November 22, 2019 Shabbat Dinner at Hebrew College

In appreciation of your commitment to Hebrew College, please join us as we host our 2019–20 President’s Council members for an intimate shabbat dinner on campus.

When: Friday, November 22, 2019
• 6-6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
• 6:30-8 pm Dinner and D’var Torah
Where: Hebrew College, 160 Herrick Road in Newton Centre

Together with faculty, students, and staff, we will come together to share a meal and to welcome Shabbat with the warmth and spirit that characterizes our Hebrew College community.

Children are warmly welcome to join us for the evening. If you are unable to join us on this date, we hope we will be able to see you at one of the other dinners to be scheduled throughout the year.