
Holidays Matanot L’Evyonim – Giving and Receiving on Purim

Adar is here! Purim, with all its joy and merriment, is on its way.   As someo...

Genesis The Plague of Survivalism (Parshat Vayigash, Genesis 44:18–47:27)

The Jewish people have a knack for surviving, even in the face of great odds. So...

Hanukkah Do Not Turn Away From the Light: Joseph, Hanukkah and Racial Justice

At its most basic level, Hanukkah is a holiday about bringing light into the dar...

Passover The Long Journey of Cultivating Gratitude

This week, we celebrate Thanksgiving, which for many of us is less about gratitu...

Rachel Adelman

Holidays Marheshvan – In the Wake of the Floodwaters

And as I watch the drops of rain Weave their weary paths and die, I know that I ...

Holidays Sukkot: Staying a Little Bit Longer

My sukkah, my little holiday booth, is up. A few of my students came by today, p...