Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!

Alumni & Career Placement:
Become a Rabbi

alumni faces

A Global Rabbinate: Creating and Sustaining Change Around the World

What kind of rabbi will you be?

Community weaver, educator, author, artist, musician, organizer, pastoral caregiver, counselor, healer, caretaker, spiritual guide, community builder, prayer leader, farmer, peacemaker, tradition translator, interfaith collaborator…

When we asked our rabbinical alumni to describe their rabbinates, their responses were a reminder of the breadth and depth of rabbinic work — and how they each have taken their Hebrew College education out into the world to create a rabbinate that reflects their unique passions and gifts. They serve as guides and companions in communities all over the world. As the role of the rabbi continues to expand well beyond the pulpit, our graduates are prepared to be:

  • Spiritual leaders
  • Executive Directors
  • Pastoral counselors
  • Scholars
  • Educators and Heads of School
  • Musicians
  • Artists
  • Social activists
  • Community organizers
  • Rav-Hazzanim

alumni faces

Hebrew College offers inspiring rabbinic education, vibrant community and professional opportunities.

Our graduates currently serve as congregational rabbis in affiliated and independent congregations, Hillel rabbis and executive directors, hospital chaplains and organizational innovators in institutions across the country. Having successfully placed nearly all of our graduates in the rabbinate, Hebrew College is a thriving enterprise in rabbinic education.

Placement Support

At Hebrew College, you are not alone in your search. Our faculty and staff work with studentss and graduates to help them prepare for and find the rabbinic position that is right for each of them.

  • Individualized Placement Support: We will provide you with highly individualized support during your job search to enable you to find the right opportunity.
  • Job-Search Skills: Our staff, along with other professionals with whom we work, help with drafting resumes and cover letters, preparing for interviews and negotiating contracts.
  • Alumni Resources: We continue to provide these job-placement resources to alumni of the rabbinical school.

Placement Partners in the Hebrew College Internship Program

Our students serve as rabbinic and cantorial interns in the Greater Boston area and beyond.

Rabbinical Internship Experiences

giulia-fleishmanRead about recent alumni Rabbi Giulia Fleishman `22 (above) and Rabbi Ryan Lezner `23, who deepened their rabbinical training and connected with community members as part of their rabbinical internship training.

Current Student Internships

Below are some of the synagogues, Hillels, and organizations where our students serve. View the Internship Handbook here.


  • Beth Israel Congregation, Bath, MN (Reform)
  • B’nai Tikvah, Canton, MA (Independent)
  • Boston Synagogue, Boston, MA (Independent)
  • Congregation Betenu, Amherst, NH (Reform)
  • Congregation Dorshei Tzedek, West Newton, MA (Reconstructionist)
  • Congregation Shaaray Tefilla, Glen Falls, NY (Conservative)
  • Jewish Community of Amherst, Amherst, MA (Reconstructionist)
  • Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, Stowe, VT (Independent)
  • Ma’yan Tikvah, Wayland, MA (Independent)
  • Mishkan Tefillah, Brookline, MA (Conservative)
  • Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue, Jamaica Plain, MA (Independent)
  • Sha’arei Tefilah, Glens Falls, NY (Conservative)
  • Shir Tikvah, Minneapolis, MN (Reform)
  • Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation, Orlando, FL (Conservative)
  • Temple Beth Avodah, Newton, MA (Reform)
  • Temple Beth David, Westwood, MA (Reform)
  • Temple Beth Zion, Brookline, MA (Independent)
  • Temple B’nai Abraham, Beverly, MA (Independent)
  • Temple Emanu-El, Providence, RI (Conservative)
  • Temple Emmanu-el, Haverill, MA (Reform)
  • Temple Emunah, Lexington, MNA (Conservative)
  • Temple Israel, Boston, MA (Reform)
  • Temple Israel, Greenfield, MA
  • Temple Israel, Portsmouth, NH (Consservative)
  • Temple Kol Tikvah, Sharon, MA (Independent)
  • Temple Reyim, Newton, MA (Conservative)
  • Temple Shir Tikva, Wayland, MA (Reform)
  • Temple Sinai, Brookline, MA (Reform)
  • Temple Tiferet Shalom, Peabody, MA (Reform)


  • Boston University Hillel, Boston, MA
  • Brandeis University Hillel, Waltham, MA
  • Northeastern University Hillel, Boston, MA
  • Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale/Yale Hillel, New Haven, CT
  • Williams College Hillel, Williamstown, MA

