Hadar Boston Pre-Pesah Series


Campus partner Hadar Boston invites our community to Singing Our Way Out of Egypt to help prepare for Pesach. In the coming weeks, Hadar will offer an in-person, two-part dinner and learning series entitled “Singing Our Way Out of Egypt.” The learning series will be taught by Hadar Boston Director Rabbi Elie Lehmann, Rosh Yeshiva, and Rabbi Aviva Richman. They will also host an interactive Matzah Baking Demonstration and Kashering Workshop led by Hadar’s President & Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Ethan Tucker.

The dinner and learning sessions will take place at 7:00 pm on Sundays, March 19th and 26th, hosted at Temple Emanuel in Newton, and the Matzah Baking Demonstration will be on Sunday morning, April 2nd, hosted at Kehillath Israel (KI) in Brookline.

Hebrew College is co-sponsoring this series.

Singing Our Way Out of Egypt

Temple Emanuel (385 Ward St, Newton)

Join Hadar Boston for a 2-part lecture series to help prepare you for the music of Pesah! Part one on March 19 will explore “Singing Through Seder: Hallel – A Case Study” and part two on March 26 will explore “Singing Through Chaos.” The cost for each lecture is $10 and includes dinner beforehand. Register here.

Matzah Baking Demonstration and Kashering Station

Congregation Kehillath Israel (384 Harvard St, Brookline)

Learn the artistry and rules of making matzah at this hands-on, kosher for Pesah workshop. See how the water, flour and high heat quickly come together to bake this most well-known symbol of the Exodus and our annual celebration of freedom. A kashering station will also be available, so bring your clean pots. Spots are limited, so don’t wait to sign up! Register here.

SOLD OUT! Joey Weisenberg In Concert

Join us for a concert with Hadar’s Joey Weisenberg on May 17 at Hebrew College’s Musicant Cohen Center for Performing Arts at Ordis Hall.

7 p.m. Doors Open | 7:30-9 p.m. Concert

>> Buy tickets here

joey-weisenbergA virtuosic multi-instrumental musician, singer, and composer, Joey Weisenberg has devoted himself to opening up the sounds of people singing together in community. The founder and director of Hadar’s Rising Song Institute, which aims to cultivate the grassroots musical-spiritual creativity of the Jewish people, Joey works to educate and train communities around the world to unlock their musical-spiritual potential and make music a vibrant, joy-filled force in Jewish life.

Joey is the author of Building Singing Communities, a practical guide to bringing people together in song, as well as The Torah of Music, a treasury of Jewish teachings and insights about the spiritual nature of music, which received the National Jewish Book Award in 2017.

A devoted student and teacher of ancient and traditional Jewish melodies, Joey composes new nigunim that have moved and inspired Jews around the world. He has released eight albums of original music, most recently L’eila, available on Rising Song Records.

Co-sponsored by Hadar Boston, Temple Reyim, Hebrew College, JARTS, Jewish Women’s Archive, Kesher Newton, Keshet, Mayyim Hayyim, Massachusetts Board of Rabbis, RUACH, and Zamir Chorale of Boston.

Preparing our Hearts for Passover and Easter (2023)

Join us IN-PERSON for an exploration of theological, ritual, and vocational commonalities & differences. Prepare personally for the upcoming holy days and make meaningful connections with your theological colleagues.


(Jewish Morning Service, open to all)
Led by Hebrew College rabbinical and cantorial students



Welcome: Dr. Peng Yin, Boston University STH
Buddhist Intention: Rev. Seigen Johnson, Boston University STH

9:30 – 10:30 am PLENARY SESSION: “Beyond boundaries in search of liberation & redemption”

Moderated by: Dr. Stephanie Edwards, BTI
Dr. Jaime Waters, Boston College STM
Dr. James McCarty, Boston University STH
Rabbi Shani Rosenbaum, Hebrew College

10:30 – 10:40 am PAUSE


Moderated by students from Harvard Divinity School, Hebrew College, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry, and Boston University School of Theology

11:30-11:40 am PAUSE

11:40 am – 12:00 pm CLOSING RITUAL

Intention: Rev. Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski, Boston College STM
Music: Rev. Tom Reid, Hebrew College

Zamir and Nashirah in Concert

Joint Concert

Join Hebrew College’s shared campus partner Zamir, on Sunday, March 12 at  3 p.m. when they host Nashirah, Philadelphia’s premier Jewish choral ensemble, for a joint concert on our campus at 1860 Washington Street in Newton. This free and in-person event (donations encouraged) is co-sponsored by Temple Reyim and Hebrew College. Please note that the program will not be live-streamed.

