Talmudic Tales: Crisis, Calamity, and Survival


Talmudic Tales: Crisis, Calamity, and Survival

Program: Hebrew College Me’ah Select
Instructor: Rabbi Neal Gold  (Read Bio)
Dates: 4 Wednesdays, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14 & 8/21
Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m. EST
Course fee: $200, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College

The stories of the Sages of the Talmud have the ability to surprise, delight, and teach profound lessons about life and survival. In this course, we’ll explore some of the richest tales and their lessons for our current moment of struggle and tragedy. In the shadow of the nightmare of Oct. 7, the war against Hamas, and surging antisemitism we will look at aggadot/Talmudic stories that address how the Sages navigate moments of crisis and tragedy. We’ll look at the primary sources, in translation, from the Talmud, with appropriate contextual and background readings.

For more information, contact meah@hebrewcollege.edu