Community Organizations

  • 18Doors
  • 2Life Communities, Brighton, MA
  • Boston-Area Jewish Education Program, Waltham, MA
  • Center for Small Town Jewish Life at Temple Beth El, Augusta, ME
  • Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action
  • Essex County Community Organizations, Lynn, MA
  • Fat Torah, Online (Israel based)
  • Granite State Organizing Project, Manchester, NH
  • Mayyim Hayyim: Living Waters Community Mikvah, Newton, MA
  • Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College, Newton, MA
    • OneTable, Online
  • Teen Beit Midrash, Hebrew College, Newton, MA

Internship Handbook

>> View the handbook for students and mentors for internship program details.

student smilingWhen I was Keshet’s* intern, I was the person anchoring the justice work. I was primarily working with them on a ballot initiative campaign here in Massachusetts that was aimed at repealing public protection that was enshrined into law for transgender people. We were working with a coalition of different organization and movements trying to maintain the laws that we have now. Keshet is organizing the Jewish community to be involved.

– Mimi Micner, rormer rabbinical student (ordained in 2020) and Campaign Specialist Intern at Keshet, Boston, MA. Keshet, one of Hebrew College’s shared campus partners, is a national grassroots organization with offices in Boston, New York, and the San Francisco Bay Area that works for the full equality and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Jews in Jewish life.

Teaching Experience

Rabbinical students also have the opportunity to hone their teaching and curriculum building skills as instructors in Hebrew College’s young adult community learning programs.


Where Our Alumni Serve

“The jobs that members of our graduating Class of 2022/5782 are taking truly reflect the diversity of interest which makes Hebrew College such a compelling place. The positions include: a director of pastoral care at an elder care facility; a teen educator; the assistant rabbi for the world’s largest LGBTQ synagogue; the new BASE rabbi for Berkeley, California; a text teacher at a Jewish day school, etc. It is an immensely talented group of graduating students, and they will make a significant mark on the Jewish world in very different ways. Each of them will be bringing the combination of textual knowledge and community-building skills which are core to the Hebrew College program.” — Rabbi Dan Judson, Hebrew College Provost

Humans of Hebrew College

“I cannot imagine working in pluralistic settings without the remarkable experience of Jewish pluralism at Hebrew College—I continue to be most grateful for my education and the opportunities it has opened for me.”

—- Rabbi Jim Morgan, Rab’08, Chaplain at Center Communities of Brookline, MA, a division of Hebrew SeniorLife.


For Those Working in Pulpits

  • 24% work in synagogues affiliated with the Reform movement
  • 34% work in synagogues affiliated with the Conservative movement
  • 32% work in Independent Synagogues
  • 10% work in synagogues affiliated with the Reconstructing Judaism movement

Hillel/College Chaplaincy

  • Jordan Braunig `14, Jewish Chaplain, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
  • Michaela Brown `24, Associate Chaplain for Jewish (& Interfaith) Life at St. Olaf College and Carleton College, Northfield, MN
  • Misha Clebaner `19, Campus Rabbi, University of Pennsylvania Hillel, Philadelphia, PA
  • Getzel Davis `13, Campus Rabbi, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
  • Jevin Eagle `19, CEO and University Chaplain, Boston University Hillel, Boston, MA
  • Batya Ellinoy`22, Rabbi-in-Residence, BaMidbar Therapy, Denver, CO
  • Aaron Fine `09, Executive Director, University of Massachusetts Hillel, Amherst, MA
  • Jessica Goldberg `20, Chaplain for Jewish Life, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA
  • Josh Greenberg `23, Jewish Chaplain, Philips Academy, Andover, MA
  • Steven Jablow `15, Director of Campus Ministry, Hillel Director, Jewish Chaplain, & University Lecturer, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI
  • Emma Kippley-Ogman `10, Associate Chaplain for Jewish Life, Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN
  • Talia Laster `’22, Campus Rabbi, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
  • Bryan Mann `18, Rachlin Director of Jewish Student Life & Assistant Director of the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life and Contemplative Practices, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
  • Stephanie Max `19, Executive Director, University of Texas Hillel, Austin, TX
  • Sonia Saltzman Rab`08, Rabbi, Boston University Hillel, Boston, MA
  • Stephanie Sanger-Miller `19, Associate Director, Brandeis University Hillel, Waltham, MA
  • Lisa Stella `14, Director of Religious Life, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Seth Wax `13, Jewish Chaplain, Williams College, Williamstown, MA
  • Moshe Webber `23, Rabbi, Metro Chicago Hillel, Chicago, IL
  • Jacob Weiss `24, Rabbi, Northeastern University Hillel, Boston, MA
  • Ilana Zietman `19, Director of Jewish Life, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

