduction of funding from the College. This will typically occur for need-based scholarships.

Financial Aid in Future Years  

Hebrew College financial aid decisions are made on an academic-year basis. Students must apply each spring for the following year and meet the published priority application deadlines to maximize eligibility. The financial aid may be higher or lower in future years if family circumstances change.

  • If the student’s income changes, if the family size changes, or if there is a change in the number of family members enrolled in degree programs, there can be a significant change in financial aid eligibility.
  • If the student drops below full-time, the aid will be reduced proportionally.
  • If the student drops below half-time enrollment, the student will lose eligibility for federal direct student loans and may lose eligibility for other types of assistance.
  • Students enrolled in their final year of study and taking all the courses required and available to complete their degree program, even if enrolled in fewer than six credits, will be considered as being enrolled at least half-time for federal financial aid purposes.
  • If students anticipate only needing and being able to take fewer than six credits during one or both semesters of their final year of study, they are encouraged to consult with the Financial Aid Office to confirm their eligibility for federal loans. Ordination students will continue to pay full-time block tuition for the duration of their program, regardless of the number of credits being taken.

Financial Aid for International Students

Hebrew College offers financial aid to eligible international students.

  • U.S. permanent residents holding an Alien Registration Receipt Card (I-151 or I-551) or a Conditional Permanent Resident Card (I-151C) and those noncitizens holding an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94)—showing one of the designations Refugee, Asylum Granted, Indefinite Parole, Humanitarian Parole or Cuban-Haitian Entrant—may participate in the federal student loan programs. These students will be required to complete both the Hebrew College financial aid application and the FAFSA.
  • Students who have been issued a student visa through Hebrew College (an F1 visa) do not qualify to participate in any of the federal loan programs and should complete only the Hebrew College financial aid application by March 1st. They may be asked to provide financial information in addition to the Hebrew College form (usually income/tax information from their home country), but will not be required to complete the FAFSA.

Employee Tuition Remission Benefit Program

Employees wishing to take advantage of the Employee Tuition Remission Benefit Program should refer to the separate policy document and direct questions to the Human Resources department. Approval is required in advance of registration for any classes.

In general, students are not eligible for this benefit.

Financial Aid Process

The Registrar ensures that the student is registered for the correct credits to satisfy receipt of the loan amount. The Academic Year’s Financial Aid Worksheet is utilized to calculate the student’s budget, expected family contribution (EFC)/Student Aid Index (SAI), and aid for which the student qualifies. The financial aid coordinator maintains documentation detailing all students with financial aid, date the application was received, what their EFC/SAI is, and any questions they have regarding their FAFSA. The financial aid coordinator brings any potential candidates and all their backup documentation to the appropriate dean to see if the student is eligible for any merit scholarships.

The school has a Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG), which enables it to send, receive, and manage federal student aid information electronically. Using software provided for the SAIG (EdExpress), we collect data on our computer system and transmit the collected data in batches over the SAIG. The appropriate Title IV Application System receives and processes the data, performs any required database cross-referencing, and returns the processed data to the College’s mailbox. Using the EdConnect software, Hebrew College is able to send and receive data through the SAIG. EDExpress is a fully integrated software package provided by the U.S. Department of Education that enables schools to process, package, and manage student financial aid records electronically in an easy-to-use Windows format.

Booking and Disbursing Federal Aid

The Financial Aid Office books grants and student loans through the EdExpress/EdConnect system and is notified as to acceptance of requested aid and when that aid will be available for the student. Disbursement rosters are received through this system and used to generate paperwork for each individual student recipient. The Roster and pursuant paperwork (which includes calculations of any refund due any student) is given to the Business Office when complete along with a G5 Disbursement Required Form. The Business Office then transfers the funds from the school’s G5 account to the school’s bank account, and the funds are posted to each individual student account.

The financial aid coordinator is required to send a notification of disbursement of federal loan funds to each student on the date of receipt of the loan refund. The student then has 14 days from the date of disbursement to decide to cancel/accept loan. If the student notifies the school that they have decided to refuse the loans or change the amount of the loan, the money is to be returned to the U.S. DOE through the G5 system after the Financial Aid Office personnel have entered the necessary calculations and documentation into the EdExpress/EdConnect system. Refund checks are issued to the student at the end of the 14-day period.

