19th Annual Connie Spear Birnbaum Memorial Lecture

Hebrew College is proud to be a co-sponosr of the Synagogue Council for the 19th Annual Connie Spear Birnbaum Memorial Lecture on Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 5 p.m.. The lecture will feature keynote speaker Amos Yadlin whose topic will be A New Middle East? Israel After the Abraham Accords.

The lecture will be a multi-access event. Attendees may elect to participate on-site at Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel (561 Ward Street, Newton) or via Zoom.

Celebrating Lucinda Mosher & The Georgetown Companion to Interreligious Studies

Companion of Interreligious Studies book coverOn May 5, the Journal of Interreligious Studies will honor its Senior Editor, Dr. Lucinda Mosher, on the occasion of her 75th birthday and the publication of The Georgetown Companion to Interreligious Studies, for which she served as editor. The Journal is a joint publication of the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership at Hebrew College, Boston University School of Theology, and Hartford International University for Religion and Peace.

Lucinda MosherDr. Lucinda Mosher

Dr. Mosher is a moral theologian in the Anglican tradition. She is Faculty Associate in Interfaith Studies at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace, where she teaches courses on America’s religious diversity, comparative theology, chaplaincy in multifaith contexts, and Christian-Muslim relations.


12:50-1 PM
Opening Music & Slides (recording of Lucinda playing)

1:00-1:05 PM
Welcome – Rev. Tom Reid, Miller Center of Hebrew College

1:05-1:10 PM
Honoring Dr. Mosher
Joel Lohr, Hartford International University for Religion & Peace

1:10-2 PM
Georgetown Companion Chapters

  • Rabbi Or Rose, Miller Center of Hebrew College
  • Wakoh Shannon Hickey, Callabria Care
  • Rita Sherma, Graduate Theological Union
  • Timur Yuskaev, Hartford International University for Religion & Peace
  • Moderator — Vineet Chander, Princeton University

2:00-2:10 PM
Blessings for Lucinda

  • Bilal Ansari, Hartford University for Religion & Peace
  • Preeta Banerjee, Tufts University
  • Kathryn Lohre, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America & Rev. Margaret Rose, The Episcopal Church

2:10-2:15 PM
Announcement of Festschrift in Honor of Lucinda

  • Interreligious Engagement & the Arts
  • Axel Takacs, Journal of Interreligious Studies & Hussein Rashid, Islamicate

2:15-2:20 PM
Remarks from Our Honoree
Lucinda Mosher, Hartford International University for Religion & Peace

Rev. Tom Reid, Associate Director, Miller Center of Hebrew College

Opening Music & Slides (recording of Lucinda playing)


Preparing Our Hearts for Passover and Easter

Join us IN-PERSON and ONLINE for an exploration of theological, ritual, and vocational commonalities, & differences. Prepare personally for the upcoming holy days and make meaningful connections with your theological colleagues.

Date: Friday, April 8, 2022
Time: 8:30 am-12:00 p.m.
Location: Temple Beth Zion, 1566 Beacon St., Brookline, MA 02446 OR Online

Vaccination required for in-person attendance.

Event Co-SPonsors

Hebrew College, Boston University, Boston College, Harvard Divinity School, and BTI (Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium)


8:30 a.m. — Schacharit (Jewish Morning Service, open to all)
Led by: Joshua Greenberg & Batya Ellinoy, Hebrew College

9 a.m. – Breakfast

9:15 – 9:30 a.m. — Welcome & opening Meditation(s)
Welcome: Dr. Andrew Davis, Boston College STM
Liturgical Dance: Gabriella Makuc (Boston University STH)

9:30 – 10:30 a.m. — Plenary Session: “Embodying Hope”
Moderated by: Dr. Stephanie Edwards, BTI

Dr. Dominic Doyle, Boston College STM
Dr. Filipe Maia, Boston University STH
Rev. Dr. Theodore Hickman Maynard, Harvard Divinity School
Rabbi Gita Karasov, Hebrew College

10:30 – 10:40 a.m. — PAUSE

10:40 – 11:30 a.m.  – Small Group Discussions
Moderated by Students from Harvard Divinity School, Hebrew College, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry, and Boston University School of Theology

11:30-11:40 a.m. — PAUSE

11:40 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. — Musical reflection & Closing Ritual
Stephanie Hollenberg, Harvard Divinity School
Dr. Judith Oleson, Boston University STH



A Peek into Hebrew College Teen Beit Midrash

Honi and Moshe: Adaptation and Resilience

Are you curious about what is happening lately at Teen Beit Midrash? Join us on Zoom on March 31, at 7 p.m., for a peek into the wonderful learning that is going on together.

Together we will learn a text that our students have struggled with about Honi, who sleeps for 70 years. We will then compare Honi with another “time traveling” leader and talk about how their responses differ when confronted with the unusual and unexpected.

Rabba Claudia will lead us through these texts and then help us think about how these texts could be relevant to our lives today.

This event is free. Please consider a donation to help keep Teen Beit Midrash at Hebrew College affordable for all who want to be involved.

Learn more about Teen Beit Midrash at Hebrew College

Support Hebrew College Teen Learning

Metrowest CultureFest: Purim

Join Hebrew College, Temple Beth Torah, 2Life Communities, Temple Beth Am, Temple Beth Sholom, Congregation Or Atid, and Congregation Beth El,  for a special presentation and celebration of Purim through a Sephardic Lens: A Cook and Sing with Sarah Oroeste

Learn history, customs, and the unique musical and culinary traditions of Sephartic Jews and some fabulous interactive learning!

Everyone is welcome to this free virtual event hosted by Shillman House and supported by CJP.

Click here for more information and to register

“Seeking in the Company of Others” Book Launch & Conversation

book coverJoin Hebrew College March 23, 7:00-8:30 p.m. (EST) for a conversation with Roslyn G. Weiner PhD STM, a spiritual director at Hebrew College and in the Greater Boston community and author of Seeking in the Company of Others: The Wisdom of Group Spiritual Direction, published by Spiritual Directors International Press, November 2021.

Moderator: Rabbi Or Rose, Founder & Director of the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership at Hebrew College

Respondent: Dr. Claire Wolfteich, Professor, School of Theology, Co-Director, Center for Practical Theology Boston University.

This fall, under the auspices of the Miller Center and the Center for Practical Theology at Boston University, Weiner initiated a spiritual direction group for future clergy, both Jewish and Christian. The evening will include several respondents commenting on the use of this group work in Interfaith settings and from different faith perspectives.“I wrote this book to share the fruits of 18 years of convening small groups of persons who want to notice more fully the sacred elements of ordinary life. The practice we explore and cultivate is an ancient one called spiritual direction. I have created an innovation to that approach which is universal in its applicability and suitable for people of any religious tradition and/or spiritual leaning.” (Roslyn Weiner)

Roslyn G. Weiner, PhD, STM, a spiritual director and psychologist, has been leading spiritual direction groups and accompanying individuals for nearly two decades. She communicates her passion for the practice of spiritual direction through writing and teaching, but primarily by listening closely for the sacred whisperings within her own soul and the souls of those who invite her to witness their seeking. A member of Temple Emanuel of Newton and the Jewish Community of Amherst MA, she received a PhD in psychology from Yale University and an STM degree from the Boston University School of Theology. Her book, “Seeking in the Company of Others: The Wisdom of Group Spiritual Direction” was published by Spiritual Directors International Press in November, 2021. Read more here

The event is co-hosted by the Betty Ann Greenbaum Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College and the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College.