Jewish Arts

  • Adina Allen `14, Co-Founder & Creative Director, The Jewish Studio Project, Berkeley, CA
  • Adam Lavitt `12, Director of Learning, The Jewish Studio Project, Berkeley, CA

Jewish Communal Leadership

  • Alana Alpert `14, Co-founder and Creative Director, Detroit Jews for Justice
  • Julia Appel `11, Senior Director of Innovation, CLAL, New York, NY
  • Elyssa Austerklein `11, Rabbi & Founding Director, Ivrim Jews Without Borders, Akron, OH
  • Laura Bellows `18, Director of Spiritual Activism and Education, Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action
  • Minna Bromberg `10, Founder and President, Fat Torah, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Nate de Groot, `16, National Organizer, The Shalom Center, Philadelphia, PA
  • Ayalon Eliach `18, Chief Ideas Officer, Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah, Brooklyn, NY
  • Jeremy Fierstien `11, Development Director, Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, Rockville, MD
  • Hindy Finman `24, Senior Director of Jewish Life, Pittsburgh JCC, Pittsburgh PA
  • Shoshana Friedman `14, Director, Artists Beit Midrash, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
  • Shamarya Gershon `08, Kosher Supervisor/Mashgiach, Vaad Hakashrus of Fairfield County (Ladle & Loaf), New Haven, CT
  • Rabbi Marcie Kamerow Rab`15, MJED`15, Development Associate, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Boston, MA
  • Gita Karasov `20, Dean of Students and Admissions, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
  • Avi Killip `14, Executive Vice President, Hadar Institute, New York, NY
  • Daniel Klein `10, Dean of the Rabbinical School, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
  • Elie Lehmann `17, Director of Hadar Boston, Cambridge, MA
  • Amalia Mark `21, Senior Consultant, Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters Community Mikveh, Newton MA
  • SAM Luckey, `20, Rabbinic Program and Community Builder, Kehilla Community Synagogue, Piedmont, CA (Independent)
  • Lev Meirowitz Nelson `13, Teacher, T’ruah: Luria Academy of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY
  • Suzanne Offit `09, Co-facilitator of Suicide Loss Survivor Support Group , Jewish Family & Children’s Service, Waltham, MA
  • Matt Ponak `20, Co-Founder, Teacher & Somatic Spiritual Guide, Mekorah Institute, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
  • Margie Klein Ronkin `11, Executive Director, Essex County Community Organization, Lynn, MA
  • Jenna Shaw `23, Assistant Director, T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, Washington, DC
  • Becky Silverstein `14, Faculty, Co-Director, Trans Halakhah Project, SVARA
  • Avi Strausberg `15, Director of National Learning Initiatives, Hadar Institute, Washington, DC
  • Sarah Tasman `12, Director of Jewish Journeys and Engagement, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, Silver Spring, MD

