
News HighlightsJewish Studio Project and Hebrew College Open New Creativity Studio on Newton Campus

Humans of Hebrew College Rav-Hazzan-in-Training

Hebrew College Rav-Hazzan student Aliza Berger’s  ’17 Bat Mitzvah. ...

Humans of Hebrew College Funding the Faith

“I feel like working with synagogues around their finances is so interesting b...

Genesis Honoring Our Burial Grounds

Parshat Chayei Sarah, Genesis 23:1-25:18 When I traveled to Hungary and Poland t...

Genesis Honoring Our Burial Grounds

Parshat Chayei Sarah, Genesis 23:1-25:18 When I traveled to Hungary and Poland t...

Humans of Hebrew College Martial Arts & Spirituality


Pluralistic Perspectives Dvar Tefillah—The Rabbinical School of Hebrew College

13 Cheshvan 5777 / 14 November 2016 Holy Blessed One, today I don’t have the w...