Please join us for a night full of non-stop learning on our new collaborative campus in celebration of Shavuot. The event takes place on May 25 from 6 p.m. to midnight on our new shared campus at 1860 Washington St. in Newton—come for all or part of the evening! (Please note: This event will not be livestreamed.)
Read more about the event.
6-6:30 p.m. Welcome and Song in the Mascott Beit Midrash
- Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, President of Hebrew College
- Rabbi Daniel Berman, Temple Reyim
6:30 to 7:25 p.m.
1. An Interactive Program for Parents and Young Children
The Ten Best Ways: Torah Godly Play on Standing at Mt. Sinai
Musicant Cohen Performance Center in Ordis Hall
- Bridget Connor Feldbaum, Director of Youth Engagement at Temple Reyim and Director of Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston at Hebrew College
2. Yetzirah Jewish Poetry Salon—Poetry Reading and Discussion in the Mascott Beit Midrash
Featuring national prize winning and celebrated Jewish poets:
7:30-8:15 p.m. On Race and Faith: Religious Texts and Stories That Continue to Shape The Relationship Among Black Christian and Jewish Communities
Where: Mascott Beit Midrash
A Plenary Panel with:
8:20-9:05 p.m.
Text Study: “Mystics in Modernity: Rev. Howard Thurman & Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi”
- Rabbi Or Rose, Director of Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership
Teen Break Out Group: Discussing Race, Religious Identity and Faith
- Bridget Connor-Feldbaum and Rabbi Daniel Berman
9:10-9:40 p.m. Maariv, Kiddush & Dairy Desserts
9:45 to 10:30 p.m. “How Jews Became White Folks…Sort Of: Race and Jewish Identity in the Early 20th Century”
- Rabbi Dan Judson, Dean of Rabbinical School of Hebrew College
10:35 to 11:30 p.m. Words that Come from the Heart Enter the Heart: A Circle of Poetry and Niggin
- Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld and Hebrew College students
11:30 p.m. Closing, Food, Time Together
Planning Committee
Laure Garnick
Carol Stollar
Carol Targum
Guest Speakers
Rev. Irene Monroe
Rev. Irene Monroe is described in O, the Oprah Magazine, as “a phenomenal woman who has succeeded against all odds.” An African-American lesbian feminist public theologian, she is a sought-after speaker and preacher.
Monroe does a weekly Monday segment, “All Revved Up!” on WGBH (89.7 FM), on Boston Public Radio that’s now a podcast, and a weekly Friday commentator on New England Channel NEWS (NECN). She’s a Huffington Post blogger and a syndicated religion columnist. Her columns appear in 23 cities across the country and in the U.K, and Canada. And she writes a weekly column in the Boston home LGBTQ newspaper Baywindows.
Monroe stated that her “columns are an interdisciplinary approach drawing on critical race theory, African American , queer and religious studies. As an religion columnist I try to inform the public of the role religion plays in discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. Because homophobia is both a hatred of the “other ” and it’s usually acted upon ‘in the name of religion,” by reporting religion in the news I aim to highlight how religious intolerance and fundamentalism not only shatters the goal of American democracy, but also aids in perpetuating other forms of oppression such as racism, sexism, classism and anti-Semitism.”
In inviting Monroe to speak at The United Nations International School at the UN they wrote “Rev. Monroe, your active role in the fight against homophobia and your written activism for human rights has truly made an impact on this world, as well as your theories on religion and homosexuality in the U.S.”
Monroe is a Visiting Scholar in the Religion and Conflict Transformation Program at Boston University School of Theology and she is the Boston voice for Detour’s African American Heritage Trail.
As an activist Monroe has received numerous awards: the 2015 Top 25 LGBT Power Players of New England Award by Boston Spirit Magazine and the Open Door Award for work with HIV/AIDS, Black Church and LGBTQ community; 2013 Bayard Rustin Service Award recipient, and GLAD 2012 Spirit of Justice awardee. She appears in the film For the Bible Tells Me So and was profiled in the Gay Pride episode of In the Life, an Emmy-nominated segment. She received the Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching several times while serving as head teaching fellow for the Rev. Peter Gomes.
Rev. David Wright
David Wright is the Executive Director of BMA TenPoint, which is a merger of the Black Ministerial Alliance and the Boston Ten Point Coalition, as well as an adjunct Professor at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary’s Boston Campus, Assistant to the Pastor at Peoples Baptist Church, and a board member of several other organizations in the city.