Jewish Education

  • Benjamin Barer `18, Jewish Text Faculty, Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Rockville, MD
  • Tiferet Berenbaum `13, Rabbi of Congregational Learning and Programming, Temple Beth Zion, Brookline, MA (Independent)
  • Elizabeth Bonney-Cohen `18, Rabbi for Outreach and Family Engagement, Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy, Overland Park, KS
  • Jacob Chatinover `24, Director of Congregational Learning, Congregation Bonai Shalom, CO
  • Dena Glasgow `21, Director of Jewish Education, Gann Academy, Waltham, MA
  • Hillel Greene `14, Jewish Studies Faculty, Gann Academy, Waltham, MA
  • Justin Held `21, Director of Congregational Learning, Beth Jacob Congregation, Mendota Heights, MN
  • Naftali Hirsch `24, Director of Congregational Learning, Temple Beth David, Westwood, MA
  • Stephanie Kennedy `22, Rabbi Educator, Jewish Gateways, Albany, CA
  • Jessica Lenza `15, Associate Director of Creative Development, Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, New York, NY
  • Noam Lerman `20, Associate Clergy, LAB/SHUL, New York, NY (Independent)
  • Sara Meirowitz `13, Associate Dean of Jewish Education, Gann Academy, Waltham, MA
  • Jessica Kate Meyer `14, Rosh Tefilla and Artist-in-Residence, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
  • Salem Pearce `18, Director of Spirituality, Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life, Jackson, MS
  • Heather Renetzky `24, Director of Congregational Engagement, Mt. Zion Temple, St. Paul, MN
  • Shayna Rhodes `08, Co-Director of Beit Midrash & Faculty Member, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
  • Shani Rosenbaum `21, Co-Director of Beit Midrash & Faculty Member, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
  • Jordan Schuster `18, Director of Mekorot & Faculty Member, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
  • Shira Shazeer `10, Learning Center Teacher, Gann Academy, Waltham, MA
  • Stephen Slater `18, Dean of the Rabbinical School, Academy for Jewish Religion California, Los Angeles, CA
  • Alyson Solomon `09, Rabbi, Rabbi, Taube Center for Jewish Peoplehood, Santa Venetia, CA
  • Jessica Spencer `24, Doctoral Program in Religion, Columbia University, New York, NY
  • Jamie Stolper `21, Educator, Rabbi and Life Cycle Officiant, Self-Employed
  • Rebecca Weinstein `18, Associate Rav Beit Sefer, Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston, Newton, MA
  • David Winship `17, Director of Toshba, Jewish Community Day School, Brookline, MA
  • Shuki Zehavi `19, Rabbi, Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Non-Pulpit Community Rabbis

  • Ezra Balser `17, Rabbi of BASE Loop, Chicago, IL
  • Emmanuel Cantor `24, Community Rabbi, The Den Collective, Washington DC
  • Hayley Goldstein `18, Associate Rabbi, Park Slope Jewish Center, Brooklyn, NY
  • Joel Goldstein `19, Faculty, YASHRUT, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Allen Lipson `24, Organizer, Essex County Community Organization, Lynn, MA
  • Margot Meitner `14, Community Rabbi/Psychotherapist/Faculty-Hebrew College, Jamaica Plain, MA
  • Jackson Mercer `23,  Head Rabbi, BASE Boston, MA
  • Sarah Mulhern `17, Rabbi of BASE Lincoln Park, Chicago, IL
  • Frankie Sandmel `22, Rabbi of BASE Bay Area, Oakland, CA
  • Danny Stein `23, Rabbi, BASE – UWS under Moshe House, New York, NY
  • Gray Myrseth `17, Community Rabbi, Berkeley, CA

Pastoral Care

  • Joel Baron `14, Interfaith Chaplain, Orchard Cove, Hebrew SeniorLife, Canton, MA
  • Michael Cohen `08, Director of Rabbinic Services and Pastoral Care, The Legacy Senior Communities, Dallas, TX
  • Israel de la Piedra `13, Hospice Chaplain, AccentCare, Norwood, MA
  • Judi Ehrlich `08, Rabbi Chaplain, New Bridge on the Charles, Hebrew SeniorLife, Dedham, MA
  • Giulia Fleishman `22, Director of Spiritual Care, 2Life Communities, Brighton MA
  • Michael Fraade `24, Chaplain, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
  • Janie Hodgetts `09, Ikvotecha Spiritual Director, Hebrew College, Newton, MA
  • Rachel Kaplan `21, Hospice Chaplain, Hebrew SeniorLife, Dedham, MA
  • Rick Kline `16, Spiritual Health Practitioner & Chaplain, Banff Mineral Springs Hospital, Banff, Alberta, Canada
  • Jim Morgan `08, Rabbi Chaplain, Hebrew SeniorLife, Brookline, MA
  • Dick Rudnick `11, Rabbi Chaplain, The Jewish Health Care Center at University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA
  • Mona Strick `19, Chaplain, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
  • Dena Trugman `19, Palliative Care Chaplain, UCLA Health – Santa Monica Medical Center, Santa Monica, CA