The Office of Student Services sends bills to students monthly. If a student had a zero balance due, the student would not receive a bill. When the Office of Student Services processes batch payments, they mainly are received via credit cards and checks (no cash). The student accounts coordinator  processes and posts the payments and the director of the office of student services checks the work.

Requirement to Get Student’s SSN

In order to comply with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements to report tuition payments and other information on Form 1098-T, higher education institutions need to collect students’ taxpayer identification numbers (TINs). For most students, their TIN is their Social Security Number (SSN). Students who are not eligible for an SSN may have an individual taxpayer identification number, known as an ITIN.

To avoid being subject to fines for failure to report correct TINs on Form 1098-T, institutions must solicit any missing TINs:

  • at least once a year
  • in writing
  • with a clear notice that the individual is required by law to provide the TIN so that it may be included on an information return.

Many colleges and universities ask potential students to provide their TIN at the time of application. Some explain that it is being collected due to IRS regulations for the purpose of filing an information report.

Reporting the TIN is usually optional. Once a student enrolls, the institution needs to take steps to obtain a valid TIN for each student as part of its enrollment/registration processes and if unsuccessful, solicit one at least annually in order to avoid fines.

Hebrew College Policy on Credit Hours 

Hebrew College’s Graduate Leadership Programs operate on a semester system using credit hours. There are fall and spring semesters of approximately 15 weeks each, and a summer semester of 6-10 weeks. Some programs may run required mini-courses during the January preceding the spring semester, with those credit hours counting towards students’ spring semester credit loads.

Calculation of credit hours follows the recommendations of the US Department of Education.  Each credit hour assumes the equivalent of three hours of work per week over a 15-week semester, including class time, structured partner study time (in “beit midrash” or “hevruta”), homework, research, papers and exams. In total, one credit hour equals 45 hours of work over the course of the semester.

Online classes which are asynchronous follow the same credit hour guidelines, with 45 hours of work per credit hour expected over the course of the semester.

Grading System

Hebrew College grade-point averages and academic standards are based on the following grade-point equivalents:

A+ = 4.2
A = 4.0
A– = 3.7
B+ = 3.5
B = 3.3
B– = 3.0
C+  = 2.7
C = 2.5
C–  = 2.3
D  = 2.0
F, I, NC, P, W, PI, NG = 0

Grading and Credit Requirements 

Graduate students must maintain a cumulative minimum grade-point average of 3.0. Graduate students only receive credit for courses in which they earn a B– or better. Undergraduates in accredited gap-year programs only receive credit for courses in which they earn a C- or better. 

Students in Hebrew College’s ordination programs are graded on a pass-fail basis in many of their required courses, with individualized assessments and evaluations making up a portion of the grading process. A passing grade requires the equivalent of a B- or better.

Full-time students in the graduate programs are expected to complete at least 9 credits per fall and spring semester. Part-time students are those taking fewer than 9 credits per semester. Unless enrolled in their final semester of study, students must register for at least six credits per semester in order to qualify for federal Direct Student Loans. Full-time master’s degree students are expected to graduate within three years. Part-time master’s degree students are expected to complete their degree within four years. Students in the Rabbinical program are expected to complete their degrees within 6 years. Students in the Cantorial program are expected to complete their degrees within 5 years.

Credit Requirements for Students Receiving Student Loans

All students who ask for student loans are required by the federal government to take a minimum number of credits each semester. This requirement may differ from the part-time or full-time categories listed above. Recipients of student loans are also required to make satisfactory academic progress each semester. Failure to do so can impact eligibility for further student loans. See the “Financial Aid at Hebrew College” section for more information.

Policies on Incomplete Classes, Program Extensions or Withdrawals


A student, who for compelling reasons postpones the submission of required coursework, must fill out a “Petition for Incomplete” form to be signed by the instructor and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. The form must be received by the registrar before the last day of the class. A deadline for when the completed coursework is due may be set by the instructor and this information will be given to both the student and the registrar’s office. If no specific deadline is set, the coursework must be completed and submitted by the student during the following semester.

