Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

News HighlightsRabbi Grey Myrseth`17 & GatherBay featured in EJewish Philanthropy

Community Blog Heschel’s Vision of the Sabbath: A Contemporary Challenge

Recently, I reread many selections from Abraham Joshua Heschel’s classic text,...

Numbers The Forgetful Sands of the Wilderness

Parshat B’midbar, Numbers 1:1-4:20 The biblical book of Numbers continues the ...

Community Blog Are we Off Topic?

Five sets of parents sat around the stylish South End living room, all very comf...

Community Blog A Kosher State of Mind…

What is it with Jewish holidays and food?  We each have our seasonal favorites....

Pluralistic Perspectives Back to the Garden

When I moved from New York City to Portland three years ago, my life changed in ...

Humans of Hebrew College Alcott House & Early Jewish Education

“I have lived in Concord Massachusetts for the past 16 years. Concord—an...