  • Leora Abelson `17, Rabbi, Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue, Jamaica Plain, MA (Independent)
  • Alison Adler `08, Rabbi, Temple B’nai Abraham, Beverly, MA (Independent)
  • Alana Alpert `14, Executive Director & Rabbi Congregation T’chiyah, Oak Park, MI (Reconstructionist)
  • Aliza Berger `17, Rav Hazzan, Temple Emanuel, Newton Centre, MA (Conservative)
  • Dan Berman `10, Rabbi, Temple Reyim, Newton, MA (Conservative)
  • Yosef Berman `10, Rabbi, New Synagogue Project, Washington DC (Independent)
  • Brian Besser `10, Rabbi, Congregation Beth Shalom, Bloomington, IN (Reform)
  • Sam Blumberg `21, Rabbi, Temple Beth Am, Framingham, MA (Reform)
  • Sara Blumenthal `22, Assistant Rabbi, Congregation Agudath Israel, Caldwell, NJ (Conservative)
  • Josh Breindel `09, Rabbi, Congregation Beth El, Sudbury, MA (Reform)
  • Phillip Bressler `18, Rabbi, Beit Am Mid-Willamette Valley Jewish Community, Corvallis, OR (Independent)
  • Leah Carnow `24, Assistant Rabbi, Temple Beth Zion, Brookline, MA
  • Oksana Chapman `09, Rabbi, Temple Emmanuel of Chelsea, Chelsea, MA (Reform/Conservative)
  • Eric Cohen `12, Rabbi, Flemington Jewish Center, Flemington, NJ (Conservative)
  • David Cohen-Hernandez `10, Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation, Matarie, LA (Conservative)
  • Shahar Colt `12, Rabbi,  Newton, MA
  • Rogerio Cukierman `11, Rabbi, Congregacao Israelita Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Independent)
  • Tyler Dratch `21, Rabbi for Tefilah Leadership & Director of Youth and Family Education, Beth Am Synagogue, Baltimore, MD (Conservative)
  • Max Edwards `21, Assistant Rabbi, Temple B’nai Abraham, Livingston, NJ (Independent)
  • Ben Einsidler `24, Rabbi, Temple Beth Sholom, Framingham, MA
  • David Fainsilber `14, Rabbi, Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, Stowe, VT (Independent)
  • Eric Feld `23, Director of Membership and Religious Engagment, Congregation Beth Shalom, Dunwoody, GA (Conservative)
  • Lisa Feld `23, Rabbi, B’nai Tikvah, Canton, MA (Independent)
  • David Finkelstein `14, Rabbi, Congregation Or Atid, Wayland, MA (Conservative)
  • Ari Lev Fornari `14, Rabbi, Kol Tzedek Synagogue, Philadelphia, PA (Reconstructionist)
  • Micah Friedman `23, Rabbi, Temple Israel, Vestal, NY (Conservative)
  • Moshe Giventhal `17, Assistant Rabbi, North Shore Temple Emanuel, Chatsworth NSW, Australia
  • Joey Glick `22, Assistant Rabbi, Shir Tikvah Congregation, Minneapolis, MN (Reform)
  • Matt Goldberg `23, Assistant Rabbi, Beth El Synagogue, St. Louis Park, MN [Conservative]
  • Bekah Goldman `16, Rabbi, Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation-Emek Shalom, Simsbury, CT (Reform)
  • Mónica Gomery `17, Rabbi & Music Director, Kol Tzedek Synagogue, Philadelphia, PA (Reconstructionist)
  • Genevieve Greinetz `22, Assistant Rabbi Educator, Peninsula Temple Beth El, San Mateo, CA (Reform)
  • Elie Herb `16, Rabbi, Temple Beth Sholom, Salem, OR (Reconstructionist)
  • Eliana Jacobowitz `10, Senior Rabbi, Temple B’nai Brith, Somerville, MA (Independent)
  • Suzie Jacobson `15, Associate Rabbi and Director of Congregational Learning, Temple Israel, Boston, MA (Reform)
  • David Joslin`22, Rabbi, Temple Beth Israel, Plattsburgh, NY (Reform)
  • Randy Kafka `08, Rabbi, Temple Kol Tikvah, Sharon, MA (Independent)
  • Chaim Koritzinksy `08, Rabbi, Congregation Etz Chayim, Palo Alto, CA (Independent)
  • Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg `17, Lead Rabbi, Shir Tikvah Congregation, Minneapolis, MN (Reform)
  • Rabbi Navah Levine, Rabbi-in-Residence, The Boston Synagogue, Boston, MA
  • Ryan Lezner `23, Assistant Rabbi, Director of Jewish Living and Learning, Congregation Darchei Noam, North York, Ontario Canada (Reconstructionist)
  • Jessica Lowenthal `19, Rabbi and Education Director, Temple Beth Shalom, Melrose, MA (Reform)
  • Tamar Magill-Grimm `10, Acting Senior Rabbi, Beth Jacob Congregation, Mendota Heights, MN (Conservative)
  • Emily Mathis Rab`14, Rabbi, B’nai Torah Metrowest, Wayland, MA (Reform)
  • Alex Matthew `23, Rabbi, Congregation Ahavas Achim, Newburyport, MA [Independent]
  • Mimi Micner `20, Rabbi, Temple Beth Torah, Holliston, MA (Conservative)
  • Sarah Noyovitz `20, Temple Hillel B’nai Torah,  West Roxbury, MA (Reconstructionist)
  • J. Hannah Orden `10, Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Beth Hatikvah, Summit, NJ (Reconstructionist)
  • Elyse Pincus Abrahams `23, Assistant Rabbi, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA (Reform)
  • Allison Poirier `19, Rabbi, Temple Beth Sholom, Framingham, MA (Conservative)
  • Rachel Putterman `20, Rabbi, Temple Etz Chaim, Franklin, MA
  • Ken Richmond `21, Co-Senior Rabbi, Temple Israel, Natick, MA (Conservative)
  • Scott Roland `13, Rabbi, Shaarey Tikvah Congregation, Beachwood, OH (Conservative)
  • Ma’ayan Sands `16, Rabbi, Temple B’nai Shalom, Braintree, MA (Independent)
  • Rabbi Micah Shapiro `17, Founding Rabbi, Nariya Cleveland, OH
  • Daniel Schaeffer `18, Rabbi, Congregation Mishkan Israel, Hamden, CT (Reform)
  • Hal Schevitz `13, Associate Rabbi, Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, Indianapolis, IN (Conservative and Reconstructionist)
  • Josh Schreiber `23, Rabbi, Congregation Agudath Achim, Leominster, MA (Conservative)
  • Philip Sherman `13, Senior Rabbi, Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim, Deerfield, IL (Reform)
  • Michael Silbert `12, Rabbi, Temple Beth David, Rochester, NY (Conservative)
  • Talia Stein `20, Associate Rabbi, Temple Sinai, Brookline, MA (Reform)
  • Ashira Stevens `23, Spiritual Leader, Temple Emanu-El, Haverill, MA (Reform)
  • Lila Veissid `11, Regional Rabbi – Emek Hefer, Israel Reform Movement, Jerusalem, Israel (Independent)
  • Josh Weisman `18, Rabbi, Temple Beth Sholom, San Leandro, CA (Independent)
  • Becca Weintraub `20, Assistant Rabbi, B’nai Jeshurun, New York, NY (Independent)
  • Yael Werber `22, Associate Rabbi, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, New York, NY (Independent)
  • Eliana Willis `24, Assistant Rabbi, Temple Emunah, Lexington, MA

