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GenesisThe Truth that Sets us Apart

Community Blog Bigger Than Ourselves: Finding a Foundation for Our Family

We have been raising our two children (ages 3 and 5) as part of the Jewish commu...

Genesis I and I

Jacob’s struggle in this week’s Torah portion is framed by revelatio...

Community Blog Starting from the Very Beginning

One of the challenges I seem to come up against pretty often in life is starting...

Pluralistic Perspectives Gates of Tears

In this week’s parsha, we are deep in a difficult family story. Yitzhak an...

Passover The Long Journey of Cultivating Gratitude

This week, we celebrate Thanksgiving, which for many of us is less about gratitu...

Community Blog Grieving in the First Person Plural

To speak at all in this moment feels tricky, treacherous even – but I feel com...