
NumbersFacing the Wilderness

Pluralistic Perspectives Next week in Jerusalem, the Weizmann Institute, Hula Valley and much more…

Shalom and welcome to “Educational Exploration of Israel.” On February 9, 20...

Exodus Making the Space to be Present

Since I became a parent, I’ve been reading the Torah through a new lens. I now...

Exodus Making the Space to be Present

Since I became a parent, I’ve been reading the Torah through a new lens. I now...

Pluralistic Perspectives Jethro and Pope Francis: Models of Interreligious Engagement

Along with many others from across the diverse religious world, Pope Francis has...

Pluralistic Perspectives Jethro and Pope Francis: Models of Interreligious Engagement

Along with many others from across the diverse religious world, Pope Francis has...

Community Blog Tales From Israel: The Intersection of Faith and Future

For the fourth year in a row I spent a sleepless Shabbat in Jerusalem. It’...