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May 27, 2021 A Breath Lab Full Moon Workshop: Moving On and Holding On with Rabbi Ebn Leader

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  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location Zoom
  • cost Free and open to the public
  • organizer Hebrew College
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Please join us for Breath Lab’s next workshop: “Moving On and Holding On” with Hebrew College Rabbinical School faculty member Rabbi Ebn Leader on May 27 from 4-5:30 p.m.


One of the keys to Rabbi Nahman of Breslav’s practice of liturgical prayer is developing the capacity to move on to the next thing that needs to happen without rejecting or leaving the beauty of the current moment. In this meeting I will attempt to guide people through Rabbi Nahman’s description of this practice as it applies to prayer, and to an awareness of the physical embodiment of this practice in the relation between the ongoing rhythms of our breath and pulse, and the external movement of our body.

About Our teacher

Rabbi Ebn LeaderRabbi Ebn Leader grew up in Jerusalem and was a “talmid” (student-disciple) of Rabbi David Hartman, where he learned Talmud, and of Amos Hetz, where he studied movement and movement notation. He is currently a talmid of Hebrew College Rector Art Green, from whom he has received smichah. Leader has a growing international reputation as a Jewish spiritual teacher in the neo-Hasidic tradition and is an authority on Jewish prayer. He is co-editor, with Rabbi Or Rose, of “God in All Moments: Mystical and Practical Wisdom From Hasidic Masters” (Jewish Lights Publishing, 2011).

Breath Lab, soon to be Beit Neshama on Hebrew College’s new shared campus, is a home for breath, movement, and contemplative practice, and a pair of lungs for the heart of the Beit Midrash.