
Rabbi Jeffrey Summit

Jewish learning Be Happy – It’s Adar! Really?

Teen Beit Midrash

Community Blog The Building of the Laser: An Halachic Purim Spiel

Naomi Gurt Lind

Exodus The Light that Remains

Joey Glick

Purim A Missing Moses – A Missing God – A Missing Spring

Parashat Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10) Every year at this time, I read Spring fo...

Sharon Cohen Anisfeld

Community Blog Responding to the tragedy in New Zealand

Friends, Our community awoke this past Friday morning to the horrifying news fro...

Holidays Uprooting Evil and Lifting Up Holiness on Shabbat and Purim

I don’t know about you, but it’s been a deep struggle for me to get into Pur...