Leading Faithfully in a Time of Division: A Virtual Retreat for Religious Leaders

Featured speakers at the June 24 event

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As spiritual and ethical leaders – clergy, educators, organizers, etc. – we are challenged in this moment to respond thoughtfully to the dangerous divisions in our society. Please join us on June 24 for a timely exploration of how we might engage authentically and empathically in the shared labor of mending our beloved nation. Knowing how busy you are with work and life, please feel free to join for whatever fits your schedule – scroll below for the full schedule. We will be enriched by your presence and insights.

If you have any questions, please email millercenter@hebrewcollege.edu. We are honored to be co-sponsoring this event with Interfaith America.


Rabbi Or Rose & Rev. Dr. Rob Schenck
The Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership, Hebrew College

E pluribus unum—Out of many, one!”


11:00-11:05 a.m.
Rabbi Or Rose

11:05-11:10 a.m.
Retreat Overview

Rev. Dr. Rob Schenck

11:10-11:15 a.m.
Morning Intention

Rev. Hope Christensen

A Compassion Meditation: Turning Inward to Turn Outward 
Acharya Dr. Judith Simmer-Brown

11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
The Beloved Community Today?: The Challenges & Promise of Interdependence
Rev. Adam Russell Taylor
Moderator: Rabbi Or Rose

12:15-12:45 p.m.
Disagreeing Honorably: Practicing What We Preach
Rev. Dr. Brian McLaren

12:45-1:30 p.m.
Lunch Break 

1:30-1:40 p.m.
Afternoon Intention: “We are waves in the ocean. We are beads on a thread.”
Simran Jeet Singh (recorded)

1:45-2:30 p.m.
LGBTQ+ Inclusion: Navigating Personal, Communal, and Denominational Tensions 
Rev. Dr. Gloria White-Hammond & Rev. Dr. Ray Hammond
Moderator: Rev. Tom Reid

2:45-3:00 p.m.
Embodied Intention
Simran Stuelpnagel

3:00-3:45 p.m.
Pastoring a House Divided: A Conversation with the Chaplain to the US House of Representatives Reverend Dr. Margaret Grun Kibben
Respondent: Rabbi Jack Moline
Moderator: Rev. Dr. Rob Schenck

3:45-4:00 p.m.
Musical Interlude
Video: Mira Awad & Achinoam Nini (Noah), December 20, 2023, Berlin

4:00-4:45 p.m.
Collegiality & Friendships in the Face of Crisis: Jewish-Muslim Engagement Since October 7th
Dr. Celene Ibrahim & Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld
Moderator: Jon M. Sweeney

4:45-4:50 p.m.

4:50-5:20 p.m.
Seeing Through One Another’s Lenses: A Photographic Exercise 
Winnie Rugamba and Dr. Roman Williams

5:20-5:30 p.m.
We Must Build Together: Repairing Our Fractured Society 
Dr. Eboo Patel (video)

5:30-5:50 p.m.
“Onward!”: A Communal Conversation 
Facilitator: Terry Rosenberg   

5:50-5:55 p.m.
Evening Intention 
Rev. Dr. Suzan D. Johnson-Cook (video)

5:55-6:00 p.m.
Thank You & Farewell 

Rev. Dr. Rob Schenck

Featured speakers, teachers, and facilitators

Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld
President, Hebrew College, Newton, MA

Rev. Hope Christensen
Co-founder, Faith Leaders for Ending Gun Violence, Assisting Priest, Christ Episcopal Church, Kensington, MD

Rev. Dr. Ray Hammond
Co-founding pastor, Bethel AME Church, Boston, MA

Dr. Celene Ibrahim
Islamic scholar, educator, author, Women and Gender in the Qur’an

Reverend Dr. Margaret Grun Kibben
Chaplain, United States House of Representatives

Rev. Dr. Brian McLaren
Dean of faculty, Center for Action and Contemplation, author, The Great Spiritual Migration

Rabbi Jack Moline
President emeritus, Interfaith Alliance, retired congregational rabbi

Rev.Tom Reid
Pastor, Newton Presbyterian Church, Newton MA

Rabbi Or Rose
Founding director, Miller Center for Interreligious Learning and Leadership, Hebrew College

Terry Rosenberg
Institute for Synagogue Studies

Winnie Rugamba
Research Project Manager, Essential Partners

Rev. Dr. Rob Schenck
Visiting scholar of Christianity and religious leadership, Hebrew College, author, Costly Grace

Acharya Dr. Judith Simmer-Brown
Co-founding professor emerita, Naropa University, Boulder, CO

Jon M. Sweeney
Author, Thomas Merton: An Introduction to his Life, Teachings, and Practices

Rev. Adam Russell Taylor
President, Sojourners, author, The Beloved Community

Rev. Dr. Gloria White-Hammond
Co-founding pastor, Bethel AME Church, Boston, MA

Simran Stuelpnagel
Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund board member, management consultant

Dr. Roman Williams
Founder, Interfaith Photovoice


Rev. Dr. Suzan D. Johnson-Cook
Former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

Dr. Eboo Patel
Founding president, Interfaith America, author, We Need to Build

Simran Jeet Singh
Executive Director for the Aspen Institute’s Religion & Society Program, author, The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life

Fee & Financial Aid

Registration fee: $99.
Financial Aid Available: Please contact mstern@hebrewcollege.edu


Register here 

Tikkun Zoom Shavuot

Hebrew College is excited to again co-sponsor Temple Israel of Boston’s annual Tikkun Zoom Shavuot on June 11-12. Offerings include learning sessions, discussions, and a tiny desk series with musicians. We’ll begin at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11 and the last learning session will end at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 12.


