
DeuteronomyAmid the Toppling Towers

Community Blog 13 lessons Learned from Parenting Through a Jewish Lens in its B’nai Mitzvah Year

I first heard about Parenting Through a Jewish Lens (PTJL) – then called Ikkar...

Seventy Faces of Torah Joyful “Seeing”

(Parashat Re’eh, Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25) A few weeks ago, the largest glacier ...

Deuteronomy Signs Upon Our Hands

Parshat Eikev, Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25 In early July, I sat in a room at a retrea...

Community Blog Rosh Hashanah Musaf

This reflection is an excerpt from the Hebrew College High Holiday Companion, pu...

Humans of Hebrew College Jewish Learning from Cincinnati

Humans of Hebrew College  #HumansHC “Pluralism is central to who I am religio...

Deuteronomy Wisdom for Crossing Over

Parashat Va’etchanan/Shabbat Nachamu, Deuteronomy 3.23-7:11 From the top o...