Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!

Teen Beit Midrash

Teens who love to learn come together to explore the big questions of today through Talmud. Teens also may apply for our Moot Beit Din team.

Read “The Talmud of Tough Decisions”


  • time 8th-12th grade
  • location In person at Hebrew College OR Online
  • duration Tuesdays in person, 6:00-8:30pm OR Wednesdays online, 6:45-8:30pm, September-May

    Moot Beit Din (Jan-March)
Contact Us



Teen Beit Midrash Registration

2024-2025 registration is open now! New students will receive a $100 discount.  We are pleased to offer four program options:

  • Register for TBM full year in-person here
  • Register for TBM Fall semester in-person here
  • Register for TBM full year online* here
  • Register for TBM Fall semester online* here

* The online option is open to students in 9 –12 grade. 

Apply for our Teen Moot Beit Din

Hebrew College’s Teen Beit Midrash Team sessions begin in January, 2025.

The Maimonides Moot Court High School competition takes place from Thursday, March 27, 2025 – Sunday, March 30, 2025 in Westchester County, NY.

The cost of the Moot Beit Din experience (10 sessions & the Shabbaton/Competition) is $850.00. This includes transportation to/from Westchester, accommodations, and food.

Register for Teen Moot Beit Din here

The cost is fully refundable BEFORE October 20, 2024. Cancellations before December 15, 2024 will result in a 50% refund. No refunds after December 15th.


Tuition, Discounts, and Financial Aid

The tuition rates for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:

    • $2550 to join us for the full school year in person
    • $2200 to join us for the full school year online
    • $1350 to join us for one semester in person
    • TBD Moot Beit Din (Jan-March)

Currently we can only accept MasterCard and VISA payments. All payments are subject to a 4% credit card convenience fee. Should you wish to avoid the credit card convenience fee, you may pay by check, payable to Hebrew College, with a note that includes your name, address, phone number email address, TBM, and which program option you are choosing. Please send your check and note to Hebrew College, 1860 Washington St., Newton, MA, 02466. It will help us if you email Debrah Ron to let us know to expect your payment in the mail. Thank you.

We are committed to ensuring high-caliber Jewish learning remains affordable and accessible to all teens who want to join us. We are pleased to offer TBM students a number of discounts, a payment plan option, and invite families to apply for financial aid by filling out the form below.


If you are a member of a local synagogue or minyan, we encourage you to reach out to your community or rabbi to ask about available education scholarships for teens.

Early Bird Discount
If you sign up by June 15, 2024, receive $50 off of your tuition.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Claudia Marbach.

Explanation of Calendar and Tuition

The emphasis in this program is a year-long experience of developing as Jewish learners in a strong community context. The tuition is set to reflect the year experience of classes, course materials, open houses, shabbatonim (when possible) and end-of semester celebrations. We recognize that some students have other commitments such that they cannot participate for the whole year, so there are two semester options (fall and spring). All students are welcome to join shabbatonim and other outside of class activities, regardless of which semester they attend.

The number of classes in these semesters fluctuates each year, sometimes significantly, due especially to the high holidays. We have placed the beginning of the spring semester after winter break, following the longest break between classes, which is the best time for new students to jump in. To make sure students enrolled for only one of the two semesters get equal benefit, students who have chosen to enroll only for the fall semester are encouraged to stay through the first six classes of the spring semester at no additional cost.