By Location

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Texas
  • Tennessee
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington DC


  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Israel

Hire Our Students and Alumni

Hebrew College has ordained over 100 hundred rabbis and cantors who are powerfully impacting the Jewish world. Our immersive program is rooted in the understanding that a strong spiritual leader is steeped in tradition, while at the same time engaged in the emergent needs of Jewish communities in the 21st century. Hire our students as interns or our alumni as leaders for your community.

How to Post a Job

To post a full- or part-time job with us, please email a job description and salary range to jobsboard@hebrewcollege.edu. If you would like to discuss our program or placement process, please include a phone number where we can reach you.

>> Learn more 

Meet Our Alumni

Nobody Can Make It Out there Alone

Rabbi Suzie Schwartz Jacobson`15, rabbi at Temple Israel of Boston, offered this teaching for Hebrew College’s Elul Together 5780 Project.

Jewish Approach to Climate Change

josh-weismanRabbi Josh Weisman`18 is a Jewish Emergent Network Rabbinic Fellow at Kavana Cooperative in Seattle, WA, where he “is thrilled to be working” because the organizations reflect his approach to Jewish community. Rabbi Weisman recently help organize the 2020 Seattle Jewish Climate Festival around Tu BiShvat with 16 organizations, and 18 events. Prior to rabbinical school, he worked for 12 years in non-profits, mostly as a grass-roots organizer. During that time, he worked for several years as a congregation-based community organizer—where he experienced the power of religious communities to transform the world and transform themselves in the process—and later helped launch a Jewish start-up.