  • If an Incomplete is requested for a fall semester course, the outstanding work must be submitted by the last day of spring semester of the same academic year.
  • If an Incomplete is requested for a spring semester course, the outstanding work must be submitted by the last day of summer semester.
  • If an Incomplete is requested for a summer course, the outstanding work must be submitted by the last day of the fall semester.
  • Students should inform the Registrar’s office when they have submitted all outstanding work to the appropriate instructor.
  • Graduating students must complete all incomplete courses no later than March 1st during the spring semester of their final year.
  • A student holding two or more Incompletes may not register for subsequent semesters until coursework is completed. An academic hold will be placed on their account.
  • If a student fails to submit the outstanding work to the instructor within the designated time frame outlined above, the grade of “I” will be changed to a grade of F. Instructors may request that the Registrar enter a grade of PI, Permanent Incomplete, rather than a grade of F.

Extension of Incomplete

In special circumstances, the Chief Academic Officer has the authority to grant an extension for the submission of overdue work with the approval of the instructor. To request an extension, you must submit a written petition to the Registrar’s Office, explaining the extenuating circumstances. The petition must include a date by which work will be submitted. The Registrar will submit the petition to the Dean of your program for approval. Generally, the extension will be limited to two to four weeks.

Extensions and Probation for Degree Candidates

Matriculated students requesting less than half-time study or extensions of time limits should consult with their deans. Students who do not maintain acceptable grade-point averages or who fail to complete the required number of credits may be placed on academic probation by written notification. Students on academic probation are entitled to participate fully in all aspects of College life; however, any financial assistance provided by the College may be discontinued for the duration of the student’s probation. A student’s continued inability to maintain satisfactory academic progress for one semester following announcement of probation normally results in dismissal on academic grounds. Application for special consideration may be made to the Registrar’s Office in writing and will be brought to the dean of your program for approval.

Withdrawal from School

If you wish to withdraw from your degree program, you must submit the official withdrawal form as notification of “Withdrawal from School” to the Office of the Registrar. Non-attendance or a conversation with an instructor or dean does not constitute formal withdrawal, nor does it reduce or alter your financial obligation to the College.

Health and Immunization Requirements
(revised July 2022)

All matriculated students who will attend classes or programs on campus are required to provide proof of ‎immunization. Students must be immunized against hepatitis B (three inoculations), measles, mumps and rubella ‎‎(individually or through the MMR vaccine), tetanus and diphtheria (TDap vaccine), and varicella. Students must ‎also be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (depending on vaccine, one or two doses plus a booster). ‎

Students may submit either the Hebrew College Immunization form, signed by a healthcare provider, or an ‎immunization record which comes directly from the healthcare provider’s office. This form needs to be submitted ‎only once, before new students begin their studies, and must be received before classes begin.‎

Students who are medically exempt from vaccinations may submit a letter so stating signed by a health ‎professional. Students who are not able to access their immunization records must review their situation with the ‎director of their program at least 30 days before the beginning of the academic year, and may be asked to ‎provide proof of immunity to the above diseases through blood tests.‎

Students who attend classes exclusively online and never visit campus in person are exempt from the immunization requirements.

Any student who has not complied with the requirements of this immunization policy will be barred from the campus pending compliance.

The Hebrew College Immunization form can be found on the Hebrew College website, under Resources/Registrar/Forms.

Policy on Required Health Insurance

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires all full-time students to be enrolled in a Health Insurance plan. Hebrew College directs students who do not already have health insurance to the Massachusetts Health Connector, https://www.mahealthconnector.org.

>> Our current Acceptable Use document is being updated. Please Contact HR or the Registrar for the latest Acceptable Use Policy.

Matriculated students in good standing who need to discontinue their studies for a short period of time may request up to two consecutive semester-long leaves of absence from their degree program without jeopardizing their enrollment or their standing in the program. The student must complete the “Petition for Leave of Absence” form and submit it, together with the required fee, to the Office of the Registrar, before the beginning of the semester in which a leave is requested.

