Azamra Online: A Monthly Alternative Shabbat Community Minyan

Thanks to the Hebrew College Innovation Lab, Rabbi Lev Friedman, Rab`18 will bring his voice and passion to Hebrew College as the leader of a new monthly alternative Shabbat community that will meet in the Hebrew College Beit Midrash. The prayer group, called Azamra, gets its name from Psalm 146:2 “Azamra l’Elohai b’ohdi, I will sing praises to my God while I exist.”

Rabbi Friedman will lead Azamra with guitar and joyful singing of niggunim, chants and liturgy, as well as meditation, davening, storytelling, poetry, and teachings that will enliven and deepen the Shabbat experience.

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Meeting ID: 723 536 560

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Meeting ID: 723 536 560

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Azamra: A Monthly Alternative Shabbat Community Minyan

Thanks to the Hebrew College Innovation Lab, Rabbi Lev Friedman, Rab`18 will bring his voice and passion to Hebrew College as the leader of a new monthly alternative Shabbat community that will meet in the Hebrew College Beit Midrash. The prayer group, called Azamra, gets its name from Psalm 146:2 “Azamra l’Elohai b’ohdi, I will sing praises to my God while I exist.”

Rabbi Friedman will lead Azamra with guitar and joyful singing of niggunim, chants and liturgy, as well as meditation, davening, storytelling, poetry, and teachings that will enliven and deepen the Shabbat experience.

Join us via Zoom

Meeting ID: 723 536 560

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,723536560# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,723536560# US (New York)

Dial by your location

 +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 723 536 560

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Azamra: Alternative Shabbat Community Minyan

Thanks to the Hebrew College Innovation Lab, Rabbi Lev Friedman, Rab`18 will bring his voice and passion to Hebrew College as the leader of a new monthly alternative Shabbat community that will meet in the Hebrew College Beit Midrash. The prayer group, called Azamra, gets its name from Psalm 146:2 “Azamra l’Elohai b’ohdi, I will sing praises to my God while I exist.”

Rabbi Friedman will lead Azamra with guitar and joyful singing of niggunim, chants and liturgy, as well as meditation, davening, storytelling, poetry, and teachings that will enliven and deepen the Shabbat experience. Each service will be followed by a pot-luck vegetarian kiddush luncheon.

Azamra: A Monthly Alternative Shabbat Community Minyan

Thanks to the Hebrew College Innovation Lab, Rabbi Lev Friedman, Rab`19 will bring his voice and passion to Hebrew College as the leader of a new monthly alternative Shabbat community that will meet in the Hebrew College Beit Midrash. The prayer group, called Azamra, gets its name from Psalm 146:2 “Azamra l’Elohai b’ohdi, I will sing praises to my God while I exist.”

Rabbi Friedman will lead Azamra with guitar and joyful singing of niggunim, chants and liturgy, as well as meditation, davening, storytelling, poetry, and teachings that will enliven and deepen the Shabbat experience. Each service will be followed by a pot-luck vegetarian kiddush luncheon.

Azamra: Alternative Shabbat Community Minyan

Thanks to the Hebrew College Innovation Lab, Rabbi Lev Friedman, Rab`18 will bring his voice and passion to Hebrew College as the leader of a new monthly alternative Shabbat community that will meet in the Hebrew College Beit Midrash. The prayer group, called Azamra, gets its name from Psalm 146:2 “Azamra l’Elohai b’ohdi, I will sing praises to my God while I exist.”

Rabbi Friedman will lead Azamra with guitar and joyful singing of niggunim, chants and liturgy, as well as meditation, davening, storytelling, poetry, and teachings that will enliven and deepen the Shabbat experience. Each service will be followed by a pot-luck vegetarian kiddush luncheon.

Azamra: A Monthly Alternative Shabbat Community Minyan

Thanks to the Hebrew College Innovation Lab, Rabbi Lev Friedman, Rab`18 will bring his voice and passion to Hebrew College as the leader of a new monthly alternative Shabbat community that will meet in the Hebrew College Beit Midrash. The prayer group, called Azamra, gets its name from Psalm 146:2 “Azamra l’Elohai b’ohdi, I will sing praises to my God while I exist.”

Rabbi Friedman will lead Azamra with guitar and joyful singing of niggunim, chants and liturgy, as well as meditation, davening, storytelling, poetry, and teachings that will enliven and deepen the Shabbat experience. Each service will be followed by a pot-luck vegetarian kiddush luncheon.