- Date
- time Eastern Time
- location Hebrew College
1860 Washington Street
Newton, MA 02466 - cost Free
- organizer Hebrew College
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Join us!
Have you thought about becoming a rabbi? Join us for Ta Sh’ma (Come & Hear) to experience the vibrant pluralistic communities of Hebrew College’s pioneering rabbinical program. We hope you’ll take this opportunity to learn, pray and grow with our students and faculty.
Monday, November 18 (special programming) with an option to stay Tuesday, November 19 for regular classes.
Sunday, December 8, from 2-5 p.m.
- Learn with Hebrew College faculty, including Hebrew College President Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, Rabbi Dr. Jane Kanarek, Rabbi Daniel Klein, Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer, and other members of our faculty.
- Join with current students for an inspiring day of learning, conversation, music and prayer.
- Enjoy plenty of breaks and opportunities for small group conversations.
- If you would like to attend in person but can’t make it on Nov. 18, please be in touch to find other ways to connect with our community
Contact Us
Please contact Rabbi Gita Karasov, Dean of Students & Admissions, if you have questions at
Meet Our Students & Alumni
Our students share their perspectives on Hebrew College’s learning community!
- Becca Heisler, Chaim Spaulding, and David Mafouda: Founding the Student Shul Lunch Coop (right)
- Hannah Limov, Land-Based Judaism
- Carrie Watkins, From Pardes to Hebrew College
- David Malamud, Recovering Academic
- Monica Steiner, Jewish Army Chaplain
What kind of RABBI will you be?
Educator, author, artist, musician, activist, organizer, poet, professor, pastoral caregiver, facilitator, counselor, healer, caretaker, spiritual guide, community builder, prayer leader, farmer, host, Eved Hashem, translator, peacemaker, performer, darshan, midwife, officiant, fundraiser, preacher…YOU!
When we asked our rabbinical alumni to describe their rabbinates, their responses were a reminder of the breadth and depth of rabbinic work—and how they each have taken their Hebrew College education out into the world to create a rabbinate that reflects their unique passions and gifts. Across the board, their descriptions reflect deep creativity, commitment, love of Torah, social action, and innovative spiritual and prayer leadership.
Student Kavanah in 60 Teachings
The Hebrew College Kavanah in 60 digital platform is a place for rabbinical and cantorial students to share “short teachings” (~60 seconds) coinciding with Jewish and secular holidays. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for notifications about future videos.
hebrew college Seventy Faces of Torah blog
Read Torah commentary by our rabbinical students.
- Risa Dunbar: “(Re)Arranging A World of Chesed” Parashat Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38)
- Matthew Schultz: “The Lost Torah of Korach” Parashat Korach (Numbers 16:1-18:32)
- Jace Koester: “Listening on the Edge of a New Future”
Parashat Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22) - David Mahfouda: “Listen, Drop the Story” (right)
Parashat Shemini (Leviticus 9:1-11:47)
Learning in “hevrutot” [pairs] is a hallmark of Hebrew College. Meet three pairs of Hebrew College alumni, who work together as spiritual leaders of their respective synagogues, and have extended that model to their professional lives.
Rabbinical Internships
Giulia Fleishman` 22 deepened her rabbinical training and community connection through rabbinical internship training.
Rabbinical Internships
For Rabbi Ryan Leszner `23, internships were an opportunity to experience real life as a rabbi before he had his own congregation.
Rabbinical School & Parenthood
Hear from rabbinical student Naomi Gurt Lind about balancing rabbinical school and motherhood.