News Highlights Hebrew College Announces Launch of Bonim Beyachad, a Fellowship for New and Aspiring Jewish Educators

By Hebrew College
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Contact: Robin Kahn, Bonim Beyachad Director
Hebrew College
1860 Washington Street
Newton, MA 02466

April 14, 2024, Newton, MA — Bonim Beyachad, a 10-month fellowship at Hebrew College to support adults new to teaching in part-time and supplemental Jewish educational settings, will launch its inaugural cohort this August. The fellowship provides in-person and virtual professional development in pedagogy, content, and classroom management for new teachers, rooted in the values which guide Hebrew College’s unique pluralistic community.

Dr. Susie Tanchel, Hebrew College’s Vice President, explains, “We established Bonim Beyachad to support lay people in becoming Jewish educators, empowering them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to enter classrooms ready to make a difference in children’s lives. We are excited to welcome our first cohort of Bonim Fellows, who will be part of a community of learners trained in pedagogy and Jewish content and receive one-on-one, personalized mentoring.”

More and more Jewish educational leaders, both affiliated and unaffiliated with synagogues, are turning to community members to teach in their programs. These community members are committed to a vibrant Jewish life and to deepening their own Jewish learning. They are inspired to share their love for Judaism with children, yet they need more background in education. The Bonim Beyachad fellowship provides deep Jewish content and scaffolded learning in a robust community of learners.

Each Bonim Beyachad seminar will introduce a theory or practice, offer practical classroom applications, and provide content through a pluralistic lens. Fellows will engage with Jewish content and curricular materials, explore educational pedagogies, and take part in a community of educators who reflect on their practice with the goal of improving their teaching. At the end of the program, Bonim Beyachad Fellows will have gained knowledge, skills, colleagues, confidence, and resources which will benefit their home community.

The program consists of 18 synchronous Zoom seminars, one in-person retreat at Hebrew College outside of Boston, MA from Tuesday, September 24 (11:30 p.m. ET) – Thursday, September 26 (2:30 p.m. ET), seven personalized mentoring sessions and ten hours of adult learning.

Who Should Apply? Adults teaching or volunteering in Jewish supplemental school settings with little or no training in education who want to contribute to their community, engage in meaningful work, and deepen their relationship with Jewish traditions and rituals.

Teams or multiple teachers from the same institution are encouraged to apply.

To learn more, please visit our website (or contact Robin Kahn, Bonim Beyachad Program Director (

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Hebrew College, located in Newton, MA, is reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world. Making our lives more meaningful, our communities more vibrant, and our world more whole. Founded in 1921, Hebrew College embraces a mission that connects serious academic study of Judaism with the educational needs and challenges of the community through our outstanding graduate, community and youth learning, and professional development programs. No ivory tower, Hebrew College strives to be a modern equivalent of Abraham’s tent, with all sides open to anyone who wishes to join our passionate pursuit of Jewish education.

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