
From 1923 to today, Prozdor teens create thriving community through Jewish learning. Students help design, choose, and engage in courses taught by master educators at Hebrew College and in the community. Courses range from history to Israel, arts to halacha, social justice to Tanakh, and much more.

  • time 8th-12th Grade
  • location Sundays
  • duration Academic year

Stay Connected!


We are proud to have over 5000 Prozdor graduates living and learning all over the world. As our centennial approaches, we want to reconnect with as many Prozdor alumni as possible to celebrate and offer specific opportunities for alumni to connect and learn.

Our first Prozdor Alumni Reunion & Learning in many years was hosted on Zoom in the Spring of 2021 and was attended by alumni from the classes of 1954 through 2019. We want you to be at our next gathering!

Rand Hoch, Prozdor Class of `73

It was worth every minute I spent there and getting there…It has had a tremendous influence on me.

Hebrew College Teen Learning

Contact Us!

We’d love to tell you more about our programs for Jewish teens.