Read more about his work with the Seattle Jewish Climate Festival 

Sweetness in Elul

Jewish chaplain and beekeeper Rabbi Suzanne Offit`09 offered this teaching on cherishing the small moments for Hebrew College’s Elul Together 5780 Project.

In the Field

In this Elul Together video by Rabbi Elisha Herb ’16, spiritual leader of Temple Beth Shalom in Salem, OR , he takes us into the field, with wind and rain in the background, for a short Torah teaching.

A Chavruta for Jewish Learning

Sarah-TasmanRabbi Sarah Tasman`12, is the founder and CEO of the Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity which offers in-person and online resources for those seeking meaningful, accessible, and personalized Jewish learning, community classes & gatherings, and private spiritual coaching and rabbinic support. While in rabbinical school, she found herself exploring the questions: “What makes a meaningful Jewish learning experience? How is Jewish learning a spiritual practice?  How can you connect Jewish spirituality, learning, and creative expression? That experience deeply impacted her work as a trans-denominational rabbi, creative spiritual educator, and Jewish entrepreneur. “My work embodies “Jewish creativity,” one of Hebrew College’s core values. ‘Creativity,’ inspired the name of my organization,” she says. Today, she incorporates experiential Jewish learning, Jewish mindfulness, creative expression, and ritual in her work.

Read more about Sara

From The Piano to the Pulpit TO Rosh Tefillah

After a prominent role in Roman Polanski’s acclaimed 2002 Holocaust film ‘The Pianist,’ Jessica Kate Meyer`14 was poised for a screen career. But that star turn ultimately sent her in a very different direction.” She became a rabbi, serving at Romemu in New York City and The Kitchen in San Francisco, CA before returning to Hebrew College in 2023 to become the College’s first Rosh Tefillah and Artist-in-Residence. Watch her creative musical prayer leadership style in this video.

Watch Jessica in action
Read more in this The Boston Globe story

Capacity to Love

Rabbi Philip Sherman`13, rabbi at Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley, MA, offered this teaching for Hebrew College’s Elul Together 5780 Project, asking, “Where can we make space for love and learning in our busy lives?”

Building Connected Communities

Phil BresslerRabbi Phil Bressler`18 is the spiritual leader of Beit Am Jewish Community in Corvallis, OR (in the Mid-Willamette Valley), where he is helping to grow the congregation and, he says, is “inspired by young people engaging with Judaism — particularly those who are active in politics and in social justice work.” Among his many goals for his congregation and its relationship with the community, he hopes to cultivate a new generation of leaders with vision for this place. “Part of that is education, part of that is empowerment….to make Beit Am the best possible version of Jewish community in Corvallis,” he says.

Read more about Phil

rabbi-tiferet-berenbaumFinding Judaism

Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum`13 found Judaism nearly a decade after she started practicing. She began observing Shabbat when she was 11 — because she thought it made sense to rest on Saturday and work or shop on Sundays — and she could never understand why her Catholic school teachers told Bible stories out of order. She also developed her own system of kashrut

After several years leading Temple Har Zion in Mt. Holly, NJ, in the summer of 2019, she will return to the Boston area as Director of Congregational Learning and Programming at Temple Beth Zion (TBZ) in Brookline, MA.

Read more

Music and Chesed

Rabbi David Fainsilber`14, spiritual leader of The Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, VT, uses music to bring chesed to his congregation, The Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, VT.

The Teshuvah of Missed Connections

Rabbi Gita Karasov`20, Hebrew College Director of Ordination Program Admissions, asks how we can work to mend our missed connections in this teaching for Hebrew College’s Elul Together 5780 Project.

Rabbi Getzel DavisIlluminating Life of Campus

As rabbi and educator at Harvard Hillel, my goal is to regularly interrupt people’s lives with moments of meaning, connection, and liberation. That could mean teaching classes with clever names like Shal-Om and Jew Curious, or counseling students in need. The work is most rewarding, he says, when he helps students “take risks to aid in their own growth and to strengthen the good of the world.

Rabbi Getzel Davis`13, Rabbi and Educator, Harvard University Hillel.

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Rabbi Margot MeitnerBlending clinical and spiritual approaches to work

As a child in Long Island, Margot Meitner`14 planned to be the first Jewish female supreme court justice. The grandchild of Holocaust survivors, Margot wanted to study law so she could help oppressed and marginalized people, indulge her passion for public speaking and her love of learning, and make a difference in the world. But after Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993, young Margot decided on a new career plan: Rabbi.

