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A Celebration of our Graduates 2022/5782

Mazal Tov to the Graduates!

Hebrew College Commencement & Ordination ceremonies took place in-person at Temple Reyim and virtually on Sunday, May 29, 2022.

Watch the ceremonies

Commencement – 00:00-1:10:45
Cantorial Ordination – 1:29:57-2:17:24
Rabbinical Ordination – 2:53:52-4:34.24

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commencement 2022
commencement 2022
commencement 2022
commencement 2022
commencement 2022
commencement 2022
commencement 2022
commencement 2022
rabbinical students
cantorial ordination 2022
cantorial ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022
rabbinical ordination 2022

Ceremonies: May 29, 2022 | 28 Iyar 5782

Temple Reyim
1860 Washington Street
Auburndale, MA

12–1 p.m. (In-person and livestreamed)

1:30–2:15 p.m.(In-person and livestreamed)

3–4:30 p.m. (In-person and livestreamed)


Graduates and Honorees

Cantorial Ordination

Daniel J. Fortine
Marc Steven Guttman

>> Make a donation in honor of the Class of 2022 or a graduate
>> Learn more about the ordainees

Rabbinic Ordination

Sara Renee Blumenthal
Batya Elana Ellinoy
Giulia Marina Fleishman
Joseph Alan Glick
Genevieve Rachel Greinetz
David H. Joslin
Stephanie Ellen Charlotte Kennedy
Talia Ann Laster
Frances Michal Raffel Sandmel
Yael B. Werber

>> Make a donation in honor of the Class of 2022 or a graduate
>> Learn more about the ordainees

Master of arts in Jewish Studies

Daniel J. Fortine
Giulia Marina Fleishman
Joseph Alan Glick
Genevieve Rachel Greinetz
David H. Joslin
Talia Ann Laster
Eliezer Sepulveda
Yael B. Werber

Master of Jewish Education

Sara Renee Blumenthal
Batya Elana Ellinoy
Ellen Farber Barnett
Stephanie Ellen Charlotte Kennedy
Heidi Naomi Lovitz
Deborah Lee Noah
Emmeline Rosenberg
Frances Michal Raffel Sandmel
Eliezer Sepulveda
Rabbi Shira Zisl Shazeer
Gina C. Tzizik

Master of Jewish Education, Pardes Educators Program

Hannah Elisheva Borow
Valerie Renee Brown
Matthew Ben Teitelman

Certificate in Jewish Experiential Education

Rabbi Talya Weisbard Shalem

Certificate in Jewish Sacred Music

Shmuel Benjamin Dorr

Tamar-Elad-AppelbaumRabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum


Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum is co-founder of the Beit Midrash for Israeli Rabbis, a joint project of the HaMidrasha Educational Center for Israeli Judaism and the Shalom Hartman Institute.

She is also the founder of Kehilat Zion in Jerusalem. Her work spans and links tradition and innovation, working toward Jewish spiritual and ethical renaissance. She devotes much of her energy to the renewal of community life in Israel and the struggle for human rights.

She has served as rabbi of Congregation Magen Avraham in the Negev; as a congregational rabbi in the New York suburbs alongside Rabbi Gordon Tucker; and as Assistant Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary in Jerusalem.

In 2010 she was named by The Forward as one of the five most influential female religious leaders in Israel for her work promoting pluralism and Jewish freedom.

Benjamin A. Trustman Prize
For general excellence; the highest academic award
Gina Tzizik

Betty K. & Philip Fein Memorial Prize
Outstanding student in Jewish Education
Sara Blumenthal

Cantor Rick Boyar Prize
For excellence in hazzanut
DJ Fortine

The Harry H. Fein Memorial Prize
To an outstanding student in graduate studies in Jewish Education
Matthew Teitelman

Sara Feinsilver Prize
Established by HCWA for an outstanding graduating student
Heidi Lovitz

Leo & Sadie Flax Fund
Proficiency in the study of rabbinics (Judaic Studies)
Hannah Borow

Dr. Albert and Dorothy Holzman Prize
For innovative instructional materials in Jewish education
Valerie Brown

Eugenia Zeitlin Medalia Prize
For excellence in studies
Eliezer Sepulveda

Sol Rotenberg Memorial Prize
For a worthy student
Deborah Noah

Helen & Isaac Tarmy Scholarship
For excellence
Stephanie Kennedy

Dr. Benjamin J. Shevach Award
Dr. Benjamin J. Shevach left an indelible mark on Jewish Education in Boston. The award that bears his name recognizes distinguished achievement in Jewish Educational Leadership. The Dr. Benjamin J. Shevach award is the highest award that Hebrew College bestows for achievement in the field of Jewish Education.
Dr. Deborah Skolnick-Einhorn

Dr. Deborah Skolnick-Einhorn serves as the Head of School at Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School of the Nation’s Capital.

Deborah previously served as Associate Dean of Hebrew College’s School of Jewish Education, her professional home from 2002 through 2020. In that role, Deborah ran and taught in graduate programs training Jewish educators, with an emphasis on mentoring teachers, administrators, and teacher leaders. Prior to Hebrew College, Deborah served as Assistant Director at the University of Maryland Hillel. Over the years, she has taught students at nearly every grade level from K through 12. A graduate of Tufts University, Deborah earned an M.A. in Modern Jewish Studies from the Jewish Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in American Jewish Life from Brandeis University. Deborah is the recipient of Brandeis University’s Excellence in Teaching Prize and was named Indiana University’s Inaugural Women and Philanthropy Fellow.

Alongside her professional work in Jewish education, Deborah has been active in pluralistic Jewish day school lay leadership, serving on the boards of Tufts Hillel and Camp Yavneh and as a past chair of the Jewish Women’s Fund of Rhode Island.
