Fall 2024 – Year One Bible and Rabbinics MC- Online via Zoom

Year One Bible and Rabbinics: Tuesday Evenings Online via Zoom

Program: Hebrew College Me’ah Classic
Instructor: Rabbi Neal Gold (Fall) and Rabbi Shayna Rhodes (Spring)  (Read Bios)
Dates: 11 Tuesdays, Fall 2024: 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 11/19, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, & 1/7
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Course Fee: $490 for the Fall Bible semester only, financial aid is available
Location: Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College
Registration: Click here

The Me’ah Classic Year 1 Program begins with Bible in the Fall and continues with Rabbinics in the Spring.  Your tuition covers the Fall semester.

Fall: Hebrew Bible

The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, is the central text of ancient Israel and the foundational text for Judaism through the ages. You’ll examine the various biblical genres, structures, concepts, theological and historical settings of the biblical world, and then explore selected topics, often integrated with rabbinic perspectives.

This sequence balances an overview of the Hebrew Bible with focused discussion of core texts, such as the Creation stories, the binding of Isaac, the Exodus story, the revelation at Sinai and the prophetic books. You’ll analyze the primary biblical texts and secondary scholarly materials through various lenses: literary, historical-comparative, and rabbinic commentary.

While you may be familiar with the Bible from childhood, this in-depth exposure to other texts and different modes of reading will challenge you — and may well lead you to reassess some long-held views.

Winter/Spring: Rabbinics

The Rabbinic Period — the millennium from the Second Temple to the completion of the Babylonian Talmud (500 BCE to 600 CE) — refers to a time when new Jewish leaders, sages and rabbis emerged and developed rich texts of their own. Some of those texts took the form of extensive commentary about the earlier world of biblical Israel. During this seminal period, rabbinic scholars created a legal system which led to a Jewish belief system that has informed and ordered Jewish community, culture, and behavior for the past millennia.

What is the relationship between God and human beings?
How do we understand Jewish history and Jewish ethics?
What is the role of ritual, holy days and life-cycle events?

Readings illustrate the development of the rabbinic mindset and talmudic beliefs. As with the Hebrew Bible sequence, you’ll first cover selected historical, textual, and conceptual areas, then examine core concepts in conjunction with Bible study to illustrate how beliefs and practices evolved over time.

Please contact meah@hebrewcollege.edu for more information.

Fall 2024 – Year Two Medieval and Modern MC -Online via Zoom

Year Two Medieval and Modern MC: Thursday Evenings Online via Zoom

Program: Hebrew College Me’ah Classic
Instructor: Dr. Shari Lowin (Medieval) and Dr. Jacob Meskin (Modern)  (Read Bios)
Dates: 11 Thursdays, Fall 2024: 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/2 & 1/9
Time: 7:15 -9:15 p.m.
Course fee: $490 for the Fall Medieval semester only, financial aid is available
Location: Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College
Registration: Click here

The Me’ah Classic Year 2 Program begins with Medieval in the Fall and continues with Modern in the Spring.  Your tuition covers the Fall semester.

Fall: Medieval

Study the Jewish mindset and the contours of medieval Jewish civilizations under Islam and Christianity during the Middle Ages (600 to 1700 CE).

Jewish life during the Middle Ages (about the seventh century through the 17th century), built upon earlier rabbinic foundations, made manifest in form and content what the rabbis of the Talmud had only begun: the construction of a rabbinic Jewish civilization, with distinctive approaches to community life, behavioral norms, and beliefs and values. As a result, Jewish culture and its genres expanded dramatically in several areas: philosophy, mysticism, liturgy and commentaries on the Bible and talmudic texts.

Readings and discussions in this sequence focus on Jewish encounters with non-Jews, including the rise and fall of Jewish life in Spain and Eastern Europe. You will examine the modes of community that Jews constructed in the shifting diaspora, as well as the expansion of Jewish thought in the areas of philosophy, mysticism, liturgy, and biblical and talmudic commentaries.

Winter/Spring: Modern

Beginning with the 17th century Age of Enlightenment, modernity posed a significant challenge to traditional Jewish culture, community, and identity, creating new social and economic opportunities but also threatening traditional Jewish values and society. As in each of the previous eras, modern Jews remained preoccupied with sacred texts, suggesting that however great the impact of rupture and discontinuity, their passion for reading and re-reading classical Jewish texts became the creative wellspring for modern Jewish thought.

You’ll delve into some of these modern primary texts representing differing ideological viewpoints — works of Jewish philosophers such as Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig, and Zionist thinkers such as Ahad Ha’am and Micha Josef Berdyczewski — that mirror the issues faced by Jews of that era.

And you’ll wrestle with the subtle points of comparison and contrast between Jewish modernity and the civilization we’ve inherited. Texts will examine the emancipation of European Jewry; the rise of Hasidism; the Jewish cultural revolution of Eastern Europe; and the birth of Modern Zionism.