A leave of absence may be requested in the following circumstances:

  • You are a matriculated student who requires time off for personal, professional or other legitimate reasons before all coursework has been completed. You may take a leave for no longer than one year during your degree program. Leaves are set up semester by semester and fees are required for each semester of this type of leave.
  • You are a matriculated student who is writing a thesis, but not attending classes for a specific semester. Leave of Absence fee is required.
  • You are a matriculated student who has completed all coursework, including a thesis or final project, for a degree and are awaiting the next commencement. No Leave of Absence fee is required.
  • You are a matriculated student who has a medical need to take a leave of absence. You must complete the Leave of Absence form and provide a letter from your doctor requesting you be allowed leave. No Leave of Absence fee is required.

Hebrew College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability in admission to, access to, treatment in, or employment in its programs and activities. Any student who is unable because of religious beliefs to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirement on a particular day will be excused and will be provided with an opportunity to reschedule, provided that the make-up exam or work does not create an unreasonable burden upon the College. No fees of any kind will be charged for this change. No adverse or prejudicial effects will result in any student availing himself or herself of the provisions of this regulation. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies at the College should be directed to the Chief Academic Officer. Inquiries may also be referred to the Regional Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, 222 J.W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse, Boston, Mass. 02109-4557.

>> Read the Non-Discrimination Policy

For the purpose of this policy, the official opening time for the College is 8:00 a.m. A delayed opening means that the College will open at 10:00 a.m. Evening classes begin at 6:00 p.m. or later.

In the event that the College must close or delay opening due to severe weather conditions or other emergency, an announcement will be made by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the closure. During these emergencies, a recorded message of the College’s operating schedule can be heard by calling (617) 559-8609. In addition, an email will be sent to all faculty, staff and students and announcements will be made in the following media:

  • The Hebrew College website
  • Local television stations
    • WBZ (Channel 4)
    • WHDH (Channel 7)
    • NECN Boston (Channel 10)
    • WFXT (Channel 25)

Vehicles on Campus/Parking

All students, staff and faculty who drive to campus on a regular basis may use the campus parking lot. You are expected to follow posted signs and park only in designated areas. No cars should be left overnight without permission. Please speak to the receptionist in the main lobby for specific directions.

Registration of an Out-of-State Vehicle

Massachusetts’ state law requires all students using cars not registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to file a non-resident driver statement with the policy department located in the same city or town as the college the student is attending. If you are a non-resident student who will be driving to campus, you are required to complete the Massachusetts Non-Resident Statement Form. The Office of Student Services will provide you with the necessary form and then issue the legally required out-of-state decal which you must display on your vehicle.

Appropriation and passing off another person’s ideas or words as your own is considered plagiarism. When using another person’s words or ideas, you must acknowledge the original source through recognized referencing practices. If you are unsure whether or not a citation is necessary or what sort of citation is appropriate, you should consult with your adviser or course instructor. Use of another’s ideas or words must be properly acknowledged as follows:

  • Direct quotations must be acknowledged by footnote citation and by either quotation marks or other appropriate designation
  • When another person’s ideas are borrowed in whole, or in part, and restated in your own words, you must include proper acknowledgment. A footnote or proper internal citation must follow the paraphrased material.
  • Other forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the submission of another person’s paper as your own work, the use of a paper or essay to fulfill requirements in more than one class without both instructors’ knowledge and expressed permission, and the acquisition of a copy of an examination in advance without the knowledge and consent of the instructor

Foreign Transcripts for Admissions

Applicants wishing to be admitted to a Hebrew College degree or certificate program after attending a program in a foreign country must have the transcript(s) professionally translated from the foreign language and have them evaluated by an agency specializing in converting foreign credits into the American semester hour system. This includes transcripts from Israel and Canada. Applicants are responsible for the cost of these services.

Transfer of foreign credits

Applicants wishing to transfer credit from foreign colleges or universities must have their transcripts professionally translated from a foreign language and have them evaluated by an agency specializing in converting foreign credits into the American semester-hour system. This includes transcripts from Israel and Canada. Applicants are responsible for the cost of these services.

