November 19, 2023 Soul Sounds Music Series

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  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location Hebrew College
    1860 Washington Street
    Newton Centre, MA 02466
  • cost $5, $18, $36
  • organizer Hebrew College
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music-illustrationHebrew College’s new Soul Sounds Series brings master Jewish musicians from the Boston area and around the world for intimate musical conversations at Hebrew College. Part concert, part participatory singing, part prayer.

For our first program, we are pleased to welcome musician and prayer artist Yahala Lachmish from Kehillat Zion in Jerusalem.

Meet the Musician: Yahala Lachmish

Yahala LachmishYahala Lachmish is a musician, cantor and payytanit, singer, conductor and actress. She holds a B.A in Composition from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and is co-head of the Sephardic track of the Ashira Tehilot Program for Musicians and Cantors at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem.

Yahala has been on stage since childhood and now performs as a solo artist, in various ensembles (Tandu, Tahrir, Voca Shabbat and more) and with orchestras. She is musical director and co-head of Prayer in Jerusalem’s Zion community, lectures and leads services at Midreshet Beit Prat (previously known as Ein Prat), teaches Biblical trope and leads workshops on piyyutim (Jewish liturgical poems.)


Thank you to our november Event co-sponsors


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