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“Honor Your Father and Mother:” Fulfilling the Mitzvah With Our Aging Parents

holding hands

Course Title: Honor Your Father and Mother: Fulfilling the Mitzvah with Our Aging Parents
Program: Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning: Parenting and Grandparenting
Instructor: Deborah Anstandig
Dates:  February 11, 25; March 3, 17, 2024 (4 sessions)
Day and Time: Sundays, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom
Fee: $100 Financial Scholarships are available

Many of us have experienced the challenges and opportunities of supporting aging and ailing family members. The opportunity to care for our elders, especially our parents, can be a unique privilege, but also creates considerable challenges for both parent and child. In this course, we’ll encounter a variety of sources that explore the limitations and qualifications of the mitzvah to honor one’s parents. This poignant topic is open to people of all ages–regardless of whether you are currently supporting an aging parent.

Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning classes are for learners of all backgrounds.

Canadian and other registrants from outside the US: please email Cindy Bernstein to complete your registration. We apologize for the inconvenience.