
News HighlightsRabbi Grey Myrseth`17 & GatherBay featured in EJewish Philanthropy

Community Blog Introducing All Genders Wrap

Rabbinical School student Rachel Putterman wants to empower Jews of all genders ...

Community Blog In Memoriam: David Ariel

Dr. David Ariel was the kind of professor who inspired devotion and a deep commi...

Community Blog At the Table: Food, Family and Spirit Bagels

When I teach cooking classes, I often start class by asking one of two questions...

Community Blog Prozdor Celebrates 87th Graduation

On Sunday, May 6th, Prozdor of Hebrew College celebrated its 87th graduation. Th...

Community Blog PTJL’s First “Grandparenting Through a Jewish Lens” course

This spring, PTJL launched its first ever “Grandparenting Through a Jewish...

Community Blog Feelings and Thoughts

There’s probably nothing more important to parents than our kids’ well-being...