Hebrew College will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

News Highlights Hebrew College alumni featured in Jewish Journal Hanukkah edition

By Sydney Gross
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Three Hebrew College alumni were featured in the Jewish Journal on December 6, 2021.

“Hanukkah this year is different than in past years, and not only because we are still living in a pandemic and Hanukkah is starting Thanksgiving weekend. This year, 5782, is a Shmita year. ” —Rabbi Alison Adler `08, “Hanukkah and Shmita”


“For eight nights this Han­ukkah, we’ll light candles in our homes. The flames bend and beckon; they invite our songs, and our stories, and help bring warmth into the dark of the new winter.” —Cantor Vera Broekhuysen `16, “Hanukkah, and the memory of victory”

“Candlelight is so fam­iliar, but the candlelight of Hanukkah is unique. Like light shimmering in a soothing dream; it is beautiful, delightful and unusable for anything but appreciation.” —Rabbi Steven Lewis `11, “Holy unusable light in a year of release”

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