Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!


From 1923 to today, Prozdor teens create thriving community through Jewish learning. Students help design, choose, and engage in courses taught by master educators at Hebrew College and in the community. Courses range from history to Israel, arts to halacha, social justice to Tanakh, and much more.

  • time 8th-12th Grade
  • location Sundays
  • duration Academic year

Teen Beit Midrash & JTFGB

Expand your learning by pairing PTOC courses with another Hebrew College Teen Learning program!

Teen Beit Midrash: Dive deep into Jewish texts, contemporary issues, and a dedicated, inclusive, fun community through weekly Talmud study (8th-12th on Tuesdays in person or Wednesdays online). 

Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston: a year-long program for teens from across the greater Boston area to develop strong leadership and communication skills, learn the ins and outs of professional philanthropy and grant-making through a Jewish lens, and allocate grants to effect real change for the causes about which they care most.

Dignity Project: a Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College fellowship program designed to train outstanding ​high school sophomores, juniors and seniors—15-18 fellows total annually—from Greater Boston to serve as interreligious and cross-cultural leaders, with the capacity to engage the diversity of our city (and broader society) with thoughtfulness, skill, and care.

For more information about any of our Teen Learning programs, please fill out an inquiry form. We look forward to being in touch soon!

Lili Klayman (P’18)

On my most recent Prozdor service trip, my group and I were sent to New York City to help rebuild houses and give back to a struggling community. During the span of four days, my friends and I helped retile a bathroom, install insulation to a living room, and help serve food at a local soup kitchen. It was these experiences where I could appreciate how important being a selfless person is, and how essential tikkun olam is to the world.

Hebrew College Teen Learning

Contact Us!

We’d love to tell you more about our programs for Jewish teens.