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Community Blog These Candles That We Light:
A Meditation on Sacred Uselessness

Hanukkah Chanukah Means Accepting All that is Offered

“I dwell in possibility,” Emily Dickinson once wrote. On Chanukah, the festi...

Community Blog The Truth(s) about Hanukkah

What is Hanukkah all about? There are many possible answers to this question; he...

Genesis The Plague of Survivalism (Parshat Vayigash, Genesis 44:18–47:27)

The Jewish people have a knack for surviving, even in the face of great odds. So...

Hanukkah Do Not Turn Away From the Light: Joseph, Hanukkah and Racial Justice

At its most basic level, Hanukkah is a holiday about bringing light into the dar...

Hanukkah Hanukkah and Parashat Vayigash: Living with the Dark After the Light

I woke in the dark this morning. It will be dark before I walk through my door a...