
Rabbi Or Rose

Deuteronomy Small Acts of Kindness

 Tisha b’Av  On a warm and clear evening late last month, my son and I decid...

HCRS Class-of-2019

Community Blog Rabbinical School Class of 2019 Helps Fund Scholarship

Ilana Zietman said she’d choreograph a dance for you. Jevin Eagle promised to ...

Rabbi Arthur green

Koleinu Wandering Jews: Thoughts on Parashat Masa’ey

Parashat Masa’ey (Numbers 33:1-36:13) If there is a new Kabbalah to be rev...

Rabbi Or Rose and Lydia Kukoff

Community Blog Rabbi Or Rose and The Chatham Synagogue Celebrate 20th Anniversary

On July 13, The Chatham Synagogue/Netivot Torah (TCS) marked its 20th anniversar...

Rabbi Daniel Klein

Koleinu Making Atonement for God’s Imperfect World

Parashat Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1) It was classic. Two strikes. Two outs. A r...

Me'ah 2019 class

Community Blog Faith and Science: My Journey Through Me’ah at Hebrew College

My journey through Me’ah touched the most personal parts of my mind and my hea...