Rabbi As…

What kind of RABBI will you be?

Educator, author, artist, musician, activist, organizer, poet, professor, pastoral caregiver, facilitator, counselor, healer, caretaker, spiritual guide, community builder,  prayer leader, farmer, host, Eved Hashem, translator, peacemaker, performer, darshan, midwife, officiant, fundraiser, preacher…YOU!

When we asked our rabbinical alumni to describe their rabbinates, their responses were a reminder of the breadth and depth of rabbinic work—and how they each have taken their Hebrew College education out into the world to create a rabbinate that reflects their unique passions and gifts. Across the board, their descriptions reflect deep creativity, commitment, love of Torah, social action, and innovative spiritual and prayer leadership.


Rabbi Adina Allen`14 Creativity connector
Crafter of cohorts
Community weaver
Organization builder
Artist of paint & new paradigms

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Rabbi Ayalon Eliach`18 Architect of the future
Catalyst for transcedence
Wisdom Transmittor

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Rabbi Hannah Orden `10 Anti-racism warrior
Risk taker
Op-ed writer
Joy spreader
Sower of seeds

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Rabbi Rachel Tali Kaplan`21 Supporter of the brokenhearted
Non-anxious presence
Worthiness warrior
Deep diver
Permission granter

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Rabbi Avi Killip`14 National non-profit executive
Podcast host
Torah writer
Daf Yomi learner
Thought leader

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Rabbi Frankie Sandmel`22 Living room teacher
Jewish homebuilder
Ritual crafter
Amateur caterer
Spiritual journey guide
Tradition translator

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Rabbi Bryan Mann`18 Sukkah builder
Queer activist
Story gatherer

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Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer`14 Hope cultivator
Tuning fork
Ensemble leader

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Rabbi Ben Barer`18 Torah Enthusiast
Listening ear

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Rabbi Laura Bellows`18 Movement builder
Public ritual designer
Jewish climate content consultant
Network weaver
Interfaith collaborator

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Rabbi Ilana Zeitman`19 Tradition transmitter
Curriculum developer
Sounding board
Design thinker

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Rabbi Sam Blumberg`20 Teacher for all ages and stages
Holy Witness
Ancient wisdom translator
Calm presence
Community connector

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Rabbi Yael Werber`22 Cheerleader
Ritual creator
Pastoral caregiver
Community builder
Prayer leader
Spritual guide

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What kind of rabbi might you be?

Please contact Rabbi Gita Karasov to explore the many paths rabbinical school can open for you.