Visit the Temple Israel website for details and the schedule.


Email Brigid Gogginat education@tisrael.org

Information Session: The Etgar 36 Civil Rights Journey to the American South

Hebrew College’s Adult Learning Travel Program Presents:

The Etgar 36 Civil Rights Journey to the American South

Trip Dates: Sunday, November 10 – Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Information Session Date: Monday, May 20, 8-8:45 pm ET | 5-5:45pm PT on Zoom
Information Session Registration: Register here

This Civil Rights journey is not just a tour, but a unique educational experience. It uses the history, sites, and current issues as a springboard to highlight the relationship, and at times, the tension, of the Jewish and American identity. The journey is a mix of fun, sightseeing, and in-depth education, including meetings with organizations and people who have been and are still involved in creating America.

During the information session, we will share a trip itinerary and cover trip logistics, including travel, costs, meals, and more!).

In conjunction with this trip, but not a pre-requisite, we are offering a class with Marc Dollinger, How did we get here? Civil Rights, Social Justice, and Race in American Jewish History.

Learn more information about the course and Marc’s biography.

Taste of Me’ah Classic
(June 2024)

We invite you to join us for an in-person “Taste” of Me’ah Classic on Tuesday evening, June 4, 2024, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Lehrhaus Tavern and House of Learning, 425 Washington St, Somerville, MA 02143.  Learn more about the amazing two-year journey through Jewish history that provides adults of all backgrounds with a foundation in Jewish culture and civilization. Year 1 of this 2-year program will begin this coming Fall 2024.

During the “Taste of Me’ah” you will learn with Rav Rachel Adelman, Ph.D, with one of our stellar instructors, enjoy a sample lesson, and learn how to join the Me’ah journey. Rav Adelman is also an Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible in Hebrew College’s Rabbinical School.

If you know of others who may be interested in this program, feel free to invite them to join us for this Taste of Me’ah session.

If you are unable to attend this upcoming Taste of Me’ah but would like additional information, we invite you to watch a recording of a previous Taste session from earlier this year that is found on the Me’ah Classic home page.

Adult Learning GROW Series: June 2024

grow no hc header

For the next program in Hebrew College Adult Learning’s free, monthly GROW series, we examine social justice and the the fight against racism. We hope you will spend an hour with us for this and future programs in our series, to gather, reflect, observe, and wrestle with topics that will deepen your Jewish learning.

Date: June 18, 2024 | 12-1 PM EST/9-10 AM PST | Zoom
Program: Jews and the Call for Social Justice: Lessons Learned in The Fight Against Racism 
Instructor: Marc L Dollinger 

book coverAs the nation’s racial reckoning continues, more American Jews are eager to explore important, yet challenging, questions and issues around Jews, whiteness, privilege, and racial justice.  Join Professor Marc Dollinger , author of the upcoming revised edition of  Black Power, Jewish Politics, as he shares his experience as a white male scholar writing and teaching in 2024 about Jews and social justice. Hear about the perspective and understanding Professor Dollinger gained in his own steep learning curve between the publication of the first edition of the book in 2018 and today.  How does Professor Dollinger’s personal journey reflect our own learning process when it comes to race and the meaning of equity? On the eve of Juneteenth, join us for this important conversation.


Marc Dollingermarc-dollinger is the Goldman Research Chair in Jewish Studies and Social Responsibility at San Francisco State University, gifting him the platform to talk about his passion for Jewish social justice. He is a past board president of both Brandeis-Hillel Day School and the Jewish Community High School of the Bay, and has served on the board of Jewish LearningWorks, URJ Camp Newman, Brandeis Marin Jewish Day School, the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center, and Ha-maqom. Currently, he serves on the board of the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center and the Jewish Community Federation in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Dollinger was named the volunteer of the year in 2008 by the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco. In 2015, the Jewish Community Relations Council awarded him the year’s Courageous Leader for his work at San Francisco State University, a sometimes-hostile campus for Jews. He has appeared in a PBS television show, American Jerusalem, offering insights into the history of San Francisco Jews, and then enjoyed 8 minutes of fame on NBC’s prime-time “Who Do You Think You Are?” teaching academy-award winning actress Helen Hunt about her San Francisco Jewish roots.

Dollinger is the author of Black Power, Jewish Politics: Reinventing the Alliance in the 1960’s, American Jewish History, Quest for Inclusion and California Jews.


You can dedicate a GROW session in memory or in honor of a dear one and you and your name will be shared with gratitude in the session. Simply click the link below, fill in the secure form, and indicate in the text box that this is your GROW sponsorship [suggested minimum gift of $180].

>> Dedicate a session


Judaism is About Love

Join Hadar Institute Dean Rabbi Shai Held, President on April 4, 2024  for a discussion about his new book “Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life” with respondents  Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, President of Hebrew College, and Dr Jerome Groopman, author, physician, and scientist.

book coverRabbi Held calls his book an “act of recovery.” In 15 chapters — backed up by 130 pages of notes and citations — it sets out to restore the idea that Judaism is animated by love, no matter what the reader might have heard about a fierce, vengeful “Old Testament God.” It’s a love that manifests itself in acts of “loving kindness,” in the way Jews are supposed to behave with family and neighbors, and how Jews practice their responsibility to the wider world.

The event will be in person at Harvard Hillel and livestreamed.