Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!

June 13, 2021 How We Connect: Jewishness, Judaism, and the In-Between: A free virtual event for Young Adults

This Event Has Passed

  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location Via Zoom (link provided to registrants before the event.
  • cost Free
  • organizer Boston Haifa Connection; Hebrew College; BINA; JArts
  • email meirz@cjp.org
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Are you seeking opportunities to explore Jewish identity and practice in ways that feel authentic?

Join CJP’s Boston-Haifa Connection, along with groundbreaking educators, musicians, artists, and clergy from the two partner cities for an afternoon of interactive learning, exploration, and rediscovery of Judaism.

Through innovative workshops offered by BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social ChangeHebrew College, and the Jewish Arts Collaborative (JArts), you’ll connect with other young adults from Boston and Haifa and explore new ways to apply Jewish wisdom to your daily life. See the choices below.

Please contact Meir with any questions.

Participants will have the opportunity to attend two of the following 30-minute workshops:

  • Slytherin Torah: Jewish Identity Beyond Bloodline
    with Akiva Nelson 
    As assimilation and intermarriage become more prevalent throughout the global Jewish community, is it possible to rethink Jewish identity beyond bloodline?
  • The Breath of Life: Ancient Israel & Yogic Breathing Practice
    with Yaakov Ginsberg-Schreck
    We’ll examine the nature of the breath in Torah — and engage in a brief neshama/breath practice ourselves — with an eye toward uncovering ancient Israelites’ experience of Nishmat Hayyim (the breath of life).
  • Sacred Work: Activism as Spiritual Practice
    with Rabbi Lila Kagedan

    Join a conversation about the Jewish role in leading the fight for social, economic, and environmental justice and explore the connection between social justice work and sacred work.
  • Delightful Desayunos: Practicing Shabbat, Sephardic-style
    with Sara Gardner
    Discover the Sephardic custom of desayuno, the meal traditionally eaten after Shabbat morning services. Learn what this tradition can offer us in our lives and pick up some great recipes and tips to make your own desayuno extra delicious.
  • Between Shamaim (Heaven) and Eretz (Earth)
    with Ariel Magal

    When the world was created, which came first, the Shamaim or the Eretz? What are the implications of the answer to that question on our lives, between sanctity and secularism?
  • Create Your “Jewish Identity” Self-Portrait
    with Israel-based mosaic muralist Mia Schon
    Mia’s paper mosaic workshop will guide you in a step-by-step process to create your own custom portrait using supplies from home.
    Please note: This workshop is for all levels. Beginners are welcome! All you need is a glue stick, a pair of scissors, and a magazine.