
Holidays Planting the Seed of Eternity: A Meditation on Rosh Hashana and Our Planet

On Rosh Hashana, after every time we hear the sound of the shofar, we call out t...

Community Blog Why Is This Rosh Hashana Different? (Nitzavim/Vayelekh, Deut. 29:9-31:30)

The new Jewish year, 5775, which starts next Wednesday night, is not like most o...

Pluralistic Perspectives Beyond Tragedy and Despair: Emerging from Tisha b’Av

Death. Destruction. Suffering. Pain. Hate speech. Loss of moral footing. These w...

Pluralistic Perspectives Shavuot: Divine Light and Earthly Vessels

In preparing for the celebration of the holiday of Shavuot — “The Time of th...

Rabbi Or Rose

Seventy Faces of Torah Shavuot: Divine Light and Earthly Vessels

In preparing for the celebration of the holiday of Shavuot — “The Time of th...

Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld

Genesis Blessing Our Counting

In Jewish sacred time, this is the season of counting. Every day, from the secon...