
DeuteronomyAmid the Toppling Towers

Pluralistic Perspectives Speaking Torah: We do not make the journey to Sinai alone

Next week, Jewish communities around the world will gather to celebrate the holi...

Pluralistic Perspectives Speaking Torah: We do not make the journey to Sinai alone

Next week, Jewish communities around the world will gather to celebrate the holi...

Leviticus To be a Guest in the World (Parshat Behar-Behukotai, Leviticus 25:1-27:34)

By Rabbi Daniel Lehmann The two Torah readings of Behar and Behukotai (paired in...

Pluralistic Perspectives The Pit of Despair and Hope – A Reflection on Jerusalem

What plays on the soundtrack of your life?   Take a minute… Close your eyes...

Humans of Hebrew College Tween Parenting

  Humans of Hebrew College #HumansHC “I appreciated how Bonnie found ways...

Community Blog Speaking Torah: “We are all broken vessels, infinitely precious in the eyes of God”

A midrash from Vayikra Rabbah on this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Emor, tea...