About Nashira

Now in its twentieth year, Nashirah offers distinct musical programming that embodies the broadest possible range of Jewish repertoire, bringing together choral music of many lands, languages, and cultures. Our combined voices will present a program not to be missed!

אוֹצָרוֹת: Otzarot Concert
Musical Treasures of Hebrew College

yiddish sheet music

Featuring Cantorial Alumni and Kol Arev, Chamber Choir of Hebrew College

Join us on March 23, 2023 for Otzarot: Musical Treasures of Hebrew College. The concert will feature cantorial alumni and Hebrew College’s chamber choir Kol Arev, who will perform newly discovered music from the Hebrew College archives!

We are excited to present this concert on our new shared campus in the Musicant Cohen Center for Performing Arts at Ordis Hall.

Amy Lieberman, Kol Arev Music Director
Cantor Lynn Torgove, Kol Arev Artistic Director

With performances by cantorial alumni currently working in Massachusetts:

  • Vera Broekhuysen  `16, Temple Emanu-El, Haverhill
  • DJ Fortine `22, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham
  • Marc Guttman `22, member of Temple Israel of Natick Singers, Zachor and Hebrew College Kol Arev
  • Maayan Harel `19, Temple Beth David, Canton and Temple Ohabei Shalom, B’nei Mitzvah Educator
  • Idan Irelander `09, Temple Ahavat Olam, North Andover (Kolbo)
  • Becky Khitrik `14, Temple Sinai, Sharon
  • Jeri Robins `13, Beth El Temple Center, Belmont and Temple Chayai Shalom, Easton, Director of Education
  • Lynn Torgove `12, High Holiday Cantor at Temple Emanu-El, Marblehead
  • David Wolff `20, Temple Beth Am, Framingham

Finding Musical Treasures with Kol Arev Artistic Director Cantor Lynn Torgove

Reservations & Sponsorship Levels:

Singer and event sponsorship opportunities start at $72; general admission is pay-what-you-can, with a suggested donation of $18 per person.

  • Gold Benefactor $2,500+: 10 VIP seats
  • Silver Sponsor $1,800 – $2,499: 8 VIP seats
  • Patron $1,000 – $1,799: 6 VIP seats
  • Supporter $500 – $999: 4 VIP seats
  • Friend $360 – $499: 2 VIP seats
  • Kavod $137 – $359: 4 general admission seats
  • Mazel Tov $72 – $136: 2 general admission seats
  • 1 General admission ticket: Pay-what-you-can; suggested donation $18
Reserve your seats and sponsor a singer here

Prozdor Virtual Reunion 2023 with Dr. Jonathan Sarna

Prozdor students in the 1970s

Prozdor alumni, please join us for the second annual Prozdor Virtual Reunion on May 21, 2023. Shmooze with former classmates, hear from Hebrew College leadership, and listen to Prozdor and Hebrew College alumnus Dr. Jonathan Sarna P`70, BHL`74 share some memories.

Register here.

If you are unable to attend but would like to make a gift, click here and choose “Teen Learning Programs” from the drop down designation list.

Jonathan Sarna (Jan 2023)Dr. Jonathan Sarna

Hebrew College and Prozdor alumnus Dr. Jonathan D. Sarna is University Professor, the Joseph H. & Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University. He is past president of the Association for Jewish Studies and Chief Historian of the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish history in Philadelphia. Dubbed by the Forward newspaper in 2004 as one of America’s fifty most influential American Jews, he was Chief Historian for the 350th commemoration of the American Jewish community and is recognized as a leading commentator on American Jewish history, religion, and life. In 2009, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Sarna received an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters in 2011.

Event Host Committee

Sharlene Kamens Finkel P`60, BJEd`64
Norma (Silverstein) Freeman P`74
Joel Goldberg P`57Judge Rand Hoch (ret.) P`73Tessa Lebinger P`70Dr. Harvey Mamon P`77Paul Sternlieb P`88Dr. Ilan Troen P`58, BJEd`62Phyllis Fisher Schwartz P`57Janet Zimmern LICSW P`69