Azamra: Alternative Shabbat Community Minyan

Thanks to the Hebrew College Innovation Lab, Rabbi Lev Friedman, Rab`18 will bring his voice and passion to Hebrew College as the leader of a new monthly alternative Shabbat community that will meet in the Hebrew College Beit Midrash. The prayer group, called Azamra, gets its name from Psalm 146:2 “Azamra l’Elohai b’ohdi, I will sing praises to my God while I exist.”

Rabbi Friedman will lead Azamra with guitar and joyful singing of niggunim, chants and liturgy, as well as meditation, davening, storytelling, poetry, and teachings that will enliven and deepen the Shabbat experience. Each service will be followed by a pot-luck vegetarian kiddush luncheon.

Azamra: Alternative Shabbat Community Minyan

Thanks to the Hebrew College Innovation Lab, Rabbi Lev Friedman, Rab`18 will bring his voice and passion to Hebrew College as the leader of a new monthly alternative Shabbat community that will meet in the Hebrew College Beit Midrash. The prayer group, called Azamra, gets its name from Psalm 146:2 “Azamra l’Elohai b’ohdi, I will sing praises to my God while I exist.” 

Rabbi Friedman will lead Azamra with guitar and joyful singing of niggunim, chants and liturgy, as well as meditation, davening, storytelling, poetry, and teachings that will enliven and deepen the Shabbat experience. Each service will be followed by a pot-luck vegetarian kiddush luncheon. 

Hebrew College 2019 Jewish Education Conference

Blossoming | Pricha
November 11-12, 2019 at Hebrew College

>> View the conference web page

Designed for educators, professionals, clergy and lay-leaders (novice to veteran) working with students and families of all ages in any Jewish setting. The conference will focus on the blossoming of educators, professionals, students, families, organizations and the Jewish family. The conference includes a leadership track that will continue after the conference. Attendees will examine questions such as:

  • What does it mean to blossom as educators working in Jewish organizations?
  • What are the recipes that will lead to blossoming?
  • How will all of it impact the Jewish family and the world?

Specific areas of exploration include:

  • The power of collective stories and memories
  • The centrality of belonging to a family
  • The value of shared language and homeland

>> View the conference program [PDF]

Speakers & Bios

Avraham Infeld, passionate Jewish educator, thinker, leader, and author of A Passion for the People.

Rabbi Arthur Green, Rector of the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College and author of several books including Judaism’s 10 Best Ideas.

>> View the full list of presenters and their bios [PDF]

Sessions & Schedule

>> Read the session descriptions [PDF]

>> Read the conference schedule [PDF]

Information & Registration

For more information, please email

Masters Presentation Day

Hebrew College’s Jewish Studies and Jewish Education Masters Candidates will present their masters projects on Thursday May 30 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Hebrew College Conference Center.

Jewish Education Presentation Day – Thursday, May 30th
Conference Center Rooms 1—2

Panel 1  |  9:00-10:00 am
Morality in Pedagogy

Moderator: Dr. Deborah Skolnick Einhorn
Ilana Zietman
Maayan Harel
Jessica Goldberg

Panel 2  |  10:15-11:15 a.m.
Israel Education Across the Lifespan

Moderator: Rabbi Michael Shire
Andrea Shapiro
Wilma Sack-Poyser
Pammie Shapiro

Panel 3  |  11:30-12:30 p.m.
Meaningful Education for Underserved Populations

Moderator: Marion Gribetz
Dale Rosenberg
Jennifer Boyle
Allison Poirier

Lunch Break  |  12:30-1:30 p.m.
Conference Center Atrium

Panel 4  |  1:30-2:45 p.m.
Educating for Holistic Communities

Moderator: Susan Morrel
Misha Clebaner
Rebecca Redner
Roberta Bergstein
Stephanie Wolfe

Presentations  |  3:00—4:15 p.m.

Meli Solomon
Sarah Hartman

Jewish Studies Presentation Day – Thursday, May 30th
Conference Center Room 4—5

Panel 1  |  10:00—11:30 a.m.

Moderator: Dr. Barry Mesch
Mohamed Awadallah
Joshua Berkowitz

Presentation |  11:30am -12:15 p.m.

Moderator: Dr. Barry Mesch
Jacqueline Tepper

Lunch |  12:30-1:30 p.m.
Conference Center Atrium

Organizing and Resilience: A Workshop for Jewish Urban Educators (Open Circle Social Action)

The question of how we can stay resilient and committed to teaching in the midst of a challenging, at times demoralizing, world is one that deeply preoccupied the ancient rabbis.  It is a question that continues to concern those of us invested in education and justice work today.

This six-session course, open to educators of all backgrounds, will explore how the rabbis navigated, renegotiated and reinvigorated their identities as teachers and activists.  In addition to applying rabbinic frameworks to reflect on our own contemporary realities as public educators in Boston and Cambridge, this class will help us to think and strategize about how to organize our colleagues more effectively in an effort to bring about meaningful institutional and structural change.

Organizing and Resilience will be facilitated by Rabbi Leora Abelson and co-taught by Rabbis Shahar Colt, Laura Bellows and Daniel Schaefer.

This class is organized by Open Circle Social Action, a Hebrew College adult learning program supported by CJP.

Eser DIY Haggadah Workshop

Tired of the same old Passover haggadahs? Want to infuse your seder with creativity and put your personal spin on the Passover story? Always wanted to learn the history and significance of the elements of the seder? Join Eser for a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Haggadah Workshop!

The haggadah is the text that outlines the order of the symbolic meal of Passover, the seder. We’ll be discussing the various elements of the haggadah as we help you create your own unique booklet to take home and use for your Passover seder (or to bring to any you attend). No prior haggadah or craft knowledge necessary. Cost includes craft materials and snacks provided at the event.

The event will include haggadah-related learning with R. Eliana Jacobowitz (of Somerville’s Temple B’nai Brith) and a stamp making workshop with local artist Kit Collins.

Come for a fun learning and crafting afternoon, stay to have a drink, a bite, and a walk around the awesome Bow Market. With your amazing Eser friends, of course!

Space is limited for this event (we’re capping it at 40 people) — please register ahead. We won’t be accepting walk-ins. Thanks for understanding!

PLEASE NOTE: This event is for Eser 2019 participants and those participants of the Riverway Project’s Seder Squad, a training, support, and funding program for those in their 20s and 30s to host seders in their home. For more information on Seder Squad including applications, other sessions, and seders participating in the Squad, check out The Riverway Project’s websiteIf you are interested in participating in this event and are not a current participant in Eser 2019 or the Seder Squad, please contact Sara.


Date: April 7th
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Location: The Canopy Room at Bow Market, in Union Square, Somerville.
Questions? Email Sara.
Cost: $10