Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!

Hebrew College Living Legacy Society

Just as my ancestors planted for me, I too am planting for my descendants.
– Talmud, Taanit 23a


By making a planned gift, you can support the education of future Jewish leaders, help create innovative and inspiring programming, and build interdenominational and interreligious understanding, while gaining financial and tax benefits for your family. With your planned gift, you become a member of the Hebrew College Living Legacy Society and invest in the vitality of Jewish communities throughout Greater Boston, across the United States, and around the world.

The graduates of our professional programs include rabbis, cantors, and educators who exemplify our core values of love of Torah, communal responsibility, pluralism, and creativity. They impact generations and invigorate communities, providing caring leadership for congregations, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations, and in pastoral settings. They are the innovators of today and tomorrow. Our students of all ages immerse themselves in sacred texts and become part of a living society of joint action and dialogue. Join us in making a planned gift to nourish a legacy of vibrancy and relevance that helps to enrich and ensure our Jewish future.

Planning what we leave for future generations is an act of trust, generosity, and caring for humanity. Hebrew College will carry on after us.”

Deb Feinstein (Pictured above: Feinstein's mother, who was a 1930 Hebrew College graduate, and her baby daughter in 1979)

Ways to make a commitment to the future through your restricted or unrestricted gift:

  • Beneficiary
  • Bequest in Your Will
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Deferred Gift Annuities
  • Donor Advised Fund
  • Insurance Policy
  • Real Estate and Personal Property
  • Retirement and Pension Plans

Your legacy supports the work of our professionals and students

The best way to ensure the future is to help shape it. Make a lasting impact to our endowment. Your legacy impacts the work of our graduates:

  • In congregations everywhere, providing inspirational rabbinic, cantorial and educational leadership
  • On major college campuses, reinforcing Jewish values and social justice
  • In hospitals and senior housing facilities, bringing hope and comfort
  • In schools, developing curricula and educating future generations of Jews
  • At music events, enlivening the spirit and creating community
  • In publications, sharing Jewish knowledge and thought leadership
  • In our Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership, nurturing leaders aimed at generating a more just, compassionate world

Join us!

We thank our Living Legacy Society members

Anonymous (2)
Ellen Kaner Bresnick and William Bresnick
The Cohen Family
Martha Cohen
Deborah and Ron Feinstein
Susan Fish
Judge Rand Hoch
Alice and Rabbi Van Lanckton
Marsha “Mikki” Wittenberg Lewin
Daniel Miller
Lyle Ryter
Marsha Slotnick

Why Give?


“My family and I have been touched by Hebrew College in so many ways over the past several decades: youth programs, adult education, advanced degrees, and the interfaith work of the Miller Center. What better way to ensure Hebrew College continues to have an impact than becoming a member of the Legacy Society?” (Dan Miller with his sons)

van-alice Lanckton

“My life changed radically for the better when I retired as a lawyer and was ordained in 2009. I owe to Hebrew College my new identity as a rabbi. That role has enabled me to accompany my congregants and students in their times of both joy and sorrow and to help them grow Jewishly.” (Rabbi Van `09 and Alice Lanckton in 1967 and 2020)

Rand_HochRand Hoch is always thinking back on Prozdor and what he learned there. It’s led him to support Hebrew College both through generous annual campaign donations and in his estate planning, where he has included the College. “For those of us who’ve been impacted tremendously by our education at Hebrew College, it’s very easy to say ‘this is what I want to do,’ so I made that a part of my estate,” he says.

>> Read more

“I feel good about my bequest because I see a dynamic, educational program that will encourage and prepare the next generation to keep Jewishness alive.” (Susan Fish, B.A. in Jewish Ed`64)

Deb Feinstein, mother, baby (1979)

“For me, creating a legacy gift at Hebrew College is a way to create a model for the next generation. Giving back is my way of confirming my passion for the future of learning, strengthening community connections, and working toward social justiceall of which also are deeply important to Hebrew College.”  (Deborah Feinstein, pictured in 1979 with her mother Stella Kurland Wisea 1930 Hebrew College graduateand baby daughter Melissa.)

Marsha Lewin“I have great gratitude to Hebrew College. I know that we are part of the fabric of America. Hebrew College formed me as a Jew, human being and a woman. It taught me that if you live, you live your life with purpose.” (Marsha “Mikki” Wittenberg Lewin, Prozdor `58)

>> Read more

“Hebrew College taught me to think in different, creative ways, informed me teaching, and catalyzed me to be what I wanted to be. Hebrew College has also made a huge difference in my students’ life as I challenged them as Hebrew College challenged me to look at the larger world around us.” (Ellen Kaner Bresnick B.A. in Jewish Education `71, Prozdor `67)

We’d love to start a conversation!

Please contact Rosa Franck, Director of Development, to learn more: 617-559-8736 or rfranck@hebrewcollege.edu. Thank you!

“What better way to ensure Hebrew College continues to have an impact than becoming a member of the Legacy Society.

Dan Miller with his sons