Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

News HighlightsRabbi Grey Myrseth`17 & GatherBay featured in EJewish Philanthropy

Community Blog Thirty Year Cantor

Dan Nesson’s journey to Hebrew College’s cantorial ordination program began ...

Community Blog Learning Philanthropy Through a Jewish Lens

Once a month, Isaiah Goldsmith and about 60 other teenagers from throughout Grea...

Community Blog Strengthening my Passion for Compassion

The word “philanthropy” at its core breaks down into “the love of humanity...

Exodus Two Ways to Tell a Story

Parashat Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11-34:35) In Parshat Ki Tisa, a tremendous rupture o...

Community Blog Closing the Gap

As my morning coffee brews, I begin to think about my schedule and responsibilit...

Community Blog New Rabbinical School-Pardes Institute Partnership

Longtime partners Hebrew College and Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies will, fo...