
News HighlightsRabbi Grey Myrseth`17 & GatherBay featured in EJewish Philanthropy

Community Blog Who is Wise? One Who Learns from All People (Ethics of the Fathers, Pirkei Avot 4:1)

The ancient city of Zippori unfolded before our eyes. It is located in the heart...

Pluralistic Perspectives Blending Torah and Activism

I am a scholar and teacher, having devoted much of my life to shaping a Judaism ...

Community Blog Our last moments in Dnep

On our last day in Dnepropetrovsk we had lunch with Rabbi Kaminetsky and Zelig B...

Pluralistic Perspectives Day 8: “Connection”

In one of our last activities on our seminar we were asked to come up with “ou...

Pluralistic Perspectives Day 8: “Connection”

In one of our last activities on our seminar we were asked to come up with “ou...

Pluralistic Perspectives Four Levels of Societal Transformation

I recently had to report for jury duty. I had been summoned for jury service bef...