Suggested Readings Before Year Two:

Below are a few suggestions (not mandatory!) for reading before Me’ah Classic Year Two begins.

Historical Fiction
People of the Book, Geraldine Brooks
A Guide for the Perplexed, Dara Horn
The Coffee Trader, David Liss
The Day of Atonement, David Liss
The Weight of Ink, Rachel Kadish

We encourage students to take Year One before registering for Year Two. If, however, starting with Year Two would work better for your schedule, please contact Terri Swartz Russell, Associate Director, Me’ah Classic at meah@hebrewcollege.edu.

Does G-d Have a Body?

Does G-d Have a Body?

Program: Open Circle Jewish Learning, Text and Tradition
Instructor: Sara Klugman
Dates: 5 Sundays, 6/16, 6/23 & 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 2024
Time: 4-5:30 p.m. EST
Course fee: $200, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College

What does our tradition teach us about G-d’s body?  Does G-d have a body, multiple bodies, or no body at all? What are the beliefs and contradictions, in Jewish theologies of the divine body? In this class, we will look at these questions across the prism of ancient, medieval, and contemporary Jewish thought. In addition to ancient and rabbinic texts, we will draw on philosophical texts, modern literature and poetry, visual art & media, and contemporary cultural critique. We will also explore how we might take the learning we do in class into our spiritual practice.

Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning is for learners of all backgrounds.

Canadian and other registrants from outside of the US: please email Cindy Bernstein to complete your registration. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Lethal Literature: Wrestling with the Dark Side of Jewish Text

Lethal Literature: Wrestling with the Dark Side of Jewish Text

Program: Open Circle Jewish Learning, Text and Tradition
Instructor: Aron Wander
Dates: 5 Sundays, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11, 8/25 & 9/8
Time: 10-11:30 a.m. EST
Course fee: $200, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
This class is offered in partnership with Temple Israel Boston

How do we engage with the disturbing, upsetting, or even horrifying parts of Jewish tradition? What resources are there within Judaism itself for navigating this question?

In “Lethal Literature,” we’ll take a deep dive into a puzzling Talmudic text in which the rabbis express their own discomfort with the Torah. They take three Biblical passages – a legal case in which parents condemn their child to death, the command to slaughter the inhabitants of an idolatrous city, and a description of God enacting a plague seemingly without reason – and claim that each of them is purely theoretical. Each one, they insist, “never happened and never will happen.”

We’ll begin by analyzing those three Biblical passages, and then we’ll see how the rabbis rewrite, reinterpret, and reimagine them. After, we’ll turn to medieval and contemporary commentaries on that Talmudic discussion that use it as a lens through which to explore deeper and broader inquiries about the morality – or immorality – of Jewish text and tradition. What insights might all of those texts and commentaries have for us as we wrestle with our own urgent moral questions, challenges vis-à-vis Judaism, and fears in the face of a world on fire?

Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning is for learners of all backgrounds.

Canadian and other registrants from outside of the US: please email Cindy Bernstein to complete your registration. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Jewish Broadway Composers: Behind the Music(als)

Jewish Broadway Composers: Behind the Music(als)

Program: Open Circle Jewish Learning, Text and Tradition
Instructor: Elliot Lazar (read bio)
Dates: 4 Wednesdays, 7/17, 7/24,  7/31; 8/7, 2024
Time: 7-8:30 p.m. EST
Course fee: $160, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College

There is no doubt that Jewish artists have made an indelible mark on Broadway. This course will consist of four sessions, each exploring the life and work of different influential Jewish composers of musical theatre. Students will have the opportunity to get to know each writer more intimately through discussion, musical and textual analysis- as well as live performances of the artists’ work by Elliot himself. Get ready to experience the work of Stephen Sondheim, Kander & Ebb, Jason Robert Brown and more in a new and intimate way!

Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning is for learners of all backgrounds.

Canadian and other registrants from outside of the US: please email Cindy Bernstein to complete your registration. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Talmudic Tales: Crisis, Calamity, and Survival

Talmudic Tales: Crisis, Calamity, and Survival

Program: Hebrew College Me’ah Select
Instructor: Rabbi Neal Gold  (Read Bio)
Dates: 4 Wednesdays, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14 & 8/21
Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m. EST
Course fee: $200, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College

The stories of the Sages of the Talmud have the ability to surprise, delight, and teach profound lessons about life and survival. In this course, we’ll explore some of the richest tales and their lessons for our current moment of struggle and tragedy. In the shadow of the nightmare of Oct. 7, the war against Hamas, and surging antisemitism we will look at aggadot/Talmudic stories that address how the Sages navigate moments of crisis and tragedy. We’ll look at the primary sources, in translation, from the Talmud, with appropriate contextual and background readings.

For more information, contact meah@hebrewcollege.edu