Hebrew College will be closed October 24-25 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Chag Sameach!

December 01, 2020 Workshop: Kabbalah & The Body

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  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location Zoom
  • cost Free and open to the public
  • organizer Hebrew College Breath Lab
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About the Program

In this Hebrew College breath Lab full-moon workshop for the month of Kislev, Hebrew College Dean of Students Rabbi Daniel Klein will offer a teaching on the Kabbalistic sefirot, and how we can draw the light of their wisdom into our daily lives. Then, Breath Lab Director Yaakov Ginsberg-Schreck will guide an all-levels breath/movement practice, helping us explore the themes of the sefirot on the plane of body and breath.


  • Online
  • Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020 | 7-8:30 p.m.
  • Free with registration

Rabbi Daniel KleinAbout Rabbi Daniel and Yaakov Ginsberg-Schreck
Rabbi Daniel Klein (right)  serves as Dean of Students for Hebrew College’s ordination programs, primarily focusing on supporting students’ spiritual formation. A graduate of Hebrew College and a student of Rabbis Art Green and Ebn Leader, Daniel’s path in Jewish learning, Yaakov Ginsberg-Schreckliving, and teaching is mediated and inspired by the mystical tradition and its forms for being in relation with the Divine.

Yaakov Ginsberg-Schreck (left) is the Director of Breath Lab, a rabbinical student at Hebrew College, a breath healer, and a certified yoga instructor.