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March 13, 2024 Adult Learning GROW Series: March 2024

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  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location 9-10 AM PST
  • cost Free
  • organizer Hebrew College Adult Learning
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For the next program in Hebrew College Adult Learning’s free, monthly GROW series, we examine storytelling. We hope you will spend an hour with us for this and future programs in our series, to gather, reflect, observe, and wrestle with topics that will deepen your Jewish learning.

Date: March 13, 2024 | 12-1 PM EST/9-10 AM PST | Zoom
Program: Building Resilience through Stories
Instructor: Margie Bogdanow

Research shows that learning and knowing about family history helps build resilience in children of all ages. Judaism is a religion of stories. We tell the same Torah stories over and over and each time they have new meaning with the Passover Seder being the most famous example. As grandparents, sharing our stories is one of the most important things we can do for our grandchildren. Today our stories can be told in many ways, from sitting on a lap to sitting at computers across the world. They can be shared in words, in music and in pictures. Join other grandparents to reflect on our stories, explore the Jewish wisdom around the value of storytelling, and share practical approaches to becoming impactful stewards of our family narrative.


Margie BogdanowMargie Bogdanow, LICSW, is an educator, coach and consultant working in the Boston area.  Over her many years as a facilitator for Parenting Through a Jewish Lens, Margie demonstrated both her belief that Judaism has wisdom to help us navigate our lives as well as her love of connecting the Jewish and secular worlds.  She is passionate about “educating and supporting adults to make a difference in the lives of young people.” After spending many years as a parent educator, Margie is thrilled to now work as a grandparent educator.  She and her husband Michael now live in Needham to be close to grandchildren.


You can dedicate a GROW session in memory or in honor of a dear one and you and your name will be shared with gratitude in the session. Simply click the link below, fill in the secure form, and indicate in the text box that this is your GROW sponsorship [suggested minimum gift of $180].

>> Dedicate a session

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Future Free, Monthly GROW Programs

Rabbi Sharon Cohen AnisfeldDate: April 10, 2024 | 12-1 PM EST/9-10 AM PST | Zoom
Program: TBD
Instructors: Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld
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