
News HighlightsJewish Studio Project and Hebrew College Open New Creativity Studio on Newton Campus

Pluralistic Perspectives Listening to Women’s Voices

Parshat Vayera, Genesis 18:1-22:24 “Who are you wearing?” “Have you been d...

Community Blog Reflections on Lekh Lekha: Why was Abraham Chosen?

In many ways, the story of the Jewish people begins this week in Parshat Lekh Le...

Rabbinical School Divrei Torah How Isaac Lost His Ḥet

The name יִצְחַק is rendered in English as “Isaac,” with no consonant...

Genesis Back to the Garden, and Forward

The holiday season has come and gone. Moses has ascended Mount Nebo, looked acro...

Rabbinical School Divrei Torah A Centenarian New Father?! Hah!

In Gen. 17:16, which is in this week’s parashah, לֵךְ־לְךָ, God annou...

Rabbinical School Divrei Torah Hayom Harat Olam

This sermon was originally delivered on Rosh Hashanah 5776 at the Newton Centre...