July 09, 2020 A Time to Mourn: Grieving Together in the Time of COVID

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  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location YouTube
  • cost Free
  • organizer Hebrew College, Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston, Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Board of Rabbis
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A Time to Mourn image

On July 9, we joined together with the Greater Boston Jewish Community to pause and reflect as we mourn all those lost during the COVID pandemic thus far. Our 15 minutes together included personal reflections, ritual and the dedication of a new community memorial.

We chose the 17 of Tammuz, Shivah Asar B’Tammuz, because this date is already a day of mourning in our tradition. 17 of Tammuz is a minor fast day that marks the beginning of the three week mourning period leading up to 9 of Av, Tisha B’Av. We recognize this time in the Jewish calendar as we mourn and remember the many calamities upon calamities that have befallen the Jewish people.

During the event, we displaying the names of loved ones we have lost during the COVID epidemic. We apologize but cannot accept any more submissions at this time.

How to Join the Event

Watch on YouTube or Facebook on on-demand.

Our Program

Welcome and Kavannah
Rabbi Suzanne Offit `09
Palliative Care Chaplain

Chanting of Psalm 23
Rabbi Rebecca Weintraub `20
B’nai Jeshurun, New York 

Personal Reflections
Rabbi Karen Landy
Chaplain, Hebrew SeniorLife

Ritual and Dedication of Community Memorial
Jamie Cotel
Executive Director, Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts

Chanting of El Maleh Rachamim
Rabbi Ebn Leader
Faculty, Hebrew College

Closing Words
Rabbi Neal Gold
President, Massachusetts Board of Rabbis

Closing Niggun
Rabbi Rebecca Weintraub

Sponsors and Partners*


* List of partner organizations in formation

We also encourage you to visit the JTA’s “Bonds of Life” website, which mourns members of the Jewish community from throughout the country, including Greater Boston, who have passed away during the coronavirus pandemic.