Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!

Prozdor Teen Open Circle Course Descriptions

SPRING Trimester 2022

DATES: March 27, April 3 – Sheila Chasen Adler Teen Day of Learning, April 10, May 1, May 8, May 15.

**If you are already registered for PTOC for the year, please contact prozdor@hebrewcollege.edu to select your Spring Trimester courses.

1st Period: Teen Hebrew Institute (9:30 AM – 11:20 AM)

Want to take Modern Hebrew? Hebrew class meet from 9:30 AM – 11:20 AM (overlapping with second period of PTOC Judaics). Contact prozdor@hebrewcollege.edu to inquire about Modern Hebrew learning for the 2022-2023 school year.

2nd Period PTOC Courses (10:30 AM – 11:20 AM)

From Charlottesville to Brookline High: A Look At Anti-Semitism in America
Instructor: Rabbinic Intern Jenna Shaw
Location: Hebrew College
March 27, April 3 – Sheila Chasen Adler Teen Day of Learning, April 10, May 1, May 8, May 15.
Cost: $350
Register now

If you turn on any news station or open any news paper, the chances are high that you will hear about some anti-semitic incident. It my feel as if Anti-Semitism is all around us. But, what is Anti-Semitism? How do we determine what makes something Anti-Semitic and what do we do about it? In this course, we will explore the history of Anti-Semitism in America and the ways that it has shifted over time. Some key questions will be: How is anti-semitism connected to other forms of oppression in America? Is Anti-Zionism always Anti-Semitism? Why is Anti-Semitism on the rise? What does it mean to be a proud Jew when there is Anti-Semitism around us? We will have the chance to share and reflect on our own experiences as well.

Who Counts As A Witness (in Jewish Law)?
Instructor: Rabbi David Ehrenkranz
Location: Hebrew College
March 27, April 3 – Sheila Chasen Adler Teen Day of Learning, April 10, May 1, May 8, May 15.
Cost: $350
Register now

In this course we will examine the rabbinic laws that invalidate certain people from giving testimony. Specifically, we will focus on professional gamblers and other people whose modus operandi is their obsession with money. We will also discuss how we trust people in Judaism, and who is deemed credible when it comes to basic facts about Jewish law.

3rd Period PTOC Courses (11:40 AM – 12:30 PM)

A Deep Dive Into Passover
Instructor: Rabbi David Ehrenkranz
Location: Hebrew College
March 27, April 3 – Sheila Chasen Adler Teen Day of Learning, April 10, May 1, May 8, May 15.
Cost: $350
Register now

We will primarily focus on the customs and laws related to the Pesach Seder. By exploring the Haggadah and the service that surrounds the reading of the Haggadah we will find the meaning and importance of storytelling in our religion, and why it takes such a prominent role on Pesach night. We will also discover why Pesach is Rabbi E’s favorite holiday!

When Our Minds Can’t Rest: Designing Shmita (Sabbatical) Year Practices for Mental Wellness and Self-Care
Instructor: Rabbi Laura Bellows
Location: Hebrew College
March 27, April 3 – Sheila Chasen Adler Teen Day of Learning, April 10, May 1, May 8, May 15.
Cost: $350
Register now

Feeling stressed? When we’re aiming high and going from activity to activity every day, it can be hard to get the rest we need to do or be our best. In this course we will delve into the laws and practices of shmita – the biblical once-every-seven-years break happening since ancient times and again THIS year. Using text study, discussion, and design thinking strategies, we will explore the history of shmita and co-create a set of contemporary Jewish mental wellness practices for teens inspired by shmita values.