Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

News HighlightsRabbi Grey Myrseth`17 & GatherBay featured in EJewish Philanthropy

Leviticus Offerings, Then and Now

Parashat Vayikra, Leviticus 1:1-5:26 The language of “sacrifice” sug...

Exodus With Water, String, and Laughter: Finding the Divine

Exodus With Water, String, and Laughter: Finding the Divine

Parshat Pekudei, Exodus 38:21 – 40:38 This month, the Torah has led us on ...

Community Blog Neither Vertical nor Horizontal, But at an Angle

There are certain moments of Jewish parenting that are so well-defined and ritua...

Community Blog The Perfect Job

“Sounds like the perfect job for you Mom”, my 19 year old son said to me wry...

Community Blog Israel: Much More than an Experiment

An Organic, Complex, Ever-Evolving Reality Last week, Hebrew College’s Board ...