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March 31, 2022 A Peek into Hebrew College Teen Beit Midrash

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  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location Register for Zoom link
  • cost Free
  • organizer Teen Beit Midrash at Hebrew College
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Honi and Moshe: Adaptation and Resilience

Are you curious about what is happening lately at Teen Beit Midrash? Join us on Zoom on March 31, at 7 p.m., for a peek into the wonderful learning that is going on together.

Together we will learn a text that our students have struggled with about Honi, who sleeps for 70 years. We will then compare Honi with another “time traveling” leader and talk about how their responses differ when confronted with the unusual and unexpected.

Rabba Claudia will lead us through these texts and then help us think about how these texts could be relevant to our lives today.

This event is free. Please consider a donation to help keep Teen Beit Midrash at Hebrew College affordable for all who want to be involved.

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