Hebrew College will accept transcript translations or conversions from:

American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
International Education Services
One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 520
Washington, D.C. 20036-1135
Phone: 202-296-3359

Education Credential Evaluators, Inc.
PO Box 514070
Milwaukee WI 53203-3470
Phone: 414-289-3400

Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. International Education Consultants
7101 SW 102 Avenue
Miami. FL 33173
Phone: 305-273-1616

World Education Services
Bowling Green Station
P.O. Box 5087
New York, NY 10274-5087
Phone: 212-966-6311

Please note: no college, including Hebrew College, is required to accept for transfer any credits presented on other college’s transcripts. Each institution has the right and responsibility to judge and decide which credits and how many credits will or will not be accepted. Additionally, no college, including Hebrew College, can guarantee that any or all credits shown on its transcript will be accepted by another institution.

Policy on International Students

Students must fill out an International Students information form during the application process.

Academic and Non-Academic Probation
[For Students in Ordination Programs Only]

A student may be placed on academic and/or non-academic probation when serious concerns exist about the student’s ability to successfully complete the program, whether for academic or non-academic reasons. The process of probation aims to create a supportive structure through which the student may address these areas of concern in order to continue in good standing in the program.

The Dean of the Rabbinical School determines if a student will be placed on probation, in consultation with the Dean of Students and Associate Dean. When appropriate, other Hebrew College faculty members may also be consulted.

A student may be placed simultaneously on academic and non-academic probation if deemed necessary. In all cases of probation, the Dean or Dean of Students will provide to the student in question a written communication detailing the reason(s) for probation and the action(s) necessary for the student to be removed from probation. If the student has not met the terms of probation by the end of the probation semester, the Dean, in consultation with the Dean of Students and Associate Dean, may revise the terms of probation. These may include either extending the period of probation or removing the student from the program.

Reasons for Academic Probation
A student may be placed on academic probation if they:

  • Fail a course
  • In the same semester, receive two pass-with-reservations on narrative assessments that supplement course grades

Terms of Academic Probation

In the case of academic probation due to a failed course, the typical terms of probation entail re-taking and passing the failed course OR working independently with a prescribed tutor to achieve sufficient mastery of the material covered in the course. If working with a tutor, sufficient mastery of the course material will be evaluated by the appropriate Hebrew College faculty member.

In the case of academic probation due to receiving two pass-with-reservations on narrative assessments that supplement course grades, the typical terms of probation entail, but may not be limited to, passing all of the following semester classes without reservation.

In both cases, we endeavor to determine if there is an underlying issue that may be causing or contributing significantly to the performance challenges. If such a cause is identified, the terms of probation could include additional learning specifically addressing the underlying issue.

Should a student placed on probation have learning needs, the Dean of Students will work with the Director of Academic Support Services to ensure that the student is receiving appropriate help.

Reasons for Non-Academic Probation
A student may be placed on non-academic probation if there are significant concerns about the student’s fitness for the program or career as a clergy person. The following is a list of the kinds of concerns which could lead to non-academic probation. This list is not meant to be exhaustive:

  • Use of antagonistic language towards faculty, staff, or fellow students
  • Consistent challenges working cooperatively and productively with faculty, staff, and/or fellow students
  • Receive persistent negative feedback from internships and/or are fired from an internship

Terms of Non-Academic Probation
In the case of non-academic probation, terms are tailored specifically for each individual case, enabling the student to work actively on the particular behavior(s) in question. Typical elements may include: a commitment to work on the particular behavior in question and do appropriate tsehuvah (repentance) if necessary; work with a clergy mentor or other qualified person who can provide honest and open feedback and support.

Appeals of Probation
Students may appeal the probation decision to the Provost of Hebrew College. Students should provide in writing a rationale for why the probation should be overturned.

While the policy of the school is to place students on a semester-long probation before expulsion, in the case of an egregious act which is entirely incommensurate with an aspiring clergy person, the College may immediately dismiss a student. In such cases, a student may appeal their dismissal to the Provost of Hebrew College and/or the President of Hebrew College.


