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Parenting Through a Jewish Lens TBS Needham

PTJL-family lighting chanukah candles


Course Title: Parenting Through a Jewish Lens TBS Needham
Program: Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning: Parenting and Grandparenting
Instructor: Rabbi Mona Strick
Dates: March 17: April 7; May 5, June 9, 2024 (4 sessions)
Day and Time: Sundays, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Location: In-person, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA
Fee: $100 Financial scholarship available

Join a group of fellow parents of young children to discuss topics that matter to you as a parent; reflect on the joys and challenges of raising kids today; and find support, encouragement, and connection. This Hebrew College designed curriculum helps parents discover the many ways in which Jewish sources of wisdom can inform their choices. Specific topics will include: Towards Joyful Parenting, Infusing Our Lives with Meaning, Shabbat: A time to Recharge and Reconnect, Finding Peace in Our Homes. On-site babysitting with pizza is included with registration.

Parenting Through a Jewish Lens is now part of Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning  and is for learners of all backgrounds.