
Humans of Hebrew CollegePluralism in the Beit Midrash

Humans of Hebrew College #HumansHC

“The Bet Midrash at Hebrew College is a warm and welcoming environment where diverse ideas and beliefs are shared alongside study of traditional Jewish texts.  It is a truly inspiring place for a rabbi to teach, learn, and grow.”

(Rabbi Shayna Rhodes, Rab`08 is the co-director of the Beit Midrash at the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College.)

Humans of Hebrew College Taking a Leap to IFJE

Humans of Hebrew College #HumansHC I was drawn to the Interfaith Families Jewish...

Humans of Hebrew College The Rav-Hazzan

    Throwback to Aliza Berger becoming a Bat Mitzvah. We are so grat...

Humans of Hebrew College Shabbat Shalom

“Last year we started weekly Friday night Shabbat dinners. We have family din...

Humans of Hebrew College Not So Sour Kangaroo


Humans of Hebrew College The Culling

  “I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve to be called a ‘writer,&...

Humans of Hebrew College Sacred Drumming

  “I have been a professional musician, drummer/percussionist, for ma...