You must register each semester to attend classes. Anyone attending a class who has not registered and who does not appear on the official class roster may be asked to leave the classroom until he or she has officially registered. You will not be allowed access to any online course without being registered for that course. You will only receive grades or credit for classes for which you are registered. All students—matriculated, non-matriculated, for-credit and noncredit—are required to register for courses by the registration date listed in the Academic Calendar available on the Hebrew College website. Only students in good academic and financial standing are eligible to register for classes. Registration requires payment of a nonrefundable registration fee, as well as payment of tuition. All students may register through Hebrew College’s online Campus Cafe system .

Payment of all tuition and fees is due at the time of registration. Hebrew College does not provide third-party billing. If tuition is being paid by an employer, payment should be made directly to the College. Alternatively you can make the payment and arrange for personal reimbursement from the employer. Other arrangements for payment (student loans, payment plans) must be made with the Office of Student Accounts at or prior to registration. No registrations will be accepted without payment information. Students who fail to follow this procedure will not be considered registered and are not entitled to the student and academic services of the College.

Cross-Registration Opportunities through the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI)

Hebrew College participates in a cross-registration agreement with the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium. Only matriculated Hebrew College students already accepted into a Hebrew College degree program may cross-register through the BTI. The normal tuition and fees are paid to Hebrew College. However, the host school may require an additional registration fee. Note that semester start dates, end dates, and add/drop dates may vary among schools. It is your obligation to register during the registration period as required by the school at which you wish to cross-register.

Registration is done on the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium website: http://www.bostontheological.org, in the cross-registration section of the website.

BTI Member Schools are:

  • Boston College Theology Department
  • Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
  • Boston University School of Theology
  • Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
  • Hartford Seminary
  • Harvard Divinity School
  • Hebrew College
  • Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
  • St. John’s Seminary & Theological Institute

Hebrew College’s membership in BTI provides our student’s access to library resources at all BTI member institutions. Access includes borrowing privileges.

Late Registration and Course Withdrawal

A student may still register for classes during the Add/Drop Period. Total payment is due upon registration. No registrations will be accepted after the Add/Drop Period has ended. Students wishing to withdraw from a class after the Add/Drop deadline must receive their advisor’s approval and submit a written request to the registrar.

Failure to Register

A student wishing to take a semester off must petition for a leave of absence. A matriculated student who fails to register for classes or petition for a leave of absence and does not pay the required tuition and/or fees for more than one semester will be considered an inactive student and may be required to apply for readmission to the College. Readmission under these circumstances may result in your being required to follow the degree requirements in place at time of readmission, rather than those in place when you were originally admitted to the College.

Students who have completed their coursework and are waiting for graduation, or who are spending the semester writing their thesis, are still required to register each semester. You should register for a Leave of Absence for Continuation of Candidacy or Writing of Thesis. See the section below on Leave of Absence for more information, including registration fee requirements.

In the case of a lost or damaged diploma/certificate, a replacement document may be requested from the Office of the Registrar. The replacement diploma will be issued in the name of the student as it appeared at the original time of issue. A fee will be required to cover printing and mailing, and the diploma will be mailed in the spring at the time of the current academic year’s graduation ceremonies. The replacement will be provided in the current format and with current signatures. If you wish your replacement diploma to display a different name from the one printed on your original diploma and the one in our records, you must also send a separate request for a legal name change, submitting required documentation.

Campus Guidelines for People with a Respiratory Virus

(Updated March 2024)

Hebrew College follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for our respiratory virus campus protocols. You can read a summary of CDC guidelines here and its full guidance here. The key ideas and policies that we have adapted for our context are:

When sick: Hebrew College requires community members to “stay home … if you have respiratory virus symptoms that aren’t better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others.”

You can return to campus when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:

  • Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
  • You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).

When you return to campus, take added precaution over the next 5 days, including additional steps for hygiene and wearing a mask.

Immunizations: Hebrew College strongly recommends people “Stay up to date with the immunizations that are recommended for you. For most people that means getting a current flu and COVID-19 vaccine.”

We need everyone in the community to take these guidelines seriously. These protocols are critical for the health of people in the building and those we interact with outside of here.

Visit our Title IX web page here.

View the policy [PDF]

Financial Statements & Annual Reports

View recent Hebrew College audited financial information here. If you have questions, please contact the President’s Office at dron@hebrewcollege.edu. Thank you.