Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!

Graduate Community Courses

Study Jewish texts, history and thought alongside rabbinical and cantorial students in graduate-level courses that are open to the community. In addition, you have opportunities to take master’s-level education courses as part of our online graduate learning community. You may choose to audit courses (for non-credit) or take them for credit.

For information or questions, email registrar@hebrewcollege.edu.

  • time Any
  • location On Campus and Online
  • duration Semester
View courses and register

My year as a visitor at Hebrew College Rabbinical School was transformative. The davening was uplifting and soul nourishing and the learning amazing — a wonderful blend of serious scholarship and deep spiritual and moral inquiry. I encountered a supportive learning community with respect for tradition coupled with room for challenge and honest debate.

Aviva Orenstein, Associate Dean of Students and Academic Affairs & Professor of Law and Val Nolan Faculty Fellow at Indiana University Maurer School of Law

Course Offerings

Rabbinical School Courses: On Campus

Study important texts and theory, Jewish history, culture and spirituality, social justice and the Jewish life cycle alongside future rabbis in the Hebrew College Rabbinical School. This is a unique experience to deepen your knowledge, learn from world-class faculty, and study in havrutas (peer-guided text study learning done in pairs) with students from diverse Jewish backgrounds and traditions. (Note: Hebrew language prerequisites required for some courses.)

Cantorial School Courses: On Campus

Delve into the role that music has played in Jewish life from ancient to modern times; learn about the music of the Jewish people throughout the Diaspora; compare prayer in different religions and parts of the world; and study Jewish music and prayer with our faculty of cantors and musicians and alongside cantorial students.

Graduate Education Courses: Online

Sharpen your teaching pedagogy and skills by taking a masters-level education course. We offer theoretical and practical skill-building courses, with options to dig into education specializations in special education, early childhood education, experiential education, and interfaith families education. Since courses are online and asynchronous, you can fit them into you schedule whenever it is convenient for you.

View the Course Listings

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