Introduction to Jewish Mindfulness Meditation


Introduction to Jewish Mindfulness Meditation

Program: Hebrew College Tamid
Instructor: Fran Zamore (Read Bio)
Dates: 6 Thursdays, Fall 2024: 10/31, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, & 12/12
Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m.  ET
Course fee: $180, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College
Registration:  Click here

Jewish tradition is filled with allusions to the benefits of mindfulness meditation. The aspirational tradition of saying 100 blessings a day encourages us to pay attention to what we are experiencing and then take a moment to notice and appreciate it. In this course, participants will gain an appreciation for meditation through a Jewish lens. This class will introduce participants to the principles of mindfulness meditation using a Jewish framework. Over the 6-week course, we will explore meditation focusing on breath — in Genesis God breaths life into Adam; body — using the notion of b’zelem ehohiem (humans in the image of God); sound — listen — the instruction from the Shema; lovingkindness — focusing of the attributes of chesed (expansive love), rachamim (compassion), simcha (joy), and shalom (peace/wholeness); meditation as a Shabbat moment. Each one-hour session will include teaching about meditation, a drash related to the week’s topic, and time in meditation followed by a discussion, with participants having an opportunity to share insights and observations and ask questions. Handouts will be emailed to participants to support them in establishing a daily meditation practice. Participants in this class will learn the benefits of mindfulness meditation, Jewish orientation to meditation, and several different ways to approach meditation.

For additional information and questions, contact the Hebrew College Tamid Team