Community Blog Leaders in Adult Learning (LAL) Fellowship Orientation
On June 12, the inaugural cohort of the two-year Leaders in Adult Learning fellowship gathered for an orientation with Rabbi Daniel Lehmann, Rabbi Marcia Plumb, Bernice Lerner and Marjorie Freiman. This was the first gathering for the entire cohort, so the fellows shared their personal objectives as well as their plans for translating their learning from the fellowship into action in their home communities during the second year.
Plumb led a provocative opening d’var Torah and Lehmann shared his vision of the fellowship and the training for the fellows to facilitate “People of the Book” Bible book clubs. Fellows received a resource binder with biographies of all fellows and instructors and background readings on adult learning and sacred texts, as well as one of the primary sources of the year’s reading, the book “How to Read the Jewish Bible,” by Marc Brettler, one of our illustrious instructors.
Beginning in October and continuing through April 2015, the fellows will meet biweekly for a three-hour dinner seminar. They will enjoy an informal dinner and conversation time and high-level study with outstanding local instructors:
- Sara Lee, adult-learning facilitation
- Rabbi Plumb, Tanakh
- Marshall Ganz, community organizing
- Marc Brettler, Tanakh
- Meir Lakein, community organizing
- Rabbi Aaron Fine and Howard Wolk, programs they developed and instituted in their synagogue communities.
We are thrilled to welcome our LAL fellows formally, and are looking forward to an exciting and stimulating year of study, discovery and innovation!