Read more about Rabbi Meitner

Rabbi Adina AllenCombining Prayer and Art

Entrepreneur Rabbi Adina Allen`14 and her husband Jeff Kasowitz founded the Jewish Studio Project in 2015 in Berkeley, CA. “Engagement in Jewish text, ritual and tradition in this nonverbal way helps me access ideas and feelings and concepts — internal wisdom that the art-making can tap into,” says, Rabbi Allen. According to Allen, it feels like praying when groups come into the studio to work with paint: “We ask for what we want, need, need to discuss, and then we need to let it go and see what gifts come back.”

Read more  in this The Jewish Telegraphic Agency article

rabbi-jordan-schusterExtending the “Magic” of Hebrew College

When Rabbi Jordan Schuster`18 first came to Hebrew College, he experienced “a unique kind of magic.” At the time, Schuster, then 33, was managing a yoga studio in San Francisco, while taking time off from his doctoral work on Yiddish and Hasidic Literature at Columbia University. He was searching for his path, and while he had contemplated rabbinical school since college, he had doubts about his own ability to support and care for a community as a rabbi, since he had felt alienated from the Jewish community for much of his childhood…

“My relationship to Judaism was mostly solitary up to that point. My prayer-life was entirely individual, be-yahid,” said Schuster, who grew up attending a non-denominational day school and reform and conservative synagogues in Milwaukee. “Growing up, I was an awkward, extremely flamboyant gay kid. I didn’t feel like Jewish communal life had a place for me. Nor did I feel like Jewish communal life did a great job of making me feel like I had a place in it. So I steered away from participating in formal Jewish community…”

Read more about Rabbi Schuster

Rabbi Alyson SolomonCourage Coach

In addition to being the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Israel in San Diego, CA, Rabbi Alyson Solomon`09 is also part of a growing group of independent, private practice rabbis. In addition to her official rabbi duties, Rabbi Solomon offer courage coaching — helping people whether they are “about to climb a mountain, bury a friend, write a novel or have a baby.”

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Second-Career Rabbis

Rabbi Sonia Saltzman`08
Former microfinance executive at ACCION International and rabbi emeritus of Congregation Ohabei Shalom in Brookline, MA.

Rabbi Sonia brings an uncommon level of wisdom, coupled with a refreshing and non-egotistical, down-to-earth approach to her rabbinate. She is very easy to relate to. As a result, she has touched people in so many ways. Rabbi Sonia fills so many of the positive qualities that you think of when you think of a rabbi. She is sincere. She is caring. She practices what she teaches and she believes it.

– Len Davidson, Past President, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Joel Baron“14
Hospice Chaplain, Hebrew SeniorLife, Dedham, MA
Former Publisher, New England Journal of Medicine

What makes Joel special is his genuine and his honest caring of other human beings. Some people can fake it really well. Joel is not faking it. What I felt from his affection and his warmth was real, and I never felt like he was telling me the things I needed to hear. It felt like he was really speaking to me personally and to who I was and what I was going through…His knowledge and spirituality also makes him unique. He never pushed it on us. He offered it. He spoke of it. And he let us take what we needed from it.

– Helen Rodar. Rabbi Baron was a hospice chaplain for her mother.

Rabbi Dan Berman `10
Former attorney and current spiritual leader at Temple Reyim, Newton, MA

Rabbi Berman genuinely cares about every member of our congregation. He is wise, and thoughtful, and seeks to build connections within the Reyim community as well as with the wider Jewish community and beyond. I feel privileged to have him as our rabbi.

– Leslie Sherman, Temple Reyim member

Alumni Music

Listen to “Amar Amar” from the Rabbinical School’s 10th Anniversary CD Galeh. Jessica Kate Meyer (producer, vocals), Micah Shapiro (producer, recording engineer, cajon), Matt Schwartz (electric guitar), Noah Aronson (producer, mixing). Based on music by Moishe Oysher. Text from Talmud Bavli Brachot 64a.

More Than a Decade Young

The Rabbinical School was founded in 2004 and now has over 100 graduates serving communities all over the world. This video was created in 2014, in celebration of the Rabbinical School’s 10th anniversary. Then Rabbinical School Dean, Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, is now President of Hebrew College.

Contact Admissions

Rabbi GIta Karasov
Dean of Students and Admissions